Rating:  Summary: Falls short in some ways. Review: It was great when this set was finally put together, but it has some major problems. I'll get to that later. This set includes all 4 Alien films. Each disc, especially the first two in the series, has a ton of special features. First the movies:ALIEN: The original in the series is by far the best, mixing over the top suspense with outstanding visuals.(for the 70s, at least) A little slow at first, it finally sinks in and rises up to a great climax, which many consider weak because of the other two's climaxes. A great start for the series. ALIENS: This movie takes a more action oriented approach to the series, having marines sent in to exterminate the aliens. Having great special effects, lots of shoot 'em up action, and better alien creatures, (the queen is great) this movie tops the first of wonderfully. The only problem is that it takes almost 90 minutes for the action to build up. ALIEN 3: This movie is not as good as the first two, but is pretty good. It takes the same formula as the original did, and takes away the hard hitting action that the 2cd one had. The alien creature is now computer animated, and looks pretty bad. (The close ups are great, though.) Not a very good script, but the finale is the best of the series. ALIEN RESSURECTION: Since I hate this movie, I'm not going to spend much time on it. All I'm going to say is that the aliens look bad, Winona Ryder is horrible, the plot [is bad], and Ripley being cloned. Yeah, right. It seems like all the movie is trying to do is to gross you out with gory and disgusting visuals. (Alien 3 is like Winnie the Pooh compared to this.) This movie takes the whole Sci fi/action/horror genre a step bakwards and is obviously the worst in the series. The movies (excpet the fourth) are great, and ALIEN and ALIENS have a wealth of special features. ALIEN 3 has a good documentary, and ALIEN 4 has just 2 minute interviews with the cast and crew. ALL IN ALL: A good set, but they should've added a bit more special features on ALIEN 3 and 4 and not even included the fourth one.
Rating:  Summary: Great collectors' edition! Review: I just got this compilation about a month ago. I'm a big fan of the Alien series. "Alien" and "Aliens" are by far the best in the series; they should have stopped there. This still doesn't answer the question, "Did the nuclear blast produced by the explosion of the terra-forming station on LV-426 ALSO destroy the derelict, alien spacecraft with the thousands of eggs?" Interesting question. I'm sure we'll see a fifth movie soon
Rating:  Summary: Good series Review: The ALIEN Legacy is a wonderful set. The first 3 DVDs have a goldmine of extra features (ALIEN3 has a nice little documentary on the making of all 3 films) and are all great films, besides Resurrection. That movie was terrible. I think you just need to release the ALIEN Trilogy, because the first 3 were by far the best (especially ALIEN3).Alien Resurrection has barely any extra features and has a really lame story. But it is still good to have because it completes the series. Overall, this set is a great deal.
Rating:  Summary: The "Extras" are where it's at! Review: Like that last reviewer in Jan. '00, I can attest for the unbelievable amount, or maybe shall I say, the usefulness of the extras. Actually more specifically, the art and production photo selections. Yes, you heard me right. The ALIEN and ALIENS art and production sections are extremely well done with text descriptions just prior to what the following stills will be. Offering greater insight to how the first two films were "dreamed up" and inspired. The first film, ALIEN actually used artwork and ideas from FOUR artists of which one, of course, is H.R. Giger. The ALIENS disc had a good selection of behind the scenes shorts as well that detailed some of the sets and creatures. Now as for the ALIEN 3 disc, it has a decent little "Half-Hour" documentary on the first 3 films and how they have changed throughout the series, plus a latter emphasis on the workings and making of of the ALIEN 3 film itself. This docu. had little interview segments from many actors through the series including Bill Paxton, Victoria Cartright (the other lady in ALIEN), and Tom Skeritt. The ALIENS disc also had a interview with James Cameron that was interesting as well. As for picture quality, ALIEN has never looked better. Almost all scenes were crystal clear. The ALIENS picture quality, even though labeled as 'transfered from a Hi-Def. tape, had a few grainy scenes, especially the extra scene where Ripley was sitting on a bench in the space station waiting for Burke to brief her on her now deceased 66-year old child. Now I haven't had the chance to watch ALIEN 3 or RESURRECTION yet, but I'd assume, since they are relatively new films, that the picture quality is excellent. Man, it's hard to believe that we're now at the 10th Anniversary of ALIEN 3. And by going by the year displacement between each film, I'd say that we may be seeing another ALIEN movie sometime soon. (It's been 4.5 years since RESURRECTION already.) Some say that it might be an ALIEN vs PREDATOR incarnation. But anyway, without a dedicated Surround Sound system, I can't really comment on the sound. But I'd say it's pretty good. Probably a bit lacking in the earlier two films, but that is to be expected of such older films. But for the films themselves. Many people criticize ALIEN 3 for being a bit cheesey, and I tend to agree with some, however, I think where the script writers failed was that they killed off Cpl. Hicks and Newt before it started. I believe that if they would have allowed Hicks to survive, the story of ALIEN 3 would probably have been received a little better in that it wouldn't have created such a conflict between Ripley and the Double-Y boys on the prison planet. Now the same goes for RESURRECTION. I don't know why this film gets trashed constantly. Is it because of the whole cloning thing being too sci-fi? Or what? Because as we all should know now that cloning is very much a real thing. Or is it that is tries to be too humorous at times or the fish-like ability of the Aliens? I don't know about you, but RESURRECTION was probably my favorite out of all of them along with ALIENS as well. Why? I enjoyed the visuals in it. The extravagant sets, the new twist on the space smugglers ala the Marines in ALIENS. I don't know, but I tend to enjoy a fight with at least fair chances on both sides. I mean when one creature can kill everybody within the establishment and it never gets hurt, I mean com'on, as in ALIEN and ALIEN 3.But anyway, if you want to add the ALIEN LEGACY to your DVD collection, this is the only way to buy it. Buy'em separately and expect to pay almost double the price. Thanks for your time.
