Rating:  Summary: A good film Review: I liked this film because it was simple and direct. I watched this on TV one night when I had trouble sleeping. I turned on the TV and hoped the noise would help me sleep.Time Changer was on and it got me so interested I stayed up to watch the entire movie.I would recommend this highly to other Christians.
Rating:  Summary: Our families favorite movie Review: All of our family - mom, dad, 15 year old son, 12 year old daughter and 10 year old son - all loved this movie!! It's a great movie for showing with friends - in fact, we invited my 10 year old son's soccer team and parents to watch it!!! They all loved it!!! This movie is not only very entertaining - but it makes you look at your world with new eyes - not take so many things for granted. Sometimes I think we have become hardened to the things around us. It also reminded us of the Beverly Hillbillies when they moved to Beverly Hills and so many things were new to them. As a Christian parent, I am saddened about the movies that parents allow their children to see. This movie helps others see why Jesus should be not only their Savior, but the role model for themselves and their children. BUY THIS MOVIE and share it with all your friends - this world needs more movies like this one!!! It's a funny, entertaining movie that makes you think, laugh and learn about ourselves, the depth of our faith and our world around us.
Rating:  Summary: Ministry with a Zing! Review: Although the premise is on time travel, the story is credible in the "what-if" scenario. The story line is on a professor of bible studies at Grace Seminary in 1890. He is attempting to get one of his works published and needs the coveted endorsement of the seminary where he teaches. He has all board memebers' approval except one. Here, the story gets better. He has some extended conversations with the professor who refuses to give his endorsement and both characters are at odds with one another. Eventually, the professor (David Morin) must decide for himself why his work is not quite "up to par" with the antagonist professor Anderson (Gavin McLeod). To prove his point, professor Anderson sends the irritated Carlisle into the future to test his "works" and make the decision for himself. The acting in the movie are good to excellent. Most of the stars in the movie are comfortable in their roles, especially Jennifer O'Neil, who gives a 4 minute take on the movie industry, in which she once worked in, in her role of Christian librarian (since she is Christian in real life, I suspect she was also revealing her Christian background in her role). Her part was small for such a star of her caliber. Hal Linden, Richard Reihle, Paul Rodriguez and Gavin McLeod give good performances. There were some "holes" that should have been filled in a longer version of the film, but trying to keep it at an hour and half, the film makes the story a little "less filling" than it should be. The story could have been longer and certainly more entertaining with its special effects. But, ultimately, the story has a very strong message and that is that Jesus Christ is THE only answer. This may offend some people but this is, after all, a Christian movie that is geared for those who are either teetering on their faith or those who need to hear the "truth." This Christian film is Hollywood quality (albeit, no where near the production levels of some of the major multi-million dollar films), and the film making of Rich Christiano is excellent. I highly recomment the film, if only to have a "readjustment" of your personal views or to have some of your family and friends view it to evangelize. Overall, the film is of high quality and strong Christian-based values and morals.
Rating:  Summary: Provocative and Life Changing!!! Review: Depending on your penchant for time travel, this film may or may not appeal to you. But if you're like I am, and you liked "The Time Machine," this is a nice addition to this genre.
Dating back to 1890, we have a professor (D. David Morin) who wants to get a book published, and he needs a complete unanimous decision by the Grace Chapel School of Theology. There's only problem, however, Dr. Anderson (Gavin Macleod) doesn't want to promote the book because of a portion of the book which deals with just promoting "moral values" without the authority of Christ.
This is an intriguing idea, and Dr. Anderson finally sways Dr. Carlisle (Morin) to visit him at his home so he can persuade him, only he sends him on a "journey" to the year 2000, where he sees where his ideas will ultimately end up - in total disaster.
This was a marvelous piece of film making, and it provided a change from such movies of the past, by not showing how bad the society had changed in 110 years in the future. This was very encouraging. We could all surmise what Dr. Carlisle discovered. Also, there was a great liking for his character, and a sadness which he encountered, especially with "professed Christians" who apparently denied the power of Christ by the way they lived their lives and accomodated the culture around them.
