Rating:  Summary: Great Flick! Review: Great flick! Can't wait for the DVD season boxed sets!
Rating:  Summary: Very disappointed Review: I can't express how disappointed I am that this great series isn't being given the great treatment it deserves on DVD. Where is the seasonal boxed sets like The X-Files, SG-1, and all the others? Instead we're getting two episodes at a time...with box art that will probably change every three releases so none of them match. Are they widescreen? Are the DD5.1? I hope so, but don't have the info.Note that Warner Bros. is releasing the DVDs. WB makes the worst DVDs on the market in all facets: audio, video, packaging, extras. I have little hope for these DVDs. :-( I wanted complete seaons of the DVDs, instead we're treated like ST: TOS fans.
Rating:  Summary: A long awaited release. Finally on DVD! Review: The two "pilots" for an awesome and thought provoking science fiction series. THE GATHERING: "JMS CUT" is the pilot to the series. It introduces the characters and universe to the audience. This new edition has been rescored by the masterful talents of Christopher Franke. This edition also includes extra as-yet-unseen footage. It tells the story of alien (and human) deception and distrust as well as friendship and alliances. As many more questions are asked than answered it sets the scene perfectly for the series... IN THE BEGINNING is a prequel to the series and tells the story of the fateful first contact between humans and the Minbari and the fulfilment of ancient prophecies. The story, special effects, music and everything are just beautiful. This is one of my favourites. Even my mum loves this film! (She says it has a kind of Dunkirk spirit). Hopefully, this disc signals the start of putting the whole series onto DVD. If Warner are after suggestions for a wish list: - anamorphic transfer - audio commentary from JMS, cast and crew etc - bloopers and deleted scenes - documentries - storyboards - pictures - Amaray cases (no more snappers!)
Rating:  Summary: Yes,Yes,Yes finaly a DVD of B5! Review: These movies are GREAT!, The Gathering is ( as you know if you read the other reports or if your a fan ) the pilot movie. It give you the feeling that your watching an old ( bad ) sf movie, it is though a good movie, you'll notice that most of the caraters have not changed if you see the first episode of season 1, the only one who jas really changed ( thank God ) is Delenn. The plot is good and it a great start of the show. In the beginning is maybe one of the best films i ever saw, it has spoilers so maybbe it's best if you watch Babylon 5 first at least till the eps were Delenn goed into the dreaming ( i forgot the name ) The special effects and music are perfect, especialy because Christopher Franke did them, he also did the music of the entire Babylon 5 series so she feeling of the show stays. espcialy in the ens where Londo is telling of the near end of the humans ---- "evryone who saw them fighting agains the darkness could not help but be moved to tears by their courage, their stuborn nobility. They would weep, they would cry, they would say goodbye to their loved ones and throw themselves into darkness. When they ran out of guns, they used sticks, and bones and bare hands. I only hope that when it is my time to die, i may die with half as much dignity as i saw in their eyes at the end".---- the music the special effect Peter Jurasic's acting it's so perfect, i cried. and to the person from Greenboro, NC USA... The accent Mira Furlan has adds to the credibility that she is an alien speaking English. Her acting great. And Claudia Cristian is a good actress too! If you have a little more understamnding of the show you would see that, the way she plays the role is fine, and Susan Ivanova is a hard role to play. i'd like to see you try it. And the love between those two main Caracters? ( i won't mention them for new watchers ) You can clearly see it's there if you just pay attention to the looks and gestures they make. You have to look further than the obvius or you can never truly enjoy a show! and if you can't? then ... out, and don't start spuing poisen around. anyway those were my two ) Tamara, 16 Die hard B5 fan.
