Rating:  Summary: STOP COMPARING! Review: I am amazed at these reviews written here. People compare this movie way too much. Yes, Mission to Mars may have been a "smarter" film directed by an experienced well established director. But let's face it, with the exception of some great commercials, Red Planet is a first movie for this new director and quite frankly-it really isn't half bad. If I have to compare, I would say this movie has comparable quality to any major sci-fi movie out there. It definately surpasses any made-for-tv movie and it has a believable story and a believable ending (two points seriously lacking in Mission to Mars). Don't get me wrong, this movie has some serious script problems but this movie has a strong cast that delivers their characters without a hitch. I am a huge fan of Terence Stamp and Val Kilmer and quite frankly Carrie Anne Moss is the one of the hottest actresses to come along since Sandra Bullock and Natasha Henstridge. I do have to agree with a comment made by an earlier reviewer, I was glad they kill off Benjamin Bratt early in the film because he was just plain annoying in this movie. Tom Sizemore is way cool though and has a good strong character in this film. Don't listen to the useless reviews placed here, this movie is total eye candy and will make a great addition to any sci-fi collection.
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining and smart! Review: Red Planet is a movie that is not just mindless nothing. It is a smart, stylish, and well made movie. it dragged a little and needed a little more character development but no movie is perfect. it was better that Mission to Mars(which i thought was good). it had more suspense and action. the acting was very good. Val Kilmer and Carrie Ann Moss were especially great and they had chemistry. Tom Sizmore(saving private ryan) also catches your attention. one of the best acpects of the film was how they showed the connection between Kilmer's and Moss's characters. it had a very interesting storyline Why can they breath on Mars? it had a great suplot with AMEE a robot turned against them-who is trying to kill them. overall red planet was very entertaining. I think it is one of the better sci-fi movies to come around in resent years. because it didn't try to be all action adn no plot. it wanted to make you think as well as entertain you. Any sci-fi fan will appreciate this and want to see the movie again because of it. i recommend this movie to anyone who loves sci-fi and anyone who wants to see a good movie. Red Planet is a rare treat and should not be missed.
Rating:  Summary: Soporific space opera Review: Every astronaut on NASA's team must have blushed with shame at seeing this pitiful rendition of their abilities. Set on a partially "terra-formed" Mars, so that the stranded team doesn't have to wear EVA helmets for the length of this tedious film, five men - quickly pared down to three, then two, then . . . struggle to survive. As if the lack of food, water and story line weren't enough, there's a rabid rover that strives to do them in. In a sense, the rover is the only one with any acting ability. Its quick-change mode of operation, baleful countenance and dedication to destruction at least provide it focus. The humans, by contrast, fumble about the landscape, perform feats of derring-do, sink into sloughs of despair and surrender to base instincts. All the while trying to convince us they are real people.Is there one heroic figure? Ah, yes! Far above struggles [what else] the heroinic commander [i'm not making this up!] of the expedition, Carrie-Anne Moss. Not reachable by AMMEE the Rampant Robot, C-AM must emulate Sigourney Weaver's role in her efforts to subdue a recalcitrant space ship. C-AM has the help Sigourney lacked in the voice of the ship's computer. Sultry, soothing, empowering, this computer voice REALLY communicates. What its technical abilities are remain a mystery throughout the film. Perhaps the best dialogue of the film is C-AM and the computer arguing. Sigourney would be as embarrassed as those NASA astronauts. There's little chance this review can give away much about the plot. There's so little of one, and the elements are cadged from a multitude of sources any SF fan will recognise in moments. To call the performances wooden is to insult whole forests. Speculative Fiction has enough of a quest achieving mainstream acceptance without disasters like this setting back the genre further. There are countless stories out there awaiting filming - a Canadian author's work comes immediately to mind. Come North, Hollywood, where real plots abound. But please don't take our lumber, put in front of a camera, and call it acting. [stephen a. haines - Ottawa, Canada]
Rating:  Summary: Mars not at its best... Review: The year is 2025, because humans have continuously poisoned the Earth, Mars was picked as a suitable place for colonization. For the past 20 years probes have been sent to Mars in an effort to grow algaes and by greenhouse effect to create breathable oxygen on the planet, now a team has bee sent to Mars to check how everything is going, their mission can mean the life and death for the people of Earth. Sounds interesting? I thought so, although the whole colonization thing is nothing new, but from what I've seen of the trailer peaked my interest. Basically when the Mars crew reaches its destination, everything went haywired, and AMEE the robot sent along to help navigate the terrain, became a killing machine after a crash landing. A good premise, but a poor execution. Carrie-Anne Moss plays Commander Kate Bowman, a strong and capable individual from the Navy assigned to lead the Mars team, I (and along with many others) really liked her performance in the Matrix, and she did a good job here in the Red Planet. The problem though is that she's not in the picture a lot, but nonetheless I enjoyed watching Moss tackling a different role than her previous movies. Val Kilmer is Robbie Gallagher, the Mechanical Engineer on the ship, and as always Val seemed charming and often witty. Overall there isn't enough character development in the movie, and it might be hard to identify with them throughout the film. As expected there are a lot of cool effects, AMEE is especially spectacular, it moves like a feline and fights like a martial artist, definitely a formiddable opponent. The score fits the eerie environment on Mars but nothing too memorable. Red Planet was a fun and enjoyable experience, but ultimately a forgettable one.
