Rating:  Summary: It's about time! Review: It's a true testament to B5 that there are over 20 reviews MONTHS before this DVD is even released! Just in case there are some curiosity seekers out there, let me put all this in perspective: Babylon 5 is not only the best science fiction series ever, it's the best TV series ever, period! It's an intricately woven, complex tale of intrigue, love, war, sacrifice, and much, much more, all of literally galactic proportion. The acting is excellent for the most part and the characterization is as good as it gets. You KNOW these people, you care for these people. And like real people, they change. The best part of B5 is how it sets up events along the way that may not come to fruition until many episodes later. This is a result of B5 being a self-contained series, completely plotted out from the beginning. There are surprises galore. There are numerous plot lines, but they they all fit into the overall story. As far as these first two movies, you need to get The Gathering just to see how it all started and what changes were eventually made. As most have said, it's not the greatest and certainly doesn't live up to the series, but it does have a touch of the promise of what was to come and it sets things in motion. DO NOT WATCH "IN THE BEGINNING" yet if you didn't watch the series. As noted, part of the joy of watching B5 is seeing things unfold over a long period of time, and this movie will spoil much of that joy if you watch it first. As someone else stated, wait until if fits into the proper timeline. It does expand on things covered more briefly in the series, so it's definitely worth watching at the proper moment. I agree with the person who said to buy this to send a message to MGM so they'll go ahead with the release of the series episodes. Plus, to get 2 B5 movies at this price, how can you lose?
Rating:  Summary: Pleasure and Pain Review: This one's really a mix, isn't it? On the one hand we have _In the Beginning_, the movie made after most of the series had run but which introduced a lot of the prehistory leading up to season one of the show. Sure, it may not be as exciting as the best Babylon 5 episodes, but it's solid and satisfying, and is the best reason for buying this DVD. On the other hand, we have the series pilot _The Gathering_ which, no matter how much you do to redo the effects and change the cuts around a bit, is just a stinker. The completist will want to own the DVD for this, but I blame the pilot as one of the stronger reasons that a lot of people weren't drawn to the series in the first season. I was among them, until season two and three started the conversion process. At the same time, _The Gathering_ is at least interesting from the perspective of seeing what their makeup and effects ideas were _before_ they hit the ground running. Big laser-beamy rifles? Gone. Minbari looking like pale, chunky amphibians? Gone. The Narn? Way too dark! Silence fields for private negotiations? Haven't seen them since. So, yeah, there's some merit, even amongst all the pain. I give _The Gathering_ 1 star, and _In the Beginning_ 5. Pity I had to average them and only rate this as a three..
Rating:  Summary: Need boxed sets! Review: I agree with several other reviewers that this series needs to be released in a "box-set" format. I've started a discussion at Warner Brother's website regarding this. (I'm sure this isn't a novel idea, but its about all I can think of doing right now to help the cause.) Please post a message there if you're in favor. I initially didn't care for the series because of the acting...but when I concentrated on the special effects and storyline, I really got addicted! =) I think it was TBS that repeated the entire series, and I tried to keep up with it, but I missed many episodes. I want them all so I can view them in sequence. It's really a good series. Just an opinion, umightthink
Rating:  Summary: Not the best of the series Review: Even though these two movies are not the best of the series, I will still purchase this DVD. Although, "The Gathering" had some relatively bad acting in it, it was still a decent story which introduces us to the world of B5. "In the Beginning" was never as exciting as some of the best b5 episodes, but it is nice to watch to see where the characters began. Personally, I would like to see my favorites: "Mind War", "Crysalis", and "War Without End" come to DVD.
Rating:  Summary: pre-rating :-) Review: I have been waiting years for this exceptional series to FINALLY be released on DVD. we now have boxed sets of Monty Python complete -- The Prisoner -- The Avengers -- X Files -- ST TOS is on its way -- Twlight Zone was just completed -- why such a long delay releasing B5, which outclasses at least some of the above at least part of the time? I'm not really keen on this initial "promo" release, but I guess we all have to buy it just to encourage Warner to do a proper 5-season release of the real show. hey Warner... we're waiting...
Rating:  Summary: Orlando Fan Review: It's great to see that Babylon 5 is finally catching up with technology of the times as fans have been requesting this for so long! I just hope that it is not too late and that great care was taken to ensure the quality of the work. What makes B5 so different from other Sci-fi's is that it is a working relationship of interacting characters and situations; one builds upon another and affects changes, it grows, develops both characters and storyline. Please remember that it takes a great many people, both in front of the camera and behind it, to make a great quality production. JMS did not act alone. Had anyone not given their "heart to their art" to make this fully entertaining in the realm of dreamed possibilities of the future, much less wonderful acting and chemistry among these actors or characters...you would not be seeing it on DVD. For those who are new to B5 you might wish to start off searching online for background on Babylon 5, the characters and the episodes. Who knows, we might meet up at the Conventions!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Stories... Review: IMHO, newcomers to the series would do well to resist the temptation of watching In The Beginning until they have watched the rest of the series as originally televised. There are a few spoilers in this TV Movie which could detract from the enjoyment of watching the story unfold. The Gathering is a good introduction to the characters in the series although there were a couple of changes made in the series from the pilot story.
Rating:  Summary: A fantastic series! Review: Finally we have a release date for the first Babylon 5 DVD's! We have been waiting so long its almost cruel. I think releasing both The Gathering and In the Beginning is a good idea. Both are excellent! The Gathering has such a good story, you just want to find out more when it finishes. And In the Beginning is just stunning. The story, the effects and the music are all superb, and deserves the best that DVD can offer! One thing I hope is that we get a decent package on these DVD's: 1. lots of extras, interviews with JMS and the cast, and of course the bloopers. 2. And why has there been no mention of a boxset release? I would rather buy the each season in a boxset form rather than get them all seperately. Boxsets are much cooler! They do it with Buffy and Stargate. 3. And why has there been no mention of a Region 2 release? I haven't got a multi region player. How many months will we have to wait over here in Europe? Anyway I look forward to the release! It will be cool!
Rating:  Summary: Finally! Review: All I can say is: Great Maker, it's about time! I thought B5 would never come out on DVD and I would grow old,"gray" and watch my videos disintegrate. Can't wait for the rest of them!!
Rating:  Summary: IT,S ABOUT TIME! Review: Well as a die hard fan of Babylon 5 I am very pleased to see it finally released on the best format. Both In The Beginning and The Gathering are excellent introductions to this top series. However one of the biggest strengths of this series, is its epic story arc and whilst these two films (one of them a pilot for the show), are good they make little sense too anyone new to the show and much of the story particularly, in In The Beginning, will not become clear as until later episodes. But we have to start somewhere and these films are as good as any in fact given the story arc they are essential. The Gathering is the pilot for the show and itroduces all the major charecters nicley, and has a decent story the only critisim really would be the special effects but the effects improve throughout the show so it would be unfair to judge the series based on this as it is the pilot. In the Beginnig was made much later as a prequel to the pilot so has higher production values. It tells the story of the Earth Minbari war an important event in the Babylon 5 universe and so has plenty of drama and action. But I must stress that I give the five marks based on the films themselves. I am not optomistic about the "extras" this DVD and future DVD's may have as its Warner Brothers. When it comes to their DVD's they are more stingy than Disney and Columbia Tri-star, Blade Runner for example; a top film and whats it got nothing not even 5.1 surround! so if thats how they treat a big film then I wonder what hope their is for Babylon 5. Come on Warners prove me wrong!