Rating:  Summary: lots of fun for fans Review: If your taste has been ruined by Jurassic Park, skip this one. But if you're a fan of good old-fashioned low-budget sci-fi horror quickies, where the human characters are more important than Industrial Light & Magic's latest visual tricks -- and especially if you're a fan of the earlier Tremors movies -- then snap this one up!It's a sequel: there's no getting around that. Our old friends (those who survived the first two movies, anyway) are back -- but *different*. The monsters are back -- but *different*. Even the setting from the first movie is back -- but *different*. Tremors 3 managed to keep me entertained and surprised right up to the ending credits, and that is not easily done. All in all, it was a thoroughly enjoyable "popcorn" movie, a fitting finale to the series, and I highly recommend it. P.S. One minor quibble: I think most of the special effects shots would have been better if they'd skipped the CGI and gone back to the puppetry and miniatures of the original. The way Hollywood works, though, I suppose finding an FX shop that knows how to do puppets is like finding a mechanic who knows how to tune a carburetor.
Rating:  Summary: They're Back. Review: Michael Gross reprises his role as Burt Gummer in this third and lackadaisical part of the TREMORS franchise. The movie opens with Burt blowing away an army of Shriekers in Argentina. Shortly after he returns to Perfection, Nevada; a place that has expanded some since the end of the original movie. Melvin, Miguel, and Mindy and her mother still live in the town, but there are several newcomers too. Tourists arrive by the dozens to see the famed town where the Graboids first appeared. However, three more of the creatures suddenly arise and trouble soon ensues. Burt is called upon to hunt the monsters down, but is prevented from doing so by the U.S. Department of the Interior because the "animals" are an "endangered species". Most of the graboids soon morph into Shriekers and not long after complete their evoluntionary phase my morphing into Butt-Blasters. TREMORS was a great movie. TREMORS 2 was a fairly well made sequel. TREMORS 3 has a lot of heart, but not much stamina. The film still has a lot of campy fun that the first two movies did. The special effects aren't bad, but the CGI stuff doesn't look as real as the animatronics. Having some of the other original cast members back in the film is nice, too. It's especially a treat to see Michael Gross as the lead for once. However, even though he is the film's lead and carries the movie, he's often designated to a secondary stature by the two newcomers to the series. The film would have worked much better if Burt would have either taken on the Graboids single-handed or if he had been given a romantic interest or even better yet, a little bit of both. The lack of a "buddy" element really hurt the movie. Overall, not too bad of a sci-fi flick. If you're a TREMORS fan, you'll want to watch to see how things tie together. However, if you're not a fan of the series, the movie is just average.
Rating:  Summary: TREMORS 3: BACK TO PERFECTION Review: This the the third and latest entry in the Tremors series, one of the best of all times. I love this movie as much as I do as the other ones. The movie takes place in Perfection, Nevada, where the Graboids and Shreikers return. But Burt Gummer (Michael Gross), a guy named Jack (Shawn Christian) and the owner of the store from the first movie Jodie Chang (a relative of Wlater Chang, who was the owner in Tremors) discover the thrid, and final stage of the Graboid life cycle: A-s-Blasters (or ABs in more polite terms), who are just like Shreikers with the heat-sensing organ, but these things have wings. They shoot fire out of there butts and soar off into the sky. This movie's gore level is bigger than Tremors 2, and that's a good thing. If you like the Tremors series, you will love this movie.
Rating:  Summary: "That's why we're on top of the food chain!" Review: Tremors 3 takes us back to Perfection, where it all began. There, Burt has a "graboid-proof" house, with cement surrounding his house underground. Jack runs a phony tour of "graboid country" with the help of his friend. But, when a graboid ate his friend, he calls the tour off. Meanwhile, Burt is at home and spots the graboid on his computer screen. He quickly alarms the town of a graboid attack. Graboids turn into "Shriekers" if they are left alone. If you leave the Shriekers alone, they will shed their skin and turn into.....a flying menace dubbed "... Blasters" (I'm not kidding) who can fly in the air. These ... Blasters can see body heat, like the other two forms. This movie stars some of the people from the first movie, including Melvin.
