Rating:  Summary: Delightful movie Review: This is a delightful movie. After seeing Ben Foster in Barry Levinson's Liberty Heights, I very much wanted to see more of his work. This was not a disappointment. But where was he in Black Hawk Down?
Rating:  Summary: Unfinished, prematurely released disco-remake of Shakespeare Review: Get Over It(2000) is a spoof of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (itself a parody), with a knowing Brady Bunch Movie(1994)-feel.GOI is the fifth classic/Shakespeare-adaptation teen movie in recent memory (Clueless(1992) =Jane Austen's Emma, Romeo & Juliet(1996) =Baz Luhrman's gun-infested Shakespeare, 10 Things I Hate About You(1999) =Taming of the Shrew, Get Over It(2001) =A.M.N.D., and O(2002) =Othello). GOI even gives 10 Things a run for its impish money, thanks largely to its disco-cover soundtrack, plus the nostalgia of generations of students who survived their own high school theatre productions (previously on IMDb that similarity caused me to liken GOI to Fame(1980)). Marc Shaiman has become the 'Mr Fixit' of greenlighted disasters needing musical rescue. He's responsible for the opening- and closing numbers (2 very well-integrated video-clips) here: Love Will Keep Us Together (Vitamin-C's cover of the Captain&Tenille No.1 hit); and September (Vitamin-C&Sisqo's cover of the classic Earth Wind&Fire disco anthem). These clips come very close to stealing the show'although there are problems with that as well. Vitamin-C's procession out of Allison MacAllister's garage is probably Shaiman's left-field inspiration, but she's never given any acting to do in the movie, so the inspiration is scuppered. As for Sisqo's acting debut, his character, Dennis, plays like a mere token friend, whose lines are irritatingly lightweight (even though Sisqo's performance hints at more). The terrific-but-sudden closing disco number, September, unfortunately wrenches us from the story. Kirsten Dunst looks tres grown up in it; but the clip's spontaneous, Fame-like charm is undermined by an apparently unfelt hug between Vitamin-C & Sisqo at the end. At a length of 1:16mins without the end-clip, Get Over It is....too short. The third act, during which we're supposed to see the actual stage play, is thin on Shakespeare! Only the barest skeleton of Shakespeare's plot is revealed: a betrothed Athenian maiden, Hermia, has two lovers who become enchanted by fairies to act unpredictably. Of course, this mirrors the young stage thespians' high-school lives to an almost uncomfortable degree. Hermia/Allison's (Melissa Sagemiller) rivals are Demetrius/Bentley Scrumfeld (Shane West) and Lysander/Berke Landers (Ben Foster). Bentley Scrumfeld aka 'Striker' (groan) had been superbly cast'but Shane West now appears stuck as a sneering 'Bentley Scrumfeld' even in serious roles such as A Walk to Remember(2002). On the other hand, Ben Foster's Berke seems an overly-studied sad sack (with strange, closed-mouthed speech mannerisms) who turns into a suprisingly off-putting, competitive dude. The rivals notwithstanding, we really needed another 15-20mins of theatrics, Shakespearian or otherwise, with better-developed reasoning for the improv ending. The deep structural problems implied by no less than 8 producers(!!!) on this teen flick couldn't be just 'fixed in post'. THIS IS AN UNFINISHED FILM, PREMATURELY RELEASED. The 20-second haste of the intro montage with our high school lovers would've better suited a differently comprised movie (one that showed a lot more Shakespeare). Instead, the pace is haphazard; the ending rushed; and GOI's missing a lot of its mid-section'accounting for the split reviews it's received. There is much to like about it, however, such as Berke (Ben Foster)'s relaxed, effortless kiss of Kelly (Kirsten Dunst), his best friend's younger sister. Unselfconscious warmth like that is rare in teen films. This one is clearly trying to repeat the innocent-yet-knowing feel of the Brady Bunch Movie (note the Sherwood Schwartz-like family home of the McAllisters', whose garage spews forth Vitamin-C with her band). Another great touch was the CGI-transformation of 3 live actors into fairies 'with fairydust coming out of their a**es'. Their helium-induced 'imp' voices are cute, and 'Little Steve' (Dov Tiefenbach) is a perfect hoot'so much so, that we really should've gotten his backstory to explain why he was nicknamed 'Little Steve'! Most of the 'Fine Arts Dept', including the 'Chair', Desmond Forrest-Oats (Martin Short), plus the Production Assistant, Jessica (Jeanie