Rating:  Summary: Yawn...how many more times can they make the same movie? Review: If you've seen any of the following films, then don't waste your time with "Red Planet": 1. Armageddon 2. The Core 3. Apollo 13 4. Independence Day 5. Any "beat the clock & save the planet/city" sci-fi flick made since 1990 that I didn't bother watching. Out of all of these, "Apollo 13" is the best, simply because it's a true story that was made with emotional honesty and a compelling narrative. Here's everything you need to know about "Red Planet": -the best actor (Terrence Stamp) the dies first -Val Kilmer and Carrie-Ann Moss are in it -plot of "Apollo 13" + wonky environmental pop-science + visuals from "2001" + Mars + a funky robot who goes all "HAL" = "Red Planet" Plot synopsis: In an attempt to terraform Mars because Earth is so polluted, the "international community" has been seeding Mars with large algae mats to make its atmosphere more human-friendly. Something goes wrong, and a team is dispatched to Mars to investigate. As they enter Mars' orbit, the ship is exposed to a large solar flare, which fries much of its circuitry. Most of the crew go to the Mars surface, with the pilot staying on-board to try to save the ship. The crew jettisons the landing gear and lands, fatally injuring the surgeon/philosopher. The survivors march to a nearby base previously set up by un-manned missions. The base is kaput. One survivor kills another without the others knowing it. They discover that they can breathe the air. The pilot tells them that if they can get to an old unmanned rover several hours away, they can make it back to the ship. Along the way, one survivor goes nuts and is killed by a damaged robot navigator (jettisoned with the landing gear) and some bugs. The biogeneticist figures out why the air is breathable and kills himself before the bugs can eat him. Meanwhile, the pilot has repaired the ship. The lone survivor gets to the rover, fights the robot, steals its battery, and makes it back to the ship. End of story. There. In 15 sentences (including "end of story"), I have told you THE WHOLE STUPID MOVIE. That's it. There's nothing else to know about this movie. The premise of the conflict is wholly absurd and serves as the engine of a barely-mediocre flick. In order to make near-future sci-fi compelling. the science must be relatively sound. So here are the two big science stinkers (leaving aside the whole atmosphere issue) that make this movie wholly implausible: 1. There are things called circuit breakers and other safety devices to prevent power surges from frying stuff. All satellites and space equipment using solar panels have these devices and have survived many many solar flares. Why would they build a ship without these precautions? 2. None of the Mars survivors consumed water once they reached the surface. With demanding physical activity and little-to-no atmospheric moisture, they would have died of dehydration sometime during the second march, if not on the first day. Don't waste your time with this movie. Rent something good. Heck, if you just have to see bad sci-fi, watch "Jason X" - the visuals are just as good, and you'll be much more entertained. This movie gets 2 stars for graphical competence and having Terence Stamp utter a few lines. Can I have my money back?
Rating:  Summary: Good flick, just needs some characters Review: I am a SF junkie and will watch just about anything - even if I don't like it. Red Planet - With Carrie Moss, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore and Terrance Stamp - isn't in that category but it teeters at times. The special effects are not bad. The science IS bad, and inconsistant, but since this is a movie and not a documentary, so I suppose that's allowable. I would have loved to see more Terrance Stamp. The relationships between the crew are not well explained and take unexpected turns here and there. The flashback- oh yeah - this happened - scene to explain the Kilmer-Moss relationship irritated me. Why on earth (or Mars) not show it as it happened - then we might all understand the situation. At times, I was wondering "Why are they acting like this?" Not bad - SF fans will still like it - keep expectations low. Mike
Rating:  Summary: STOP COMPARING! Review: I am amazed at these reviews written here. People compare this movie way too much. Yes, Mission to Mars may have been a "smarter" film directed by an experienced well established director. But let's face it, with the exception of some great commercials, Red Planet is a first movie for this new director and quite frankly-it really isn't half bad. If I have to compare, I would say this movie has comparable quality to any major sci-fi movie out there. It definately surpasses any made-for-tv movie and it has a believable story and a believable ending (two points seriously lacking in Mission to Mars). Don't get me wrong, this movie has some serious script problems but this movie has a strong cast that delivers their characters without a hitch. I am a huge fan of Terence Stamp and Val Kilmer and quite frankly Carrie Anne Moss is the one of the hottest actresses to come along since Sandra Bullock and Natasha Henstridge. I do have to agree with a comment made by an earlier reviewer, I was glad they kill off Benjamin Bratt early in the film because he was just plain annoying in this movie. Tom Sizemore is way cool though and has a good strong character in this film. Don't listen to the useless reviews placed here, this movie is total eye candy and will make a great addition to any sci-fi collection.
