Rating:  Summary: The Emperor's New Clothes Review: I'm sorry to go against the hype, but this was NOT a great movie. Better than average acting and serviceable cinematography welded to a sappy script with one big "twist" do not make classic cinema. The DVD "extras" confirm that despite Shyamalaw's cockiness and film school thesis concerns with color, etc., this is just a one trick pony movie that is mildly involving and at least different, but by no means classic.
Rating:  Summary: DVD has many EXTRAS Review: The story was excellent with a terrific ending. I really love the extras that you get with this DVD - like the edited parts, excellent....
Rating:  Summary: A thinking person's horror film Review: I didn't know what to expect from this film and was glad I went in without expectations. This is a clever, non-gory, scary film.Young Haley Osment and Bruce Willis give very convincing performances. After you watch it the first time and the surprising ending is revealed you'll want to watch it a second and third time with new eyes, catching all the things you may have missed the first time.
Rating:  Summary: Touching story... Review: Besides the scary ghost things and story, it have some touching story behind, story between son, mother and their grandma; and the lovers...
Rating:  Summary: I Love This Movie! Review: This is movies is good, but its GREAT when you see it on DVD! If you love SCAREY movies then this one is for you! Thanks Amazon for having the best!
Rating:  Summary: Shocking Film, Shocking Ending Review: I unfortunately missed out on seeing this movie when it was released at the cinemas and i kept on hearing about that Ending from people had seen it. I'm glad i watched this with the remote control in my hand as i found myself reaching for the stop or fast forward button many times. It's extremely clever, and the storyline holds itself together well, building up to the ending. Now i've seen many shocking endings, (Citizen Kane was so obvious within the first few minutes, while the Blair Witch Project left me speechless). Regarding the ending the clues were all there but are never picked upon, when i did see that ending it was one of those rare events where i find myself staring blankly, jaw-dropped while the end-credits are finishing. The DVD alone picks up on some of the plot holes where you start thinking back on how it could have been so simple. All it lacks is an directors commentary.
Rating:  Summary: A more serious ghost story Review: I must admit that I was impressed by this movie. I will not get into the plot because I do not want to give too much away and because you already know the basic setup, unless your dead yourself. Movies that are as popular as this one tend to be silly Hollywood action pictures, and I worried that this would follow suit. It did not. Everyone talks about how they loved the plot twist, and they are good, but what I loved the most is that the story is taken seriously. It is not often that a serious ghost story is brought to the screen. More often than not we have to put up with the silly teen slasher movies that are not really scary at all. I would rank this film right up there with The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, and Jacob's Ladder. Even when I was younger I never understood why hollywood did not make serious scary movies. It is almost as if movie makers do not believe in the supernatural themselves. Actually I think that those slasher movies are a lot easier to make than a convincing, mature ghost story, and they make a lot of money. I can only hope that the success of this film convinces Hollywood that they can trust the audience with mature matieral.
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate not-a-thriller thriller Review: The thriller billing for this movie may put some people off. But if you're expecting blood and gore or shock horror, this is the wrong movie for you. If you're looking for good, emotional drama about human feelings and what makes - at least some - humans tick, you will enjoy this movie. The characters aren't always likeable, but they're always believable. What gore there is (and there is some - this is *not* a movie for children) makes sense in context and has a strong impact. This young boy is scared and the film allows you to understand and sympathize with his fear without trying to draw you into it. There is even room for romance in this movie. Romance on the level of long-standing, deep emotional connections. It is, in fact, a strong sub-theme in the life of the doctor. Sometimes events in the movie are predictable, but even there it's only because they are only logical. It's the only way it could happen. And these are more than made up for by the twists and turns that do occur. If you are a person who thrives on happy endings, you may find this movie hard to take. But if you can see the relativeness of happy and sad in an ending and appreciate the importance of both, you'll most likely find this one of the best movie experiences you've ever had.
Rating:  Summary: Grat Movie! Review: This definently was a great movie! I especially enjoyed the ending. It is a must see film.
Rating:  Summary: The smartest movie of 1999! Review: When my parents went to the movies with me, I was like okay. We rarly go to the movie but about 0nce a month and this was a movie I did want to see. And then, unfortunatly a sourse had already told me the ending and I was mad that she said it. I went through the whole movie knowing what was going to happen and I was mad. But the ways that they tricked my mom! And my dad! My dad can always know whats going to happen, but he was Clueless on this one. Get it! you will love it.