Rating:  Summary: Good Series On Good DVDs, but still some problems. Review: Alien (1979)- Directed by Ridley Scott. (Out of ****) *** Alien was the film that began the now world famous Alien series, and it's a good start, but it is also somewhat boring in many areas. The beggining half is much to slow and hasn't got any momentum until the alien shows up (I fell asleep the first time when watching the film). Also, the characters are paper-thin. Sigourney Weaver does her best, but in my opinion, she was far better in all three sequels. However, this movie is still very good. It's got suspense the first time around and it's got good atmosphere (a slasher movie in space), as well as good direction. The sets are impressive and the effects are still great. It's a definate must-see, but I don't suggest to many repeated viewings. Aliens (1986)- Directed by James Cameron (out of ****) **** This very different sequel is almost the complete opposite of the first one. Repeated veiwings never wear out this movie, it's so entertaining. It's action packed, thrill packed, chill packed, and it's chock full of wonderful performances. Sigourney Weaver makes a definate comeback over her rather boring character in the first film, and turns her into a three-dimensional human in this entry. Also, the supporting roles are all fantastic. Bill Paxton's funny. Michael Biehn (The Terminator, The Abyss) is also fantastic. Carrie Henn, in her only movie role, is also fantastic. As you propably realized, I think this movie is a classic. Alien 3 (1992)- Directed by David Fincher (Out of ****) ***1/2 Alien 3 is, in my opinion, very underrated. It hasn't yet been fully recognized for it's craftsmanship and it's fantastic story. This one is noticeably a lot darker than the other entries and goes more towards the emotional side of Ellen Ripley, and once again, Sigourney Weaver is fantastic. Also, the ending is touching and quite sad. The movie is a masterpiece that hasn't been recognized. Must see. Alien Resurrection (1997)- Directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet (Out of ****) **1/2 This fourth Alien entry is quite a mixed bag. It's obvious from the very beggining that this movie was being made for money, and not because the makers had a great story in mind. I think the story of Ripley and the aliens should have ended with Alien 3, as it was meant to be the final one. This movie slightley destroys the other ones, and certainly isn't as good as those ones. However, there are good points about the movie. An action sequence underwater is particularly memorable, as is a scene of the smugglers fighting off a bunch of bad guys, and the Ripley clone setting fire to a laboratory in which she finds attempts to clone her gone bad. But also, this movie has bad scenes in it, as well. Some of the dialouge is purely ridiculous. the aliens are now done using CGI, and they don't look nearly as good as they did in the earlier ones. Also, the acting in this movie is rock-bottom. I mean, Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver are good, but the rest of the cast is pitiful, with overacting galore! I say if you must skip one of the Alien movies, this is the one to choose, although it really isn't to horrible. Now to my critiques of the Alien Legacy, a Collector's Edition box-set on VHS and DVD. The set is quite nice, with a fancy box of a silver alien and all four movies fitted nicely inside, as well as featuring some good features (mainly on the first two movies) and nice collector's booklets, but there are a lot of problems, as well. First off, the DVD set doesn't include the 60 minute documentary, The Alien Legacy, which is featured in the VHS box set (I hear it's a great documentary, but I'm not buying a whole other set just to have it) and that makes me angry. Also, the Director's Cut of Aliens, although actually a better movie, deserved to be accompanied by The Theatrical Cut using the Branching thing. But the movie is only available in it's Director's Cut. Next, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection are actually lacking in extras. Alien 3 has a 23 minute documentary about the series, and Alien Resurrection only has a three minute documentary that isn't in any way informative ( nothing can be informative in three minutes). But, of course, the set is still quite good. The picture on every film is astounding and the sound is astonishing. All the films are framed at 2:35:1, with the exception being Aliens, framed at 1:35:1, and all the films look great. Aliens appears a little grainy in spots but it's not a brand new movie, so it's almost perfect. The 5.1 surround track on each movie is really booming. And, while Part's 3 and 4 lack in extras, Part's 1 and 2 have a bunch. First up is a dissipointing audio commentary by director Ridley Scott on the Alien DVD. Scott pauses for long amounts of time in-between sentences and always seems like he's struggling to find out what to talk about. Sometimes he gives out interesting and insightful information, but for the most part I found the commentary a bore. After this, you'll fin a good 18 minutes worth of deleted scenes in the extras section, some awful, and some great things