Calleja), and the two stage crew/stoner guys, Chook (Park Bench) and Grendan (Daniel Enright), are all hammy, funny spoofs. Martin Short is, of course, the master ham'his fantasy bubbles are hilarious, as are most of his deprecating lines spat out through his (fake) gums. His only really bad misfire is his BIZARRE hand gesture across his face in lieu of resting chin-on-palm. It's so awkward that it just doesn't look human. Young Mila Kunis, as 'Basin' (is that a name?), plays like a chirpy young Laura San Giacomo to Kelly (Kirsten Dunst)'s proverbial Pretty teen-Woman. Kunis is a giggling delight. It's a shame she can't kick-start any chemistry with Dennis (Sisqo), her supposed admirer, either'in my opinion because Dennis is tarred as gay: he's way overenthusiastic about Madonna! The film's true standout scene finally occurs as the two rivals for Allison/Hermia's affection continue their altercation ... in some unexpected jocularity. Berke's mother (the always reliable Swoozie Kurtz) even whispers in the audience to her husband (Ed Begley Jr, an old comic hand since his Spinal Tap(1984) days) that '...It's so real, you can almost feel the tension'! This is, of course, the hoary old chestnut about EVERYTHING onstage being interpreted by audiences as 'part of the show'. For me, though, the movie registered a minus with Berke's parents being kept around BASICALLY to deliver the 'so real' line, plus maybe to give director Tommy O'Haver a cameo (as their 'Relationship Matters' TV show director). In contrast, Kelly&Felix's parents are conspicuous by their absence. In the end, it's Colin Hanks who walks away with the picture. He 'owns' and embodies Felix, Berke's best friend and 'Leisure-suit Larry' teen. Felix is so peer-cool that his 'manly encouragement' reaction shot to Dennis' awkward thesping is both perfect and lingering. This, then, became my 'secret' fav. scene. GOI's promising Shakespeare spoof remains 'uncooked'. The filmmakers (incl the 6 Producers+2 Exec Producers!!) should be given the opportunity to re-release GOI again. I'd definitely pay to see that, based on this, their 'first attempt'.(7/10)
Rating:  Summary: Just For Fun! Review: I first saw this film on cable and had no idea what it was. I don't recall ever even seeing a comercial for this film while it was in the theaters. I immediately went to CDNow.com to find out the title! Once I found it here and for sale I immediately bought it (this after having seen it once and only about 2/3's of it). Kirsten Dunst (Crazy Beautiful) once again turns in a great performance, but I hope she doesn't limit her movies to "teen movies" which seems to be her trend at the moment. She truly is a talented actress in-the-making as Interview With The Vampire and Drop Dead Gorgeous demonstrate. This is not a film of the "Vampire" callibar, but is just plain fun and silly-funny. The supporting cast is also excellant... all of which are "up-and-comers" (Among others: Sisco, Carmen Electra and Colin Hanks all in hilarious off-beat roles). I especially liked the parrallel to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. This is one of the view roles for Martin Short(as a loser high school drama teacher) that I found tolerable and actually VERY funny and effective. There is some very quirly humor here... like the boy band send up and the openning credits scene using the Captain and Tenille song- that always makes me giggle! One of the best parts of the movie is actually the "music video" closing credits bit where Sisco and Vitamin C re-do an Earth Wind & Fire song. I was hoping the DVD would have this as a separate extra, but alas, no. Overall this is merely a fun, funny send up of much of the current "teen scene" that can have even oldies like me giggling the whole way through. I value a movie on its "re-watchability" and this one is limitless in that!
Rating:  Summary: Funny, Awesome Movie Review: I was home sick for a week, flipping through the channels with absolutely nothing to watch. As I flipped through my 5 Movie Network Channels, I came across this movie, Get Over It. I've never heard of it before and was shocked to see all these celbrities. Well, I was immediately hooked, what a great film. To start off, the movie was filmed in Toronto, which is awesome. Kirsten was beautiful as usual and Martin Short was hilarious. I'm a big fan of these typical teen movies, but there was something different about this one. I think it was mainly the theatrical ending I enjoyed most. I just really enjoyed this movie and I hope you all enjoyed it too.
