Rating:  Summary: A Good Movie Review: This is a movie I recomend you watch. After you watch the movie watch the behind the scenes;which comes on after the movie. Most people like to watch it a second time so they can look for the clues. For the people that say the ending was odviouse in a way are right,but let me piont out just one thing. The part where Crowe is sitting with Cole's mother waiting for Cole. When Cole's mother ask Cole how his day was, and she was going to cook dinner which will be ready in a hour makes you wonder if she hired Crowe. There are other examples too.
Rating:  Summary: I see dumb people. Review: Yes, yes... most of us are familiar with the more famous line of this film, "I see dead people", but listen closely and you may hear what this little boy is really saying. He is describing the audience who loves this nothing film. You wait and wait and wait, and nothing happens. There are a few strange surprises towards the end, but it is not worth the wait. Instead we have a film that meanders along, with nothing much happening while we are watching. Bruce Willis, as a child psychologist, does do a great job. However, since Bruce Willis is in alot of other films, you do not have to suffer through this one to watch him. If you insist, however, you can see him interact with a little boy who can see, and hear, dead people. Branded a freak by his classmates, alone with his talent, he mets Bruce. Bruce really doesn't believe that this little boy can see dead people, instead he thinks the child is crying out for help. Who really needs help, and how they get it, is one of the nice twists of the movie. A few good plot turns, however, doesn't make up for the slow, very slow, pacing. If you like freaky movies, watch some of the old Twilight Zones episodes. They are more interesting, and only take 30 minutes instead of 2 1/2 hours to make the point. Okay, okay, maybe this film isn't "dumb." But the overreaction by so many to it certainly is. "The Sixth Sense" is an okay, average film worth watching on broadcast television, but not worth the money needed to buy a DVD. Wait six months, it will be a "movie for a weekend" on a local channel.
Rating:  Summary: THE REASON to get a DVD Player. This Movie is Wonderful!! Review: I very seldom want to see a movie twice. In fact, hardly ever. But the DVD version of THE SIXTH SENSE is an exception. Assuming you have already seen it in the theater, I know you walked out of the movies wondering what you missed. This DVD will answer all your questions. See the film again, then watch the director (our Alfred Hitchcock) talk you through the thought process that resulted in this amazing story (he wrote the story, directed the picture, and played a cameo role). See scenes that were cut from the movie...not just snippets, but full tangents to the main story line. Hear how the musical score was constructed to complement the unusual story line. Hear M. Night Shamalyn tell you how he was certain everyone would figure out what was going on and utter his amazement that his dream worked. Hear how Donnie Walberg lost over 50 pounds to prepare for his short, but very important role. Hear how this story started as a seed in the mind of a boy and grew into one of the best ghost stories of all time. Be careful what reviews you read in Amazon.com...if you have not yet seen the 6th Sense, many reviews will spoil the entire movie. And it only takes two words to do so. If you don't have a DVD player, get one. If you haven't seen The Sixth Sense, you must see it. If you have seen it once, you must see it on DVD again. Very Highly recommended!!
Rating:  Summary: Well Casted Review: Sixth Sense has had one of the best casts that i have seen for ages. Choosing Bruce i thought would be a bit dodgy as we were used to seeing him in the Die Hard films, but he rose to the challenge and was fantastic and worth all the money he was paid. Im glad that Toni Collette was chosen as she is my favourite actress, and she has already taken on various different roles before(Muriels wedding, Emma) so i knew she would be able do the role justice. The film has an excellant story line about a young boy who sees ghosts and seeks help from Bruce Wills. What happens through the film is some of the best effects i have seen in a film of this standard and without giving too much away, i would like to say that this film has a twist at the end that more or less makes the film`
Rating:  Summary: Big surprise Review: The real joy for me was to see the performance of Bruce Willis, one of the best of the year, and a pity it wasn't more praised. The plot twist at the end was a real shock. Definitely worth the watch, extremely moving in many scenes, with a haunting quality to it that lingers in the mind.
