Rating:  Summary: Solaris Defines Cinematic Art Review: The word "movie" simply doesn't do justice to this masterpiece of Cinematic Art. The score is graceful and appropriately haunting, yet totally mesmerizing. This is a Love Story of the greatest emotional and spiritiual depth, not a "sci-fi" movie in any traditional sense. If you watch Solaris with that expectation and misconception, you will completely miss the significance of this beautiful and unique film.
Rating:  Summary: A Literary Sci-Fi Exploration Review: Solaris is NOT your typical science-fiction film. This isn't Star Wars. This is a literary science-fiction movie that only Steven Soderbergh could have created. Clooney plays a man who enters a ship that had gone astray for quite some time. The first thing he sees upon entering the ship is a puddle of blood, an omen of things to come. He will soon realize that there is something very, very wrong about this ship and its crew. It seems that the ship has the ability of making you experience some memories of the past you hold dear. In Clooney's case, he becomes haunted by his deceased wife. When she comes back to the ship, without knowing what has happened to her, Clooney's love for the woman resurfaces. Soon, he is trapped in a psychological game of poker, where every single one of this opponents are invisible entities that might or might not want to harm him. What do these ghosts want? What does the ship want? Don't expect frights. Don't expect intergallactical battles. What you should expect is a taut, psychological experience that will leave you completely breathless. This is the kind of film created to make you think. It is the kind of film that haunts you long after you've finished watching it. I loved every single minute of Solaris. Not only is the direction strong, but Clooney gives a performance that should have been remembered came Oscar time. So open your mind and allow yourself to experience something completely new, completely different and completely breathtaking.
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone, but a brilliant movie Review: What I gather from reading other reviews here and on IMDB is that most people don't like to have to think about movies at all. If that's the case, then this movie certainly isn't for you. It's very cerebral and very emotional. It raises difficult questions about life, death, and reality, without giving any trite and easy answers. Apparently this upsets some people. It's a shame that such a great movie keeps getting slammed by people who apparently would prefer the same predigested pablum that Hollywood normally turns out. This is one of the best sci fi movies I've ever seen. Period.
Rating:  Summary: Not Nearly As Good As The Original Review: This new Hollywood remake of the classic Russian sci-fi film from 1972 is not nearly as intelligent, nor will it be as lasting. Indeed, this modern "remake" will likely be forgotten in a few years, whereas the legendary original will still be respected. The Clooney remake lacks the philosophical depth of it's predecessor and cheapens it into a sappy love story with New Age trappings and the typical plot-twist at the end. It's formulized whereas the original truly was an original in more ways than one. It's fun comparing these two films side-by-side. It clearly shows the money-driven ambition of Hollywood today and the dumbing-down of modern cinema. But if you haven't, you MUST see the original Solaris by Tarkovsky! The main difference between these two films is that the original Tarkovsky film is a masterpiece, whereas the Soderberg remake is something to do for two hours.
Rating:  Summary: 'Solaris' worthy of comment! Review: I personally, enjoyed 'Solaris', for 2 reasons. #1 I think that George Clooney, is the up & coming, in most of his films, #2 the science fiction, that is portrayed on this film, is just enough to capture the attention of the non-science fiction fan, as myself.. It was not a lot of 'over your head' vocabulary, and 'way out' scenes, that took over the purpose of the film. Steven Soderbergh did a wonderful job in his direction of the cast, and the filming. The supposed 'nude' scenes were tastfully done, and I felt comfortable taking my two young sons to see it, as well. However, it was somewhat over their heads, as far as, the story line goes. But, the films PG rating was right on! If you like movie topics that leave you walking from the theater, scratching your head, and looking for good conversation, then this is the movie for you! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: It's just....Beautifull Review: I haven't seen Tartovsky's version...but i'm definitely gonna see it...have to compare it with this one, because this one is trully a masterpiece. Like most of the viewers already mentioned, this is not one of those hollywood 'easy watching', 'fast pacing' kind of science fiction movie. It's very 'European' kind in a sense that it really subtle, moderately slow in tempo. You need to be very attentive. If you are in one of those mood where you feel like sleepin, avoid this movie. But if your are in a fresh state where you feel like watching something that has something more underneath it, well here it is. The whole mood of the film is very haunting, sad and beautifull. Beautifull soft colored photography dominate the whole film...it's a very photographic film. And the colour...i did mention soft colour. We see many pastel blue abort the ship, soft yellow glow from a room light and a mixture of light soft blue and red for the colour of the surface of Solaris. It was heigtened with the soundtrack that gives an eerie empty and sad feeling, yet sometimes elevating. This whole combination, the music, the photography, the colours, create a total solemn, romantic and haunting situation. There are no blasting situation in the movie...just, thougthfull peacefull situation and feeling. Soderbergh way of story telling is good if not considered to be complicated...the story move back and forth between flash back and the present situation, whereby the character tries to remember what had happened (especially the character Rhea from the solaris who fought hard to remember who she is, or what she is. The camera keep moving back and forth between her close up expression or eyes and the event that had happened on Earth). A very serious movie indeed. It did not try to be a sci-fi with argumentative prediction on the future...it's more of story where a person is given a chance to heal what he has done, although he may not do it with his real wife. Just a simple matter of a peacefull feeling, a way to terminate guilty feeling. This somehow remind me of Vertigo, who have a very close theme, where James Stewart is in love with a woman who bore a strong physical resemblance of her previous loved ones. Alhtough he realize she is a different woman, he doesn't care, he even asked her to wear the same dress. True love or just a mere psychotic obsession ? At the end, is a matter of making a choice to make peace to yourself, hallucinating or not. So is Solaris...a deep thought full film. Not as thoughtfull as the original novel from Stanislaw Lem i admit...but still, thoughtfull. Watch it...and it stay's in your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Money Review: All I can say is this is one of the worst movies ever
Rating:  Summary: Waste of time Review: I saw this movie with 5 other people in a crowded theater. Had I known that I couldn't get a refund after the first 20 mins of the movie start, I would have walked out like a few other people did. Even after the movie, we weren't the only people to ask for a refund. All of us were very frustrated that we wasted 2 hours of our time and almost a year later we still talk about getting that 2 hours back! I thought that perhaps the movie would get better, but it never did. It isn't as if I'm not familar w/abstract-artsy films, but this didn't even accomplish that. It's as if there are major chuncks left out of the story. Now I'll have to read the book for some continuity. All in all, it's one of the very few movies that I wish I never wasted time or money on and I've seen some pretty bad movies.
Rating:  Summary: Clooney is anti-America Review: So outspoken politically, I think he should stick to politics because I will never buy anything that has to do with him again.
Rating:  Summary: Slow and Boring Review: The only reason I don't give this film one star is the performance of Viola Davis. She is the only one in the cast that seems to care if the audience is awake or not. However , the slowing moving screenplay also does'nt help..Save your money and see it on cable..