that should never have hit the cutting room floor (the cocoon sequence and the fight between Ripley and Lambert both come to mind). Also, we've got trailers (they're really spooky) and TV Spots, as well as two outtakes, one where we see the alien in full veiw behind Lambert, and one where Kane wakes up from hypersleep and starts making breakfast. On the Aliens disk, we've got a nice (but breif) and informative interview with James Cameron that was made in 1986, as well as some bits about the creation of the Alien Queen and all sorts of other cool stuff that the fans should want to check out. The DVD also has the Director's Cut of the movie, which actually is better, enhancing character developement and even giving us more action. Some of the new scenes include seeing the colony on LV-426 before it was attacked, Ripley learning that her long hypersleep has made her daughter grow old and die (a touching scene) as well as a scene with a bunch of sentry guns shooting up a bunch of aliens (it's really cool, though not really neccesary). The scenes blend in seamlessly and look just as great as the rest of the movie. The disk also features the theatrical trailers for all four movies. This Alien set is quite good, and it's nice owning all of them in this fine picture and audio...
Rating:  Summary: A Good set - A great Legacy Review: The Alien Legacy is a good set including all of the Alien films. One of the obvious and major benefits is, you will save a few buck's by ordering it. Even though Alien 3 isn't exactly my idea of anything worth watching, and Resurrection seeming only to be existing because someone managed to create something out of nothing, it is still worth every cent. All of the disk's have slick features and down right cool menu's. (Alien's has the most inventive menu.) Join Ripley in all of her adventures. One thing you may notice; even though Ripley sleep's for centuries it seems she never gets a moment's rest. Each movie is made to link one story to the other, so if you have several hours to burn, you will get an easy kick in watching all four of the Alien film's in order. As long as you have a little brain power, and a lot of stomach, you should be fine. Whether your someone who enjoy's a good scare, genuine sci-fi, or a few heart felt moment's, then this is the package you need. I have truly enjoyed it, and like showing it off in my collection. ...
Rating:  Summary: I'll buy it Review: ALIEN-As compleling as a British sci-fi movie can be. Suprisingly, it hasn't dated at all, and the special effects live up to today's. 5/5 AlIENS-Ripley is revived around 55 years laters by a crew of spaceship workers and revenges againist the star beasts. 5/5 ALIEN 3-Rather dissapointing, but still watchable, but I'd rather pop in Halloween. At least Weaver's acting is still good. 3/5 ALIEN: RESURRECTION-The alien costumes look OK but the way the actors made them move reminded me of how cheesy the Batman serials were. Too many wisecracks to be actually called serious to. Still, there are plenty of good action sequences. 3/5 If you want to buy all of them cheaper, skip this set, by Alien 3 and 4 Region 1 US and by Alien and Aliens on Germany Region 2. (just make sure you have region killed your drive/player!)
Rating:  Summary: One stop shopping for all your LV-426 needs Review: 3 sci-fi series stand as the greatest series of sci-fi, not individual, but series, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Alien. This package of the 4 movies is an outstanding value. While you may have been like myself and thought maybe the last 2 movies weren't quite up to the Alien legacy, watching them again made me better appreciate them. No, they are not as good as Alien or Aliens, (Which of those two is the better film? Discuss this amoung yourselves.) they finish what was started. Neither is bad, each one of them is just not like the others, which none of them is like the others. The driving force behind all of them is the Alien, the unstoppable force that will keep coming and coming and coming. I bought this set when it first came out. I bought it to replace my VHS movies that had become so worn that the quality of the tape had become very poor. I got more than I bargained for with the set.
Rating:  Summary: A Box of Big Bugs Review: This box set was the first DVD i purchased when we got our DVD player. In my opinion Alien is the best sci-fi picture ever filmed and this is one of the few sets where the sequels match the quality of the original. The format of these DVD's is outstanding and the extras are amazing. A must have for any sci-fi fanatic.
Rating:  Summary: The Alien Legacy Over The Years Review: In this scary pack of the 4 Alien Movies ready for sci fi fans and horror fans. From 1979 from the original ALIEN directed by Ridley Scott to new ALIEN: RESURECTION. You will enjoy them all with chest bursting terror of these fantastic movies. Starting with the NOSTROMO, then going back to LV-426 then to drift back into spce to the deserted Maximum security prison planet then 200 years later to be clonesd in the USS Aurigtha. Sigorney Weaver puts excellent rolls in all of these movies as Ellen Ripley, ideal for everyone who likes a good scare.