Rating:  Summary: A very good movie. Review: Bruce Willis does a credible job. The movie is a pretty good story and was directed quite well. There are several "dead" sections in the movie, which do make it a tad overlong, but all and all I would reccommend this to a friend.The DVD version is absolutely awesome. It has a fair number of features and a nice set of mood fitting interactive menus.
Rating:  Summary: This is a awesome movie Review: This is seriously the greatest movie I have ever seen. I recommend it to anyone. You gotta see it.
Rating:  Summary: A 20 minute movie in a 2 hour package Review: A bore. A complete stultifying bore. The kid sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he talks to his mom. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he talks to Bruce Willis. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. Then he sees dead people and gets scared. And so on and so on and so on and so on and so on. Of course I figured out the ending, because I had to have something to occupy my mind. I don't see how anyone with a fourth grade education couldn't figure out the ending. This rather drab little movie with it's rather drab and obvious little "surprise ending" wasn't offering much else for me to do. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Do NOT see this movie in the dark. Review: This movie is a very powerful movie. It can do what no other horror-thriller can: scare you every time you watch it. How does it do it? It sends scares directly INTO you, it doesn't just display scares like "The Haunting". (Well actually, sometimes it does, but that's besides the point). Like, you'll find it hard not to shudder when you read a line from a script like this: "The two boys are statues as Cole's BLOOD-CHILLING YELLS FILL THE HALLWAY." (Yes, that is from the original script) Now just imagine what it's like to actually see it come to life! And there's plenty of that in this movie. But the reason I gave it 4 stars is that there are some things you realize that just don't make sense once you've seen the whole movie. Like, if Malcolm is dead through the whole movie, why does he have a shadow? That's really where the magic of visual effects could come in handy. And another thing, if people who don't have the sixth sense can't see dead people, then they can't hear dead people. So how can I believe a tape recorder can? And like another reviewer said, there is an embarrasing but 98% not noticeable blooper involving a hairlick on Bruce Willis. So, in other words, see this movie if you want a scare like you've never had before, but some errors and one blooper certainly aren't scares.
Rating:  Summary: On the edge of the edge of my seat! Review: Over the years I have seen many thriller movies, some very good but I really can't remember any of them keeping me on edge and giving me hot flashes and chills. If you over analize this too much afterwards it can take away some fun though. The acting is excellent especially from the young boy. I didn't even look at my watch once.
Rating:  Summary: Love the extra features on this DVD Review: Sixth Sense is a great movie. The first time i saw it in theatres i was scared to look under my bed that night :) Now the effect has worn off, but i still love watching the movie. There is a lot of suspense, and the acting was superb. There are quite a few extra features for this DVD. I found the deleted scence section to be very entertaining. Its neat to see what has been cut from a movie. Another feature I liked was one were the director showed one of his early attempts as a youngster at making a scary movie. Most DVD's don't have a feature like that, so I thought it was very creative. If you liked what you saw it the theatres, I'm sure you will like this DVD, its definetly worth picking up.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever Review: This the best movie ever made. It is awesome. It keeps your attention and the acting is really good. It should have won everything it was nominated for at the acadamy awards. Anyone who saw this movie and gave it a bad review obviously didn't see the same sixth sense I saw. If you haven't seen it yet you must. I don't see how any one could not like it. This is definetly the best movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, DVD very annoying Review: Can someone tell me why this DVD has so many previews at the start? I have two other DVDs, and they don't have any. Every time you pop in the disc, you have to sit through stupid previews of Mission to Mars, Summer of Sam, 13th Warrior, some vampire flick and other ads. It's VERY annoying, unless there is some way of bypassing them that I'm missing. As for the movie (when I finally got there), I didn't see it beforehand, and it was an original and thought-provoking film. Haley Joel Osment was excellent, as were the actresses in the film, including Toni Collette and Olivia Williams, who turned in another fine performance after Rushmore. However, you really have to suspend disbelief watching this movie, and during parts of it I found myself thinking, "That's ridiculous." Also, the "ghosts" were nothing special and seemed pretty shallow, and I think Bruce is better in action movies. He seems worn-out here. But it's fun and would make a good DVD rental. The DVD has excellent picture quality, and I had to turn the lights off because it's quite dark. It has deep tones and good colour. The DVD has quite a bit of extra material including deleted scenes and an interesting "Rules and Clues" part, but it could use less of M. Night Shyamalan, who keeps talking about box office numbers and his birthday.
Rating:  Summary: I sense overrated Review: The Sixth Sense was a good movie, no more no less. In a year of so so movies it was nominated for an Oscar but is truly not an Oscar worthy picture. The performances were good but not overly great. The story was good but again not great and the ending explained a lot concerning why certain things were missing in the script, such as specific dialogue. In the end not a scary movie nor a great movie. As far as buying this in DVD, why bother. If you see it once you'll never need to see it again.
Rating:  Summary: amazing Review: all i got to say is, this blew me away! usually im very sceptical when getting ready to watch a movie with one of the main carracters being a kid. but after seeing this, maybe ill change that attitude. this Osment is totally amazing! not since 'the champ' have i seen anything like it. i know he got a nomination but i dont remember if he won the Oscars for best supporting role. he sure as hell earned it in this movie, hands down the best preformance ive seen from a boy his age, ever. i guess if you think about it, the whole plot aint that original, but they use it in a way that you feel you havent seen this before. i wont say anything about this movie, other then its about a psychologist (Willis) who had a bad experience with a patient, who shot him, and then meets a kid (Haley Joel Osment) and feels hes gotten a second chanse. youll have to see this for yourself! even with the expectations i had, i wasnt dissapointed at all. its a scary movie to some extent, but all in all, its about values and how humans interact and treat each other, trust and faith. if Osment doesnt get a Oscar in his lifetime (im expecting him to get tons of challanging roles) then something aint right.. buy it! if you dont like it ill refund your money.. its a sleeper