Rating:  Summary: Worth the wait :)) Review: Well...I`d been waiting for this one for a long time, and I wasn`t disappointed. The film is set 11 years after the initial graboid attacks in the first film, and returns to where it all started: Perfection. Burt Gummer is back, joined by many of the cast from the original movie, including Mindy and her mother, Melvin, and Miguel. They are joined by two new faces...Jack (who runs a seedy `Graboid safari` complete with simulation attacks), and Jodi Chang who runs the store. (A relative of Walter Chang from the first movie). The plot is straight forward. Burt returns from a Shrieker exterminating mission in Argentina, to his home valley of Perfection. When a simulation Graboid attack turns out to be the real thing, Burt steps up to do what he does best! Take them out! You have a lot of monster for your money in this movie. Graboids, Shriekers, and yes...a whole new Graboid evolution, which all tie neatly together, and more is explained about the Graboids. Some are the classic model stuff, and some are some CGI. I won`t ruin the surprise of the new evoltion, but like me, you can probably figure it out from the trailer ;) There are some great set pieces and action scenes in this movie, and a few shocks besides...Including one fairly early on involving one of the main characters..Which turns out to be one of the comedy highlights of the movie. The dialogue is as snappy as ever, and the movie is as strong as any in the franchise...I wasn`t disappointed for a minute, bar one moment, which I`d semi-expected, but was still sad to see. This movie doesn`t let up for a moment...Comedy, action, and some great `in-stuff` for the diehard fans of the franchise, including information about some of the previous fave characters; and indeed, the legacy of one of the past characters, actually helps our usual suspects out in the last reel. Well paced, directed, and acted... I`d recommend it in a heartbeat. I`m certainly not ashamed to have it sitting in my collection. Michael Gross is fantastic (as always), as Burt...This has to be one of the greatest ever characters...He is the star of this movie, and shines even brighter now he has the full attention of the spotlight. What this character doesn`t go through in this movie! :)) The DVD includes some great behind the scenes stuff, and trailers for all three Tremors films. I only wish the behind the scenes stuff was longer. A must buy...If you loved the first two movies, then hopefully this one won`t let you down. I just hope the creators don`t make us wait another five years for the next one! And BTW...Melvin is still a little s**t ;))
Rating:  Summary: A fun sequel Review: I really wasn't expecting much from a third in the series even tho Tremors 2 added so much more imagination. So I was pleasantly surprised when this turned out to be so much fun. It begins with a rather cool opening scene in which Burt Gummer (still in Mexico) takes out zillions of Shriekers with a massive machine-gun tank thing. After returning home to Perfection Burt must deal with new graboids, new shriekers and another metamorphosis...The shriekers turn into Ass-Blasters, flying creatures with rocket propelled farts. As the town (and the returning, surviving cast from the first film) is besieged by all forms of these animals, Burt and his pals must figure out increasing desperate ways to destroy them. There's loads of energy and self-referential humor and the locations have a more dark/sophisticated look to them than in the previous 2 films. A light-hearted tone is still in check tho. There's even one teriffic scene in which Burt is swallowed by a Graboid and taken halfway across the desert. I paniced, I honestly thot we'd lost him. Turns out he's okay in the end. Fred Ward is definitely missed tho his abscence is explained (Earl and Grady went to make a Graboid amusement park) but Michael Gross is simply irreplaceable as the eccentric and paranoid Burt Gummer. And Ariana Richards is so much more cuter now that she's grown up. Tremors 3 is the best presented Tremors movie on DVD. The 1.85:1 anamorphic picture looks great and the Dolby 5.1 is reasonably lively with lots of bass during the tunnelling scenes. A fair amount of extras come along too.
Rating:  Summary: totally sucks!!! Review: I would rather stick hot french fries in my eyes than watch this horrible movie. The first 2 were really good but I am letting my dog use the third movie as a chew toy!!!
Rating:  Summary: Oh yeah, this movie... Review: In the words of newgrounds.com... "Makes poop look good."
Rating:  Summary: so bad Review: This movie is probably the worst movie I have ever seen. The special effects are terrible. When one of the monsters is walking through a conveinent mart, its computer generated foot goes right through some kinda food item. It looked so stupid. The first two tremors were entertaining and fun movies. This one makes Gigli look oscar worthy. No wonder it never came out in theaters.
Rating:  Summary: Bit of a disappointment really Review: Perhaps considering that these low-budget, made for TV movies are just about nutty locals from a small town in the wilderness blasting away hordes of mutant worms, my expectations shouldn't have been as high as they were. But considering the blend of comedy/action/sci-fi that made the first two so entertaining, i did expect a little more than i got. This is an honest, unpretentious film that does exactly what it says on the tin. You get loveable have-a-go hero Burt (Michael Gross) and his considerable firearm collection back to get some more subteranean arse. Graboids or shriekers, you name it, Burt can kill it. Only this time there is a twist. The final stage of Graboid metamorphosis is introduced, the so-called ass-blasters. These are a humerous touch to start with, but their appeal wears thin quite quickly. What is good about this film is there has been an obvious attempt to reunite the characters, more so than in Tremors 2. There has obviously been some effort made and it's a good thing. The main cast are fine and you do get at least your money's worth. But it fails in some areas and is less substantial than the first two films. This one tries more for a comedy themed approach and i believe that this emphasis has weakened it. The new effects are horrible- -i don't like the CGI used at all, i much preferred the orange goo and models used in parts 1 and 2. The action often looks very fake and there is noticeably no major set pieces as in parts 1 and 2. Budget shortage perhaps? Overall this is weaker than parts 1 and 2, but still has its moments, like when Burt is extracted from the dead Graboid. This is for me the most memorable part in the entire film. Recommended to fans, but if you are a casual buyer, choose the first. The tremors really seem to be taking over - there is a series on sci-fi (here in the UK) and i hear a fourth film, which i'll have to see.