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Live Wire

Live Wire

List Price: $9.97
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great fun
Review: I was flipping through the channels when i got up one day and caught Live Wire in the middle of it. I loved every bit I got to watch and filled in the beginning, basically Danny O'Neil(Pierce brosnan)is an explosives expert who is dumfounded by mysterious, seemingly causless, explosions. The story is strong, and Brosnan's performance is impecablly brilliant, if I were a bigger Pierce Brosnan fan, I'd give Live Wire a 5 star rating.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Brosnan made the movie, music could have been better.
Review: I watched this movie on cable several years ago and have been searching for it for awhile, unfortunately I could never remember the name, until now. I am a true fan of Pierce Brosnan, since his debut as Remington Steele. 'Live Wire' allowed viewers to really see Brosnan. He was angry and vengeful, arrogant and cruel, comical and so very sexy, and physical. If not for starring Brosnan, the movie would have never been able to hold my attention. The music really sucked, and Silver well he has done much better work. I recommend this movie to anyone who can't get enough Brosnan. No collection of Brosnan films can be completed without 'Live Wire'.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Instead of a big bang, Live Wire delivers a pop
Review: In this not-ready-for-Bond primer, Pierce Brosnan plays an FBI explosives expert who can't figure out a series of deadly D.C. detonations that has the nation's capital on edge. The mysterious explosive premise is a good one, however the movie suffers from a made-for-cable feel (perhaps because of the terrible music). The cast does a good job with a fair to middling script, but a few characters just don't belong. Namely Lisa Eilbacher as Brosnan's promiscious wife. Usually a reliable actress, she's reduced to eye candy in this one. Ben Cross does a smash-bang job as the heavy, but Ron Silver is dead weight as Cross's congressional co-conspirator. All in all, Live Wire delivers an interesting pop, but is far from the entertaining big bang you might expect from a film featuring the future James Bond.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Live Wire is HOT!
Review: Pierce Brosnan plays a very human bomb squad expert who is on the track of an explosive substance thats undetectable. His charector is also dealing with a marital seperation. Some of the scenes in this movie are some of the sexiest on film!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Brosnon is electrifying as a loose cannon with brains.
Review: This movie is very underated, I happen to think it is better than every James Bond movie Bronson has made except for Golden Eye. Bronson's character in this movie has more depth than Bond's character which allowes Bronson to show of his acting talents and a wider range of emotions. In this movie he plays a capable, resoursful, tough, independent, bomb specialist. However, he is also a haunted drunk with a temper. Bronson's child drowned in a pool at their home while he was supposed to be watching her. The guilt has turned him into a hollow shell of the man he was. His wife has seperated from him and is now dating a senator who she works for. The senator, played by Ron Silver, is a great character. Silver does a supreb job of being sleazy and arrogant in this movie. The plot of this movie is unrealistic but intriguing nonetheless. Somehow a middle eastern terrorist/arms dealer has succeded in developing an explosive that exists in liquid form. For instance it looks like water but if you drink it you explode. The scenes where people explode are CRAZY!!! People get it really bad in this movie. The villian in this film is great, I have never heard of Ben Cross before and have never seen him in anything since this film and I do not know why since he plays such a great villian. His screen presence is astounding, he has even more presence than Brosnon. I lot of people gave this movie bad reviews but from reading what they wrote it seems to me that they had trouble following the plot. A lot happens in this movie very quickly and the plot involves a United States governent sponsored arms deal gone bad. In truth the movie could have spent more time detailing exactly what went wrong between the senators and the arms dealer (Ben Cross). Ben Cross's assistant is the guy who played the father on Ressecurtion Boulvd. (the Showtime orginal series about boxing) and he is good as a terrorist. I liked the fact that Bronson is pretty much the only good guy in the film, the senators are bad, and so is the arms dealer. Lots of intense action scenes, horrible death, etc. Good direction, script, acting, etc. The evil people in this movie get what is coming to them in the end, the senator especially.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good time filler
Review: While not technically believable this movie makes for fine entertainment. It catches your attention and never drags. It does tend to get pradictable toward the end. Enough humor is introduced to keep it interesting.

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