Rating:  Summary: Mind your rudder! Review: Here is an original and fresh venue on which to tell a ghost story: a WWII submarine. Submarines are already a bit spooky in the first place, by their very nature. The present DVD takes all the "regular" bizarre traits of a sub and takes them all to a whole new level.The story centers around an American sub that picks up 3 British persons, all of them survivors of the sinking of their ship. From there on, things seem to continually go from bad to worse for the sub & her crew. A strange sequence of events come to pass. Some of them are explainable & some of them not so explainable. The set design & direction does a good job of depicting the submarine as an underwater tomb. Everything about the film is nice and eerie. Although I've seen plenty of submarine movies, none of them have the chilling edge that this one has. One of the most annoying motifs of horror / supernatural films is at the end of the movie, when things seem to be "normal," there is always the hint of the return of the evil / supernatural entity. Thankfully, this present DVD omits that everpresent and aggravating trend. At the end of this film we have 100% closure, which is in fact a breath-of-fresh-air in the horror genre. If you're a fan of submarine movies and / or ghost stories, this is a unique film that's just for you. After watching it, one thing becomes remarkably clear: fighting the Germans in World War II was tough enough without having to deal with underwater apparitions on top of everything else!
Rating:  Summary: Not great, but not bad. Review: The acting and direction in this flick are top-shelf. Good stuff. My only hang-ups were the story and script, which were definitely suspenseful and even creepy in places but kinda flat and a little unoriginal. The whole "A mutiny occurred somehow and now we have to determine which officers were right and which ones were wrong" thing has been done in countless nautically-themed films, military and otherwise. In this film they put a ghost story spin on that plot concept, but it doesn't really help. It's all been done before. The thing that makes this flick's story engrossing is the ghost story creepiness, and the suspense that builds up as you wonder what really happened with the Captain and who's ghost it is that's causing all the wierd stuff to happen. I must say again: the acting and the direction are excellent. This is a VERY well-directed film. The editing is pretty good, too.