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Killing Zoe

Killing Zoe

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fast paced action film that is amazingly twisted
Review: This early Tarentino Flic has all the elements of a great Tarentino action Movie. We start the movie with Eric Stolts, the American in France, has come to pull of a hiest with his French friend. There's lots of killing, guns, romance and intreague. If you like Tarentino movies, or just love an amazing action movie, this is a must buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome!
Review: I felt like I was in the movie. It gave me insight in to the world of drugs and crime and it is a bad bad place. *Spellbinding*

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: really great, if you're fan of dark humor.
Review: probably my favorite film that no-one's ever seen.very likable, albeit violent characters, great look, and moves much faster than pulp fiction, in fact, it's a shame quentin tarentino is even associated with it. reminds me of 'love & a .45', another great film. both films share genius D.P. tom richmond. see it, buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't listen to Leonard Maltin
Review: This movie is better than Pulp Fiction. That is a bold statement but Avary is undoubtably one of the best writer\directors around. This movie draws you in completely and makes you want to rob banks. I can personally say that it led to my arrest for attempted auto theft. That being said, don't be scared. Rent or buy this movie immediately and you'll see what I mean.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Definitely worthwhile
Review: Some ultra-vi movies, like "Reservoir Dogs" and "True Romance," have little to commend them because the vi is the be-all and end-all. "Killing Zoe" brackets the violence with humor and mania, resulting in a very interesting movie. Eric Stoltz plays Zed, a US safecracker just arrived in Paris for a big job with his former school buddy Eric (Jean-Hugues Anglade). He has the concierge at his hotel send up a prostitute (the very appealing Julie Delpy) and they get it on tenderly, falling in love. A cliche, but nicely done. The second third is a drug binge before the big job, vaguely psychedelic and reminiscent of the New Orleans cemetary acid scene in "Easy Rider," but better done. The last and most satisfying part is the bank heist gone awry--like "Dog Day Afternoon" on speed and minus the humor, but with lots more blood. The redeeming feature is the world-beating performance of Anglade as Eric, played with manic energy, dementia and irony as things go from bad to worse. He alone is worth the price of admission, though he gets plenty of help from fine performances by Stoltz and Delpy. Look for Gary Kemp, who played Fat Ron in "The Krays," as one of the bank robbers. Definitely worthwhile.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Well, I liked it.
Review: Read some bad reviews below. I just saw this movie for the first time and I actually thought it was good. I thought it was slow at first, but the whole bank robbing sequence was great, I thought. So, yeah, a bit too much exposition, but pays off in the end I thought. I thought Eric was one of the coolest villains I have seen in a while. Reminded me of Gary Oldman in 'Leon'. So whatever. I liked it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Killing Zoe Great, yet One Question
Review: I thouroughly enjoyed this film mainly because it is itensly raw or even 'pulp'. Hmmm I wonder why. For taking place in France (though it was filmed in Cali.) on Bastille Day and the never-boring heist genre I definately recommend it. I have ONE question though. Whats on the cover in his hand. In the movie he walks towards the screen and flicks something and it makes a small explosion. Is it a cigarette or is it a heroine-related hallucinations. It's as if Avary, Stoltz, Bender, and Tarantino are throwing a riddle in our faces. It reminds me of whats in the suitcase in Pulp Fiction. All-in-all, a great film.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great movie
Review: Keep in mind that this is not your typical bank robbery/get-a-way film. This film use the bank heist theme to mask its intense portrayal of the dark side of the modern French society. It is a pleasant surprise for me to see this type of film. It has good acting, good story, and good cinematography. What more can you ask for?

As for the prior reviewers' complain of lack of character development. I say nuts. Must every movie have detailed character background? If you want one, go read a book. A good movie does not require obvious character background. A good movie will have such information hidden inside. A good movie will implore movie-goers to think and explore themselves.

Anyway, I love this movie. It is one of those movie that you can discuss with your friends about. It is one of those movies that you are not likely to forget.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Killing The Audience
Review: A very weak and uninspiring bank heist film that is completely predictable from the first 5 minutes into the movie. Overdone plot about a robbery gone wrong and the safe-cracker hero who has a heart. Nothing original here except for scenes too vulgar and tasteless to show on any film except for x-rated gay films.

The script is nil and the acting less than stellar. The screenplay is littered with intentional conincidences too absurd to be credible. I frankly could have done without the grotesque heroin-induced sodomy scenes. Watch "Heat" instead if you want to see a great bank heist film. Don't waste your time or money on this one, it's a sleeper at best: A negative rating is called for.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: craziness
Review: You guys are nuts. Killing Zoe may not be the bank robbery film that Heat is, but it has many more aspects to it, namely gratuitous sex, drugs, and violence. Yes, the bathroom scene is a little much, and the movie is unrealistic. But if you're going to movies to experience realism, what's the point? Just walk outside. Killing Zoe is a perfect distraction for any of you out there who, like me, are to entrenched in reality to fly to Europe and take heroin for the first time the night before a bank robbery you didn't plan for at all. I'm personally insulted by the stupidity that would be necessary to call this movie predictable, simply because I didn't anticipate it was possible for such a level of it to exist and I hate it when I realize that dumb people still have the capability of suprising me. This movie is a classic.

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