Rating:  Summary: Intellectual and Creative Excellence Review: While I never even owned a TV prior to my introduction to Babylon 5, I have since purchased TV/VCR/DVD player and begun to purchase the series books and videos. I am thrilled that JMS and the companies have finally begun to fulfill the promise of putting this exceptional five-season masterpiece on DVD. I am not an addict, as the previous critical review from the "ex-B5 addict" claims to have been. I consider myself a connoisseur of fine literature and art. JMS created the ultimate in literary and philosophical success. I am looking forward to sharing the DVD with my friends and loved ones. It's *taste*, not addiciton. And B5 rates 200 out of a possible 100. The lurker's guide at midwinter.com combines JMS' insights and explanations of each episode's events, in addition to mention of glitches and viewers' questions. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A decent first release, but not the best Review: This review is for the casual viewer and not the sycophantic loyalists who will buy the DVD regardless of this review (or others). I was one of those people who would wait up until 1am to watch Babylon 5 for fear that my VCR might not get it right. I was that devoted to the show. But with anything else, time (and reruns) have a way of changing fanaticism into reality. The Good The Babylon 5 universe has been intricately crafted by J. Michael Straczynski and is chock full of interesting races and situations. In The Beginning, which was actually filmed after season 4 of the show, deals with the Earth-Minbari war that is referenced throughout. It is a prequel that is more polished in presentation and acting than the original pilot, The Gathering. The latter included on the DVD is actually the recut, rescored, and updated version. The computer effects were updated and the soundtrack replaced with the droning and repetitive synthetic sounds of the regular series. Additionally, the formerly androgynous voice of a main character was replaced with her real one. As is evident throughout the series Andreas Katsulas and Peter Jurasik are the best actors and also have the best onscreen chemistry. It's nice to see they were worked into In The Beginning. You will notice In The Beginning looks more polished and "comfortable" than The Gathering, which was the original pilot and basically a prototype idea. There was a difference in 5 years between filming of the two. However, I believe The Gathering is more an essential part of the B5 universe than In The Beginning, both in story construction and contributions to the characters (at least those that made it to the series). Most importantly, if you are thinking of buying this DVD do so with the intent of getting the entire series when it's released. In The Beginning isn't very valuable as a stand-alone story but The Gathering definitely is. The Bad If you plan on buying the DVD with intent of buying the whole series, I have some observations for you. The entire Babylon 5 universe is made up of about 5 episodes that really knock your socks off. Everything else is just filler. Unfortunately the 2 features on this DVD are not spectacular. Another problem that plagues Babylon 5 is the lack of acting talent of Mira Furlan and Claudia Christian. The former, a stage actress, has not made the transition to television very well. Her overacting, strained facial expressions, and often harsh deliveries are an artifact of the stage. The latter actress just has no range at all. Mr. Straczynski, the much-celebrated (and deservedly so) writer-creator has problems writing relationships. The eventual love affair between 2 main characters is not convincing, to say the least. There just wasn't any romance to support the relationship. When you look back and compare the evolution of their relationship to others you have seen on TV and in movies you'll feel that it just wasn't pulled off convincingly.
Finally, the original score from the pilot made it feel different. Now it just sounds like low-budget opera. Being a recovering Babylon 5-aholic I can state that the series, as a whole, is more than adequate. It just isn't the incredible opus that some fans may have you believe.
Rating:  Summary: Preview / Review While We Wait Review: The DVD release of Babylon 5 has been eagerly awaited by fans for several years. Although I cannot yet speak for the quality of the DVD or any special features that WB may deem to add, I can offer a synopsis of the two movies included on this first disk, and comment on what special features Babylon 5 fans would WANT to see included on this and future disks. BABYLON 5: THE GATHERING: When it was originally aired in 1993, "Babylon 5: The Gathering" was simply titled "Babylon 5". It was a movie that served as a pilot for a new science fiction series. It was also the culmination of a dream for writer/producer J. Michael Straczynski to create an epic science fiction "novel for television". The movie had the daunting task of introducing viewers to the large cast of humans and aliens populating the station, exposing their personal motivations and the political machinations of their respective worlds, planting the seeds of some of B5's trademark mysteries, and perhaps above all else, differentiating itself from that other science fiction series - Star Trek. It accomplishes this while in the midst of a fairly standard "whodunit". The movie begins with the fifth and last Babylon station becoming fully operational. It is a port of call, located in neutral space - an orbiting cross between Casablanca and the United Nations. The five major space faring worlds have all sent their Ambassadors here to better understand each other and "create the peace". These races are the Minbari, the Narn, the Centauri, the Humans, and finally, the most mysterious and powerful of all known races, the Vorlons. The Babylon Project was co-sponsored by the Minbari government. Several years earlier, the Minbari were at war with Earth. At the end, their forces advanced all the way to Earth itself, then on the eve of Earth's total annihilation, the Minbari surrendered and the war was