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While You Were Sleeping

While You Were Sleeping

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: excellent character
Review: This movie is one of my favorite romantic comedies I have ever seen. You get some laughs, tears and romance! It's one in a million! Get it today and see why I fell in love with it!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Moviemaking in a coma, I know, I know, it's serious...
Review: While I was sleeping, another brilliant movie was made that had local pundits from KWHO-TV in Fargo calling it "The Feel-Good Movie of the Year! " and WHOR-FM in Jacksonville saying "The Best Date Movie of the Decade! " Cornfed slackjawed drones reminiscent of Jean of The Onion's "A Room of Jean's Own" drooled into their over buttered troughs of popcorn while they tried desperately to live vicariously by squeezing their cellulite thighs into a celluloid Sandra Bullock's size 7 Guess? jeans. For the easily duped and constantly outsmarted, this movie will provide endless entertainment. Both candy-coated stars are for you, but don't eat them. Think I'll hit the snooze bar.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A winning team.
Review: This is Sandra Bullock's best movie, and Bill Pullman is such a babe. Together they make a very charming couple. They seem to be so natural together. Even in the harshest of Chicago winters, this couple can bring on a nice whiff of heat wave that can make you forget your worries!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My all time favorite movie
Review: Whoever did the casting for this movie was a genius - each person is perfect for their part. I've watched it so many times I can quote it. I never get tired of it! And the timing and the music are perfect. I cannot think of one single thing wrong with this movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Two thumbs way way up
Review: Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman make a great team. I normally only like action movies but I love Sandra and this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bill Pullman is a very talented actor!
Review: Probably the Best movie ever made. It is funny, brilliant, comic ... and the actors are wonderful. I love the chemistry between Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman. He is absolutely the greatest actor in the world. He is really nice and cute. Beautiful movie, if you haven't seen it yet, go and buy it!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: good
Review: good movie cool liked it alo

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best sandra bullock film yet!
Review: Sandra is absolutly fabulous in this romantic comedy sort of like a cinderalla film where she falls in love with a man who is in a coma and pretends to be his fiance'due to a big misunderstanding but ends up with a mystery man in the end! great film i loved it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is Da Bomb!
Review: Hey Y'all! What's up? This movie is the best! And what also makes it good is that Sandra Bullock is in it! Oh yeah has anyone seen Forces of Nature? Anyway, when i rented it I thought that it was the best movie! So i wanted to bye it! And guess what I did! I think that you guys should watch this movie if you haven't cuz it's COOL!! It's really funny and you'd NEVER get bored of it! The best part in the movie that I liked is the part where Joe Jr. was trying on her shoes, that CRACKED me up! Anough talking so I'll See You all later BYE-BYE!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: : )
Review: This is a really good movie. I had seen on T.V. once, maybe about 1 or 2 years ago. I had seen it again with my cousin and it was nice to see! Elsie,the grandma in the movie was funny; Sandra Bullock was great for Lucy!

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