Rating:  Summary: Time Changer Review: i think this is one of the best christan movies thats on the screen today..everyone should see this movie..
Rating:  Summary: wait a minute... Review: i thought Time Changer was a pretty good movie with an interesting plot... not as dynamic as the Omega Code or other TBN productions, but it was okay. Yeah some of the acting was pretty cheesy, but i still liked the movie.
the only thing that kept me wondering about this movie was Dr. Carlisle's last scene in the modern world. he avoided being taken back to the police station with the two men by saying that Jesus was coming soon (that wasn't a direct lie because in the movie he IS coming soon). then when the portal or whatever opens to take him back to 1890, he says that jesus HAS come and he's taking him...leaving the two men to believe that they had been left behind. Wouldn't he be sinning by lying to the men, even if he did have a good reason?
i don't know. but i think this is a quality Christian family movie and is definitely worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Prophesy Foretold Review: If there ever was a movie that displayed our world's situation today illustrating how our morals and churches have deteriorated, this is truly the movie to see. Although, the movie is using a fictional device of a time machine to illustrate how the world's moral and Christian attitudes have changed over the last 100 years, it enhances the true fulfilling of some prophesies of the Bible taking place. The people of the future have become acclimated to the sins of the world and are cold hearted and insensitive of how it is affecting future generations of their day. The comparison of the life of Christians during the 1890's compared to those of 2000 is shocking to the young theological professor who is transported in time by his colleague to illustrate that the authority and meaningfulness of Jesus Christ in our lives have been lost. Truly as he said prior to his return back to 1890 he was a messenger sent from God to warn the people of the future of the deterioration of their Christian and moral values in life. Noah did the same thing in his days before judgment fell upon the earth. This movie should be shown in churches throughout the United States to demonstrate that we truly are living in the last days where sin is rampant before us and many have forgotten the purpose of Jesus Christ in our lives, which is to lead us out of a world of sin.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie with an Even Greater Message Review: If you are a pure heartfelt Bible based Christian I can assure that you will enjoy this movie. I'm not much of a fan of the "Left Behind" books & movies that are so popular today because they do not quite deal with the issue of the condition of the heart. This movie does. It has a great message that you can actually use as a witnessing tool to open the eyes and hearts of non-believers and especially young children and teenagers. Not to mention if you are a fan of the vintage Sci-Fi "Time Machine" movies you'll enjoy the feel of this movie in that regard also. Growing up a Sci-Fi fan and a Christian this movie had it all for me. Great Story and an even better message that gave me a reality check in it's Bible based truth. Buy this movie and be sure to share it......You'll be glad you did!!! To me the message of this movie is what it's all about.
Rating:  Summary: A Theological Mixed Bag Review: In spite of the director's honorable Christian convictions, this movie is a very poor attempt at Christian film making. It contains much naivete (historical and theological). Historically, it makes the false assumption that the 1890s were a "holier" time than our day (this may be true in some respects, but not in every respect). Theologically, while the movie portrays the Saviorhood of Christ in a generally accurate manner (in spite of its use of a wide variety of Christian cliches), this portrayal is destroyed by placing Christ's person and work in the context of "end times" mania; i.e., the "any moment" rapture (Lord, take us out of this mess called the world!) which is the fad of modern evangelicalism. I would recommend that those reviewers who rate this movie in the 4 to 5 star range rent/buy/see the PBS movie entitled "Agent of Grace" - the story of the German Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945). Here is an example of excellent film making - it tells the story of how Bonhoeffer applied the Christian faith (minus any Christian cliches) in very dark times (Nazi Germany). He did not pray, "Lord, take me out of this mess called the world." Instead, he looked past the darkness of the present to hope for the future in terms of the triumph of the Cross. Compare and contrast "Time Changer" with "Agent of Grace" and then ask yourself, "Are these two movies speaking of the same Christ or different Christs?"