over. Babylon 5 is commanded by Jeffrey Sinclair, a decorated war hero who was there at that fateful battle, known as "The Battle of the Line". He is plagued by survivor's guilt and a 24 hour gap in his memory...... The drama begins in earnest with the arrival of Kosh, the Vorlon Ambassador. But when the command staff arrives to greet him, Kosh is found to have been poisoned and near death. Soon after, the primary suspect turns out to be Commander Sinclair himself! This version of the movie is actually the "Producer's Cut", completed in 1998. Several changes were made from the film that first aired. Some effects scenes were redone due to rapid improvements in the CGI effects technology that Babylon 5 pioneered. Some scenes were removed completely, others restored in their place, and overall the film was edited to improve the pacing. Finally, Babylon 5 series composer Christopher Franke was brought in to score the new version so it would have a more consistent feel with the series (Stewart Copeland scored the movie originally). All of these changes worked to great effect, making the special edition of "The Gathering" a vast improvement over the original. The movie is still a little clunky from time to time, the acting a tad rough in spots (some actors were replaced before the start of the series), but the potential was undeniably there. The story had begun. BABYLON 5: IN THE BEGINNING: This a glorious film filled with all the drama, joy, pain, and sorrow that fans of Babylon 5 have come to know and love. If you could take the entire series and distill it, put it into a bottle, this movie would be it. Like The Gathering, this movie first aired in 1998, when Babylon 5 had been purchased by cable channel TNT. In addition to buying the rights to run the series, they commissioned two new 2 hour tele-movies. The first to run was "Babylon 5: In the Beginning". It is a prequel of sorts, although portions of the movie take place 17 years *after* the principle events of Babylon 5. It was designed in such a way as to bring new viewers into the show quickly, as well as giving long-time fans what they wanted to see; the events at The Battle of the Line. It begins with the aged Centauri Londo Mollari telling the story of the Earth/Minbari War. Clearly things are not well on his world, but I won't spoil the story by telling why. He goes on to tell the story of how the war began, the attempts to stop it, some of the major battles, and the reason for the Minbari surrender. Then in a strange twist, an element is introduced at the end of the film to let you know that the story is not yet over. This film is damn near perfect. The music, the special effects, and story are all spectacular. Peter Jurasik gives another great performance as Londo Mollari. Almost all the characters from the show make some sort of appearance in the film. Of course, it's not without a few flaws. First and foremost, this movie *blatantly* provides spoilers to mysteries that were not resolved in the series until Season 3. Also, the movie focuses heavily on the character of John Sheridan, played by Bruce Boxleitner, who took over the lead role after the departure of Michael O'Hare (Jeffrey Sinclair) in 1995. O'Hare was not brought back to film any additional scenes due to budgetary concerns and as a result, his pivotal appearance at The Battle of the Line, using previously filmed scenes from the series, has a rather "tacked on" feeling. New viewers would be likely to say, "Who's HE?" So all in all, two good fun movies that will hopefully inspire folks out there to buy those Babylon 5: The Series DVD BOX SETS (hint hint). It should be noted too that some of the best story elements of Babylon 5 the series are not even hinted at in these two movies. So there's plenty more out there to see. As for special features: What would B5 fans like? 1. Audio commentaries from cast and crew. 2. Behind the scenes documentaries, effects vignettes. 3. Bloopers, outtakes, deleted scenes. 4. Anamorphic widescreen, surround sound, and captions. Thanks to Warner Bros Home Video and DVD for finally bringing this product to the fans.
Rating:  Summary: Even if it's just the old film on a DVD... Review: To be honest, even if this is VHS quality, I would have to say that this belongs in any Babylon 5 collector's shelf. These two telemovies carry the story forward, and can introduce new viewers to the wonderful world, of our last, best hope, for peace.
Rating:  Summary: Babylon 5 on DVD - Where it belongs! Review: In The Beginning and The Gathering are great jumping-on points for people who want to get started with B5. The Gathering is the original 2-hour pilot movie, later re-edited with new FX and re-scored with new music for TNT. It's "Joe's Cut", if you will. In The Beginning was the first original B5 movie made, and it serves as a prequel to the series and describes in detail the Earth-Minbari War.
Rating:  Summary: Not a wise move, Warner, spoiling new fans... Review: This is (hopefully) the first of many Babylon 5 DVDs. It has two of the six TV movies, the pilot movie, and the first TNT movie. The pilot is set during 2257, the year before the series' first season, while the other movie takes place in 2278, twenty years after season 1, while describing events from 2246-2248. The Gathering (2257, the pilot movie), is one of the best pieces of B5 work that I've seen. I'm a big fan of EarthForce, so I like seasons 1 & 2 the best - and The Gathering is chock full of it. This movie definately tends towards the "action" category, unlike In the Beginning. In the Beginning (2278, TNT movie #1) is more sedate (as in calm, not boring). It covers the Earth-Minbari War. However, in doing so, it reveals several things that jms wasn't finished telling until early 2261 (season 4). If you're going to watch the movie, you should do so where it fits in the B5 timeline - towards the end of Legions of Fire, Book III: Out of the Darkness, by Peter David. It just spoils too much, otherwise. In the end, both of the movies are excellent. Unfortunately, Warner screwed up the presentation. However, it's jms-approved, so I can't really complain too badly.