Rating:  Summary: "I see dead people..." Review: As a 13-year old I always believed younger kids were able to see ghosts, but later denied this due to a "more clear and critial thought". And you somehow lose that ability to see the dead because of disbelief. The idea has grown to me ever since. What if you grew up with the concept of ghosts being really real? Maybe M. Night Shyamalan had a somewhat same idea when making up this movie's premise. M. Night Shyamalan is a brilliant director who just came out of nowhere and blew the competition away. (considering it openened up along with overrated box office hits like 'Blair Witch' and 'Runaway Bride') M. Night has this documentary style going on too and I really love that kind of filming cos it adds alot to the realism. For example; the scenes of Cole's mum walking around the house are quite impressive long shots - which gives a sense of real time shooting, hence you feel like you're really there with the characters and experiencing the same events they are. The cast performs amazingly well. Haley Joel Osment does seem too intelligent for a kid his age, but maybe it's due to his "special powers" and isolated lifestyle that results into more deep thinking. Bruce Willis showed us once again he can be a more than decent actor, reclaiming his spot on my favourite actors list :o) Toni Collette's amazing performance as Cole's mum impressed me the most. Why doesn't she ever leave her hair like in this movie? Looks so much better on her... Anywayz, I think Olivia Williams' exceptional performance is also overlooked too much. It's her ambiguous role that helped us believe the ongoing events for every viewing. Olivia coped with the pressure of that role just fine. Another thing I like about M. Night Shyamalan is that he's put so much effort in this to make it work and see whether all the rules he set and is taught are correct. This is really a work of love and that was what I think made this film such a success. Look out for his cameo as a doctor btw... The DVD contains a beautiful transfer. The picture is spot on. This movie relies more on dialogue so it doesn't have to benefit from the best ever soundtrack. Still, it sounds as natural as Toni Collette's performance - making it all feel so real. The deleted scenes give quite an enjoyable watch and the featurettes cover enough subjects to clear away most of your questions. The worst part of this DVD is that, upon inserting it, it starts by showing some trailers from other movies. It's quite annoying stuff and really disturbs the mood by taking it completely out of context. Our European version doesn't suffer from that same problem though. But due to the multi-lingual subtitles we had to sacrifice the animated menus - which also spoils the mood. The Aussie version is the same as our's so there's no real perfect one without trailers AND with animated menus included. You decide which version would be best for you. On a minor note: Don't EVER let anyone spoil the ending for you. I've made this mistake and can't help but think of how surprising and good the story's outcome could've been if I didn't know about it. So whatever you do, no matter how boring your new date is: DO NOT talk about plot twists you don't know about yet.
Rating:  Summary: Hollywood 101 -- or, how to use the "Sepcial Features" Review: Before I begin, a WARNING: DO *NOT* LOOK AT THE "SPECIAL FEATURES" FOR ANY DVD BEFORE YOU WATCH THE MOVIE!! Perhaps this goes without saying for many of you, but I have this vision of all these people unwrapping their shiny new Christmas DVD players, and saying to themselves, "I gotta try this thing out, but I don't have two hours for the movie... hmm... maybe the storyboards will give me a quick clue." Don't do it for any DVD, and especially don't do it here. The Sixth Sense has a fantastic surprise ending (I flatly disagree with the reviewer who said anyone could see it coming), and if you watch the storyboard feature, you'll find out what it is in the first two minutes. Other reviewers have covered the movie itself quite nicely (plot, casting, and so on), but I haven't seen any detailed commentary on the bonus DVD material. The items included here are a pretty good Hollywood 101 assembly. If you want to learn how the director, the producer, the editor, the cast, and all the other folks who put these films together do it, watch the special-feature stuff. I haven't seen the whole process laid out any better than this, although some of the individual "how we made it" elements are better in other DVDs. I suggest watching the special features in the order they're listed on the case's back cover (I think-but I'm not sure-they're in the same order on the DVD menu: Storyboarding -> cast -> music & sound design -> reaching the audience -> rules and clues (this one's great!) -> deleted scenes -> conversation with Shyamalin (like most "conversations w/the director", this is kinda bloated--but still interesting) -> publicity. The sequence is logical, although not quite chronological; and you'll learn a lot about how the hit-making machinery meshes with art. It doesn't always work, but in the Sixth Sense it does. In sum, it's a good look at how they made a movie in the twilight of the 20th Century. One note about the film itself: I'm not a Bruce Willis fan by any means, but I will give the man credit: he understands the role of his character completely. Other reviewers mentioned that Willis stood back and let Osment occupy front and center. I'm inclined to give Osment and Shyamalin more credit for that than Willis, but it would've been easy for Willis to let his character dominate the scenes. Instead he made what seems to be a conscious, deliberate effort to recede, and for that he deserves credit.