Rating:  Summary: An Important Message of Our Age from the Past Review: In the history of film, few Christian movies have really made an impact with a profound message like 'Time Changer' has since it's release. It's a mixture in the genre of Christian, sci-fi and drama. In the year 1890 a Bible professor, Russell Carlisle (D. David Morin) has written a new manuscript, "The Changing Times." Carlisle's book is about to be unanimously endorsed from the Grace Bible Seminary board until his colleague Dr. Norris Anderson (Gavin MacLeod) raises an objection. If we remove Jesus' authority. There are no standard of living. Satan's goal is to remove Jesus Christ from human morality from all aspects of life. Dr. Anderson believes that what Carlisle has written could greatly affect the future of coming generations. Anderson persistance of a sceptical Carlisle journey into the future pays off. Using a secret time machine, Anderson transports Carlisle over 100 years into the future to the year 2002. In the future, Carlisle is offered a glimpse of where his beliefs will lead. Once Carlisle enterd into our present time, he experiences things that shock and dismay him. He meets Eddie Martinez (Paul Rodriquez), a good guy who says it's all he needs to get by. Carlisle quickly learn the way of modern society. He visits a modern day church and witnesses it's new doctrine of teaching. Carlisle also visits the University Library on the advisory of Dr. Anderson to meet and tlak with Michelle Bain (Jennifer O'Neill). His meeting with her is an eye-opener. In the meantime he meets with some other interested parties while attending a movie at a local theater. During their conversation, Carlisle gives these two fellows some lead about his past and a clue that send them in an investigative trail about Carlisle's mysterious origins. Back at the University Library, he lectures to a class and relates Dr. Anderson's teachings in relation to Jesus Christ. The teacher rebuts Carlisle and tells him that his lecture on religion is not allowed. With Carlisle's disappointed it was worser than he could imagine. Carlisle has another meeting with Michelle Bain while back in his room the undercover men break in to find his bible dated 1865. In his discussion with Ms. Bain, she tells him society's not built on biblical principles anymore (based on the ruling of the Supreme Court of 1962 ending school prayer). A sign of the times. People rely on their own goodness that can't save them. In relation to her own life, Bain had success but emptiness. She found God is patient. Her work at the library gave her a chance to tell people about Christ. Secular entertainment is the biggest tool Satan uses to mislead people. He desensitizes us through profanity, violence and sexual immorality. Even with cleaner morals, Satan is the deceptor who kept Jesus Christ from society. The fear of God is beginning of wisdom and if we don't what can we expect. A prayerful Carlisle sees his wrong. On his last night he's asked to speak at a church meeting. He shares with these people some matters of the heart. Matters of culture different from theirs. The lifestyle he observed was startling. He quotes from 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Society is blanant and open as much as in the days of Noah. Through his own fault we try to reform the teachings of the Lord without the Lord of the teachings. Jesus died for our sins. Our eternity depends on it. Society will go through troubled times. Carlisle leaves them in silence. He says goodbye to Eddie and gives him a bible and Christ's message. He hurries to the designated place of return. The men who had been following him show up. They're in for the surprise of their lives! He vanishes in the speed of light. Carlisle is back in 1890. He tells Dr. Anderson he was wrong in his thinking. Without Christ people are lost. Could he have witnessed the last days? Carlisle presented his new manuscript to the Seminary Board called "Time Changer." Time must change or time as we know it will end. Over 1900 years ago Christ came to save us and complete the task of salvation. How far could one go into the future to witness the last days? 2090-2080-2070-2060-? The future is in God's hands. A spectacular movie I highly recommend.
