Rating:  Summary: Impressively Kitsch Review: This is another film which allows for different experiences on subsequent viewings, making it hard to come up with an answer to the question: what's it like? What can be said is that it is highly intelligent, very imaginative story-telling, low-budget, but not suffering because of this, and deservedly fitting into a category all of its own. It is also cheesy, beautifully overblown, and is sure to become a camp classic.The first time you see it, Cube is a remarkable stroke of genius. Every minute is filled with tension to the extent that it becomes almost unbearable to watch. The possibilities of the environment the filmmakers have created far exceeds what you would normally expect from a sci-fi, and the amount they are able to draw out of what is essentially a character-driven 'rat-in-a-maze' story is applaudable. But - and it's a big but - the second time you watch it, you start to notice how over-the-top the performances are. This isn't to the detriment of the film, but makes it a totally different movie. Gone is the tension and ingenuity, and in its place are a number of actors hamming it up to perfection, and enticing you to laughter every time their various neuroses blow up in their faces - the paranoid, the psychotic, the nihilist. The actor who plays the autistic character has definitely watched Rainman one time too often, and Leaven flits between chronic fear and rampant bitchiness so many times it's high entertainment. It makes you cheer, laugh, and thoroughly enjoy a film that it is clear the filmmakers had great fun making. At least, I hope that was their intention, because if they are playing it straight, as a serious film, something went seriously awry along the way! Overall, Cube is a great film to watch, as something tense and entirely original, or as something just to laugh with and enjoy. Sometimes you do wish that more people had been caught in the traps, just to see what other ideas the filmmakers had in their bag of tricks, but that is not something upon which to criticise the film. There is something for everyone in Cube, so don't be put off by its science-fiction classification. Even my mother liked it. That's saying something!
Rating:  Summary: Grrrreat movie! Review: At times gory, occasionally scary, thought-provoking, psychological thriller that asks you questions but gives no answers. Kind of like our everyday life - some passages are safe, some will get you in trouble or get you killed. Oh, and our life usually makes just as little sense as being in the cube with all those strangers. Love that kind of movies!
Rating:  Summary: Math-related thriller Review: This movie came out around the same time as PI, altho it was hardly given the same amount of attention. I'm always a big fan of the underdog, and I have to say I like CUBE eery bit as much as PI, maybe even more. It's about 6 people trapped in a maze of cube-shaped rooms and they have to find their way out, but they got to be careful because some rooms are booby-trapped. It's intersting to watch the characters unravel. I was also really intrigued by the way math was brought into the film as a major part of the plot. (You'll have to watch to see.) The budget on this one obviously wasn't high, but it's more entertaining and there's much better acting here than you can find in some of the most expensive movies ever made.
Rating:  Summary: This is the worst movie I have ever seen Review: This was the worst movie ever. You couldn't pay me to watch it again. It was like one of the movies that someone is watching when you go to their house and its half way through it, but you have no choice but to watch it so you try and figure out what is going on. Then you leave and don't see the end of the movie. That is what this is like, except i saw it from the beginning and i saw the end.
Rating:  Summary: i know the guy who made it. Review: i really liked this movie, the whole time i watched it i was trying to guess what every thing meant. but i failed, i wansn't even close. it's a good movie, and i know the guy who made it so i think you should watch it. it leaves you with an interesting ending, and i think there might be a sequel coming out sometime...
Rating:  Summary: Hmmm Review: I rented the movie and watched the whole thing with the commentary. This may or may not have ruined the effect. What I ended up seeing was song pretty striking insight into a really low budget film. After some pretty neat looking visuals, we aren't really let in on why or what the cube is. And the whole math issue, supposedly made easy to understand, was really a head scratcher. Although the absence of a real resolution may have added to the mysterious quality, some sort of closure would have really helped the movie out.
Rating:  Summary: this movie is WORTH it Review: when my friend tried to discribe this movie to me she said "i always sort of hated it, but it's facinating" then i watched it, and i knew what she meant. of course, i didn't hate it in the least. i guess alot of people say that it's pointless, but that could not be more untrue. i feel that cube is the story of someone's idea of hell. built by the stupidity and the greed of humans for humans to ultimately kill one another in. i didn't mind the acting so much because i think the characters are so interesting. they're realistic, and they each get deeper as it goes. i think that there are many many serprises to this movie, and if the viewer is paying attention to the dialogue, then the ending should have a memorable effect on him. by the way, i love the character of worth. i really really really love that guy. i say, what a unique, and artistic movie! good show.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Review: I'm not sure that I saw the same film the above reviewers saw. The Cube has laughable acting; It was embarrassing. The plot might have been interesting, but once again, a sci-fi movie devolves into a "horror" movie, where it's all about who's gonna meet what grisly end. The plot had an interesting concept and, apparently, that was it's only original idea. Obviously, it had no budget, but if you are going to trap a bunch of people in a room and make an audience listen to them fight and whine, you should give them something interesting to say. The Cube is definately USA channel, B-movie, sci-fi.
Rating:  Summary: Strangeily Good Review: This movie is about a group of people who are trapped in a cube with doors on every wall which lead to other rooms. some of the rooms are death traps, some aren't. All they have to do now is figure out which aren't and get out. For some strange reason i thought that this was a good movie. The first time I watched it I left with an uneasy feeling, but I guess that was the writers whole point. The point as i saw it was, what stress and pressure do to our minds and what kind of people we become. Just watch it and you will understand
Rating:  Summary: GREAT! Review: Cube is one of the best films I have seen in this year, perhapse even in my life. A must see!