Rating:  Summary: And I rented that because...??? Review: Ok. I can appreciate a good laugh, but there's just nothing to laugh at in this movie. It was...weak, for lack of a better word. I guess I expected "10 thing I hate About You" quality. Don't buy. If you insist, then rent first!
Rating:  Summary: Another teen movie, but it is still so hilarious Review: This movie was very funny. Martin Short acted out hilarious antics in this movie. You will be laughing throughout this movie. From the slightly crazed theater teacher, who is obsessed with his "fame" that he always wanted, to the extremely open parents. The movie centers around a teenager (Ben Foster) and all of his love problems that he keeps encountering. He just can't decide who he wants until the movie nears it's end. It is another teen movie, which I don't often like, but this one was special. Kirsten Dunst is concreting her acting career, and has become a great actress, being able to show emotion and great acting. I think this is a good movie to watch anytime, anywhere, for almost anybody.
Rating:  Summary: Very cute and funny Review: This movie was very funny, and very cute. I love many of the movies that Kirsten Dunst is in, and this was one of them. I thought that this was mostly a teenage girl movie, my gal friends all loved it! It is so cute and funny, it will make you hate characters and love others. There are lots of little humor hints in it that are hilarious. I recommend that you see this movie with a bowl of popcorn and some friends!
Rating:  Summary: Summary: definitely not a phat piece of celluloid Review: There are some movies that take your breath away. Movies that are so ripe with humor, quirky, original plots, and brilliant acting that they just leave the viewer overwhelmed. Get Over It is not one of those movies. Get Over It on the other hand is a slightly less painful experience than gorging one's eyeballs out with a blunt instrument. Here are my gripes with it: the plot is pretty flimsy and a total teen movie cliche. Berke is dumped by Alison. Berke meets Kelly, who wants to help him learn his lines for a play he is performing in so he can get Alison back. Gee, you don't think they will fall for each other ,do you? Nope. Couldn't happen. To pull a David Spade, I'll say, "I liked this movie the first time I saw it...when it was called [insert title of any teen movie here]" Seondly, the acting. Ben Foster has just one pathetic facial expression throughout the whole film, Shane West is just amazingly awful as a boy band member with quite possibly the worst British accent ever documented on film, and let's face it, Kirsten Dunst is not going to be known as the next Maryl Streep any time soon. Sisqo shows up and doesn't have much to do except throw in some phat dance moves when needed. The dialogue is also pretty stomach churning , trying too hard to be witty ("You're my parents-you're not supposed to trust me!" ha. ha. ha.) However the movie is worth watching alone for the climatic play sequence. There has never been such a bastardization of Shakespeare. Ever. Even when they are playing it straight and saying lines from the actual play instead of the atrocious musical numbers, they don't seem to realize A Midsummer Night's Dream is supposed to be FUNNY. It's not Hamlet ( watch the interchange between Dunst/Helena and Berke/Lysander and you will see what I mean). The sole saving grace of the film is Martin Short. Quite simply...he is wonderful. everyone who is in theatre knows a director like Forrest-Oates and therein the humor lies. Also, kudos to the portrayal of the stage crew guys. Basically, I wouldn't bother spending the money to rent this. Perhaps you could rent it from the library to have a bad movie fest. Grab some Ben and Jerry's and show it along Glitter, Crossroads, and Showgirls. Even then you will feel sorely violated for having lost 86 minutes of your life that you will never get back
Rating:  Summary: Sisqo's big act Review: Sisqo did very well in this movie although i didnt like the character. since i am his number one fan every thing hedoes i like.
Rating:  Summary: Very simple yet very appealing. Review: Ok, I am a sucker for teen movies, I'll admit it. I don't care if it makes me seem feminine. This movie rocked. Typical high school story about a guy, his ex, and his new flame in a mixed up love triangle. THe ending is very obvious but its still fun to watch. Low budget movies are always the best. So if Ebert don't like it then give it a chance!