Rating:  Summary: At last Sci-Fi worth writing about Review: Not only has the sci fi genre been badly let down film, but collecting classics has been all to simple. At last now we have another to add to the shelf. A strong cast, an above average plot and great action all go to make this stand head and shoulders above any close comparisons (Mission to Mars, etc.) And boy is it a sonic ride. After the brief but relevant intro we step into the mayhem that insues following a solar flare, and the sub kicks in to action and the rear speakers fire up as the crew face upteem challenges that Mars will inevitably one day throw at us. Val Kilmer has his strongest ever role in this production, and Tom Sizemore is always great to watch - it's just a shame that Terence Stamp has to buy the farm so early! As the son of an SF writer it's good to see a passable movie adaptation of a Sci Fi theme. We want more!
Rating:  Summary: Red Warning Review: I bought Red Planet simply from a need to see a new science fiction film for the weekend. Knowing absolutely nothing about the story, I relied on the reputation of three key actors in the film to make my choice; Terence Stamp, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Val Kilmer. There is not much to say about Red Planet except that there are special effects. There is no story. On the journey from Earth to Mars, the conversations among the crew sound like a rehash of the crew dialogue from Aliens, when they have been wakened for their mission and are dining together. (Stamp), Chantilas in the movie, is the only exception and therefore an interesting character; a brilliant scientist on a spiritual quest. He explains to Gallagher (Kilmer), that to him, science could never answer any of the really "Interesting" questions in life. By this point I was hoping that this theme might be explored once the crew had landed on Mars, but unfortunately Chantilas is killed off minutes after the landing. The film starts with a voice over dialogue and ends the same way, with absolutely nothing worth watching between. After one viewing, this DVD is going to the local swap shop.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: When I heard about this movie, and heard that Val Kilmer and Carrie-Anne Moss were playing in it, I knew I just had to watch it. So I got the DVD and I watched it. And it was a great! I loved Val Kilmer and Carrie-Anne Moss, not so much the other actors. AMEE was pretty neat, too. It was pretty gruesome the part where one of the guys was killed by AMEE. Val Kilmer gets plenty of good and funny lines! Watch it for good excitement!
Rating:  Summary: a pleasant surpise - Aimee stole the show Review: While there were a lot of things that I didn't like about this movie, I enjoyed it much more that I first expected. Unfortunately, the movies biggest flaw is that the story seemed as if it was written in two parts by two completely different people working without any collaboration. Fortunately the weaker part is at the start of the movie. In the first "pre landing" section the plot build up was shallow and frankly did nothing for any of the actors - the dialogue was adolescent at best and seemed very gung ho "20 something" TV sitcom fare. It also lacked credibility in parts - for example: I seriously doubt that people trained for the first manned mission to Mars would lack of discipline, ( or be given the resources) to build a moonshine still on the ship and have an all hands party including the captain - come on guys --this belongs on a "friends" plot. However, if you can get through to the second part you will be rewarded. This main section of the movie was much better. The characters actually developed a little and the story, while somewhat predictable, was executed capably by the dwindling cast.They were supported by some great effects that were very subtle ( I loved the foil mapping device). Aimee the "Feline Terminator" was also excellently done: I wish we had seen a litle more of her. So while this is not the best SciFi I've ever seen, I have to say it was worth the price of admission - you just have to stick with it through the first half hour while the script and actors mature. -
Rating:  Summary: Looooooooosers In Space Review: Lets send a bunch of loosers to a planet inhabited by cockroaches and watch them all die one by one, well one gets tossed off the cliff however i personaly think he jumped after he saw the screener for his own movie. The robot was the only good thing about this movie the movie was no better than mission they both ...! The sad thing is that the days of alien are probrably long gone and all of the sci fi writing talent has gone as well. It just seems that movies are based soley any more on the content of thier special fx and the sad thing is a ot lof people seem to be rating with that as the first priority. My opinion is rent this one and get a bag of popcorn so you have something to toss your cookies into when you can't take this movie any more....
Rating:  Summary: another insult to sci-fi fans' intelligence Review: Kudos to Patrick Abbott, his review is right on. The entire premise revolves around a disaster to the Mars mother ship caused by a solar flare. That's right, an ordinary occurrence that barely effects objects orbiting Earth, all but destroys this magnificent ship of the future, which is a lot farther from the sun than Earth, and results in the ensuing events that take up the rest of the movie. Everything breaks, everything burns (they never explain what is burning, or how), everything that can go wrong does. You see, we need to populate Mars because by the year 2000, there is no room left here. Have you ever looked out the window of an airplane, and noticed how much empty land you see? But we have run out of it in this movie, thus the mission. Ridiculous premise, implausible events, banking on the scientific ignorance of the viewing public. Like Patrick says, stay away from this.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Escapism -I loved it Review: I'll keep this short. I rented both Mars Movies. This had a fun and admittedly hoaky premise but it held my attention because the Director tried to keep it somewhat believable. Earth is ruined=hoaky. Mars is the Future=Fun. Breathable atmosphere=hoaky. Rescue dependent on repairing earlier broken unmanned craft=fun. They could have taken the high road more and avoided smug cliches but I still think this is satisfying if you've got Mars on the Brain
Rating:  Summary: BAD Movie Review: Space Janitor Pat and Thomas do a GREAT movie! And it gets exciting when... Oh wait, Thats version I made up to entertain myself during the movie. Anyway, somehow people get killed on the spaceship so they go to Mars. Where the die one by one. Stay away from this!
Rating:  Summary: Want to burn 2 hours? It beats invasive surgery! Review: This movie really deserved 2.5 stars; it's neither terrible, nor is it really any good. Bad news first: the script is truly bad (this movie sets a new standard in predictability - within 5 minutes of the beginning, anyone with a brain could predict the rest of the plot, almost down to the dialogue). Now the good news: the (very good) cast makes the most of a terrible script. Val Kilmer is pretty good, Carrie-Anne Moss is better, Benjamin Bratt is ok (doing his best with a completely one-dimensional character), Tom Sizemore is fine (again, terrible lines limit what he can do). Terence Stamp does a terrific job(as always), although his character seems to serve absolutely no purpose to the plot. One wonders why in the world his character is even on the ship, and then you remember; of course, he is here to be the first one to die on the planet! (Since there is no african-american character to die first). The effects in the movie are pretty good, but we Americans are getting jaded by CG graphics and effects, so they just aren't enough to sell this mediocre movie. This is one that this sci-fi fan felt obligated to see once. I won't bother seeing it again.
Rating:  Summary: WAIT FOR ALIEN 5 INSTEAD Review: After suffering through DePalma's "Mission to Mars", I thought I'd better give this one a chance. Why not, since our library has recently stocked their shelves with dvds? It sure beats the price of a rental. This is also an only-for-hard-core-sci-fi-fans flick, and nothing else. The element of a hi-tech robot gone awry just doesn't work anymore, ever since the Lost in Space TV series. The well-seasoned actors can't save this production, making one fast foward certain scenes (you got to figure maybe that's why Terrance Stamp was to be the first to go). It's disappointing to say the least. The only good space flicks ever made are the ALIEN series. Like Mission to Mars, I can't recommend Red Planet to anyone.