A highly recommended film, and a wake-up call to Christians and those outside the faith. Make sure of your commitment to Christ, because He is coming soon, and He will only take those who have truly repented of their sins and have received Him by faith into their lives!!!
Jennifer O'Neill has a really nice part as a librarian at a local college, and he not only helps Dr. Carlisle, but Dr. Anderson before him. And she is totally believable in her part.
Rating:  Summary: A message we all could benefit from Review: Even without much special effects, you feel drawn into this movie for it's realism. In this movie you see many of the traits that at least America(I have yet to travel overseas) has in society. Unlike many movies that leave you with a "good time" feeling, this one makes you wonder where are society is really going. In it's own way this movie was very intense, sort of like watching the movie "Signs" before going to sleep.
Rating:  Summary: riveting movie Review: have this on dvd
and must watch it again
it goes to show you that time really only changes around you
amaizng plot
great acting
really a rather interesting story this movie has
give this movie a spin if you haven't already
Rating:  Summary: Drek Review: I exited watching the flick a little over half-way through, having figured out I'd been decieved into a Fundamentalist propaganda meeting. Deception being a bad thing, by the way. What struck me is the amount of falsehood presented as fact in the movie and the amount of hypocracy it took to create it. Not only would the science involved with time travel have been shelved by a Fundamentalist "scientist" because it would involve things such as accepting the ancient age of the earth, but the claims of the religious nature of the start of this country are patently obvious to anyone who has actually sat down and *read* our Constitution. Apparently it is OK to use technology which invalidates the belief in the inerrancy of the book (like time-travel or the movie industry itself) to promote the inerrancy of the book. Hypocritic, propagandic, deceptive drivel. The flash of time-travel was pretty, though. Too bad one can't give it 0 stars.
Rating:  Summary: What in God's name was this? Review: I have seen movies that people claim to be Christian, but I walked away from this wanting to go buy some faith. I wanted to go walk into a church of Christ, give some money, and save my soul. This wasn't a movie, this was an infomercial. I have never wanted more in my life to grab my King James bible and throw it as hard as I could to the television set and try to hit the main character to inflict harm. I was hoping, by some grace of God, that bible would travel through the television and hit them all; the stars, the camera people, the director, the producer, and the studio, which backed this fiction. This movie left me thinking that Captains' Stubing and Miller were sentenced to community service by another who judges man more harshly than the Christ. The main character (Russell Carlisle) was ignorant of the times around him in 1890. The Civil War ended with an assignation of a President in 1865 (which is the same year as he was given his bible), the James clan was robbing trains and banks, and the west had already transformed itself to wild, just to name a few. This "man" has the audacity of coming to my time to tell me that I am wicked?? I think not. He needed to go back to the captains and insist them all to go on a pilgrimage to the Wild West and spread the gospel. That would have been God's will. If you watched this "movie" and liked it, then I feel sorry for you. The 21st century was not accurately portrayed in any stretched of the imagination, let alone the directors. You cannot make a movie about the "times" without showing the times you speak of. Finally, I would like to quote two anonymous people, "That is 95 minutes that I will never get back." and "I feel dumber having listened to this..... I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul".
Rating:  Summary: Good movie! Review: I just watched this movie for the second time and liked it better than ever. In a world that's increasingly filled with sin, in secret and in the open, this movie is a refreshing, entertaining movie with no profanity, sex, or violence. More than that, it has a deep and soul-searching message. Can good morals save a person? Who determines morals, anyway?
Despite some weak acting on the part of a few in this movie, overall the acting was good. Paul Rodriguez was my favorite and seemed the most realistic actor. Hal Linden, Gavin MacLeod, and Jennifer O'Neill also put in good performances.
Great movie, overall!
Rating:  Summary: This scared me off Review: I read a review over at this other web site and I think I know I have to stay away from this movie.