Rating:  Summary: The New World of Christian Film Review: It's about time someone made a movie like this. A Christian film that is not ashamed to be a Christian film, but boldly holds forth its message of strong faith. It is time for Christians to stop being fair-weather believers and be all-weather believers, and this movie truly drives this point home. The plot: A seminary professor, Russell Carlisle from the 1890s, played by D. David Morin, has written a book entitled, "The Changing Times." The college board members (the dean, by the way, is played very well by Hal Linden) are on their way to approving it, except that Dr. Norris Anderson (played by Gavin MacLeod) raises objections. How can Christian morals be promoted, he asks, without Christ behind the morals? His words are only too true, though Carlisle is very offended. Teaching morals without Christ raises children who become what Christ Himself referred to as "whitewashed sepulchres." That is to say, tombs that are beautiful to behold on the outside, but within are filled with rottenness and decay. These are the Taj Mahals works without faith create, and this movie is not ashamed of this fact. At any rate, Carlisle and Anderson have a strong disagreement about Carlisle's book, and the only way they can settle it is for Anderson to send Carlisle forward in time, to see the results of his teaching. Of course, we know that no time machine has been invented, but that does not signify. We can use our imaginations, and open our minds to this impossibility that the strong message can be spoken. This movie is not intended to be accurate about scientific advances, it is intended to make one think. And what could be so bad about thinking? In the future, 2002, Carlisle discovers how "white washed" the world has become. He sees that the 5% divorce rate of 1890 has become the 50% divorce rate of 2002. He sees people everywhere who are "good people," who trust works rather than faith. He sees that Christ is no longer allowed in the schools. He sees the immorality of the young people, and the unblushing immorality on the movie screen, which is tolerated willingly by Christians. He sees that there is no future like the present - and that the present is dangerously wrong. The experience changes his perspective, and on his return to his own time, he is no longer the same person, and thus changes the title of his book to, "The Time Changer." At the end of the movie, Gavin MacLeod leaves us thinking, as he experiments with his machine to see how far into the future he can send a Bible. He starts with 2100, and the Bible will not leave - for by then the world had ended. He keeps working closer and closer to our own time, though we do not see where he ends. But it makes you think - the time is short, and Christians need to do something about it! My only objections to the movie: 1. Yes, some of the acting was stiff. I thought it was particularly stiff in the beginning, where Morin did not seem quite comfortable in his character of a compromising professor, and several of the board members were rather stiff, as well. There was also far too much laughing at puns that were less than hilarious. I thought Morin's acting improved as the movie went on, though he did still have some stiff moments. Some of his stiffness could, of course, be attributed to his character being an uptight, proper 1890s gentleman, a bit of a "stick-in-the-mud." But some of his stiffness was, indeed, too much. There were several moments in the movie that seemed "hokey," and some puns that were rather weak, i.e., "When did you live, the 1890s or something?" (No one specifies the '90s as specifically as being distinctive from any other 19th century decade. They'd more likely ask if he were from the 19th century, just as a generality, and this would have done just as well.) There are generally funny moments as Carlisle is exploring the wonders of the modern world, and here Morin's facial expressions are very good. All in all, this is a fabulous Christian movie. No, not perfect, but since when was perfection a requirement? Nobody's perfect. The message is very strong, and very timely, and I believe all Christians would do well to watch it. Open your mind, set aside million-dollar expectations, and prepare to be impacted. The world is straying from Christ, and Christians are relinquishing their position. This is the future. The time is now.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME Review: It's apparent that the Amazon.com reviewer didn't get it. Strident message? Well, DUH! That's what makes this such an awesome movie (not to downplay the awesome story and wonderful acting). Christians have become complacent and way too compliant and too often bend over to the politically correct nonsense of our day when they should be taking a stand in the power of Christ. Christ IS coming back whether people want to believe it or not. Unbelief in God doesn't cause Him to cease existing. This movie renewed my spirit and convicted me to live out my beliefs with the same unabashed fervor of Professor Carlisle. What a wonderful lesson and message this movie brings to Christians and non-Christians in these last days.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST!! Review: Not only is Time Changer one of the best christian movies I've seen, it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. Great story, wonderful screenplay and a strong message. Time Changer is about a 1800's preacher who travels through time to today and is amazed by the lack of morality. With today's reality tv polluting our screens and total disregard for God and morality, this is an important film. Thanks for reading and please buy this and show it to your friends.
Rating:  Summary: What if you could get offended by everything you see? Review: ONE MAN WILL! Ok this is such a baptist movie. All it is is watching a rule loving freak geting offended by everything in the future. I think this movie is funny, but I still hate it. If you watch this movie and enjoy it...FORSHAME!