Rating:  Summary: Yawn...how many more times can they make the same movie? Review: If you've seen any of the following films, then don't waste your time with "Red Planet": 1. Armageddon 2. The Core 3. Apollo 13 4. Independence Day 5. Any "beat the clock & save the planet/city" sci-fi flick made since 1990 that I didn't bother watching. Out of all of these, "Apollo 13" is the best, simply because it's a true story that was made with emotional honesty and a compelling narrative. Here's everything you need to know about "Red Planet": -the best actor (Terrence Stamp) the dies first -Val Kilmer and Carrie-Ann Moss are in it -plot of "Apollo 13" + wonky environmental pop-science + visuals from "2001" + Mars + a funky robot who goes all "HAL" = "Red Planet" Plot synopsis: In an attempt to terraform Mars because Earth is so polluted, the "international community" has been seeding Mars with large algae mats to make its atmosphere more human-friendly. Something goes wrong, and a team is dispatched to Mars to investigate. As they enter Mars' orbit, the ship is exposed to a large solar flare, which fries much of its circuitry. Most of the crew go to the Mars surface, with the pilot staying on-board to try to save the ship. The crew jettisons the landing gear and lands, fatally injuring the surgeon/philosopher. The survivors march to a nearby base previously set up by un-manned missions. The base is kaput. One survivor kills another without the others knowing it. They discover that they can breathe the air. The pilot tells them that if they can get to an old unmanned rover several hours away, they can make it back to the ship. Along the way, one survivor goes nuts and is killed by a damaged robot navigator (jettisoned with the landing gear) and some bugs. The biogeneticist figures out why the air is breathable and kills himself before the bugs can eat him. Meanwhile, the pilot has repaired the ship. The lone survivor gets to the rover, fights the robot, steals its battery, and makes it back to the ship. End of story. There. In 15 sentences (including "end of story"), I have told you THE WHOLE STUPID MOVIE. That's it. There's nothing else to know about this movie. The premise of the conflict is wholly absurd and serves as the engine of a barely-mediocre flick. In order to make near-future sci-fi compelling. the science must be relatively sound. So here are the two big science stinkers (leaving aside the whole atmosphere issue) that make this movie wholly implausible: 1. There are things called circuit breakers and other safety devices to prevent power surges from frying stuff. All satellites and space equipment using solar panels have these devices and have survived many many solar flares. Why would they build a ship without these precautions? 2. None of the Mars survivors consumed water once they reached the surface. With demanding physical activity and little-to-no atmospheric moisture, they would have died of dehydration sometime during the second march, if not on the first day. Don't waste your time with this movie. Rent something good. Heck, if you just have to see bad sci-fi, watch "Jason X" - the visuals are just as good, and you'll be much more entertained. This movie gets 2 stars for graphical competence and having Terence Stamp utter a few lines. Can I have my money back?
Rating:  Summary: There's life on the red planet after all Review: Val Kilmer (Robby Gallagher) and Carrie-Anne Moss (Cmdr. Kate Bowman)star in this futuristic sci-fi thriller "Red Planet". When I sat down to watch this Dvd I was not expecting much but was pleasantly surprised. I'm a big fan of Val Kilmer, (at least in the Ghost and the Darkness and I also thought he made an excellent Batman). Red Planet is one of the better sci-fi films of the last few years and held my attention from start to finish. Red Planet tells the story of astronauts going to Mars in order to collonize it. The adventure really begins when there robot AIMEE goes postal. It's a very entertaining film that also boast some interesting dialogue on philisophical issues. Also stars Benjamin Bratt, Tom Sizemore and the always interesting Terance Stamp. Very good special effects and and interesting screenplay make this a worthwhile movie to watch. Thanks for reading.
Rating:  Summary: better than you think Review: Yes,its another mission to mars,everything screws up when we arrive sci-fi flick.But, it is a very good one.The cast is cool,val kilmer,tom sizemore and carrie ann moss who is so much more sexy @ alive here than she was in the matrix trilogy.the co-stars are wasted,because the movie feels cutdown a bit.The crew must escape one hopeless situation after another while being chased by their damaged navigational robot. The DVD has only deleted scenes,no trailers or anything else.of the mars flicks this is my favorite next to ghosts of mars.