Rating:  Summary: No Surprises Here Review: The Sixth Sense turns out to be one of the highest grossing films of 1999. But why? The film offers a "twist" ending that is supposed to be a surprise, but if you have any common sense, you will see it coming. The ending dumbfounded millions of Americans who were so tricked that they spent their hard earned money to see this film twice. The fact that they saw it twice does not mean that it was a great film, or that is was so complicated that it would take repeated viewings to get, it meant that this film was too intelligent for the audience. Who was the audience that this film was too educated for? this film only tries to trick people at the very end by taking something that is painfully obvious and trying to say that it is the big twist. Well, M. Night, i say you stop trying to trick the uneducated audiences that were fooled by this horrible film and work on a film that is intelligent and has a strong enough plot that it does not need to rely on its ending to try to save the rest of the film.
Rating:  Summary: The Sixth Sense makes No Sense Review: In August of 1999, "The Sixth Sense" opened worldwide and, since then, has been established as one of the more successful psychological thrillers in our time. Critics said it had everything anyone could want in a flick, and noone dared to give it anything but five stars. When I saw this from an entertainment standpoint, I could not figure out whether the slow-motion button on my remote was jammed or if "The Sixth Sense" was an incredibly dull film that moved unbelievably slowly, and ended up nowhere. I eventually realized that the latter of the two answered my question. Yes, it is boring. No, it is not scary or entertaining in any way, shape or form. I would rather drop the gloves with Tie Domi than watch this pile of garbage movie again. But, I didn't hate it just because it was dull. There were plenty of other reasons why this movie is, in my honest opinion, the worst ever. Through the eyes of a critic, here are some mistakes that the critic's didn't catch. First of all, why is Cole a freak? He is only 8 years old and he walks and talks like the common person his age. Does it really make him that weird if he says that people were hung in what is now his elementary school? This is only bizarre if the person claiming it's truth is an adult. No disrepect to young boys like the one Haley Joel Osment portrays, but is it that uncommon for an 8-year old to say irrelevant things like he did? Next, why did he see visions of dead people? There are many twisted psychopath's in our society, but a common 8-year old who never hurt anyone would never have these kinds of hallucinations. In addition, the trailer for "The Sixth Sense" always shows the part where Cole tells Bruce Willis that the corpses want him(Cole) to do things for them(deceased). Put plain and simple, NO THEY DON'T! Sometimes, they talk to him, but they never ask or demand him to do one thing. Finally, does an 8-year old really NEED psychological help? No, he does not need help. He may be a slightly pessimistic child, but does he really need psychological assistance? NO. After the movie is over, ask yourself, did Bruce Willis do anything to help Cole? What I'm saying is that Bruce Willis' character isn't even needed at all for this motion picture. WHAT IS HE, A SIDEKICK? Some of the reviews on Amazon just warn you that a movie is bad and advise you to avoid it. But, I wanted to provide a good explanation as to why I hated "The Sixth Sense". I hope you can understand why this is, in my opinion, the worst movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: M. Night Shyamalan Review: THE SIXTH SENSE Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osmont, Toni Colette, Olivia Williams 1999 Synopsis A distinguished child psychologist (Willis) meets a frightened, confused eight-year-old (Osmont), who confides in the Dr. and tells him of the thing that haunts him. . .his incredible sixth sense of being able to see dead people. My Review A good ending does not make an entire film. Difficult movie to rate and review. Most people have to see it a second time to fully understand what the actually happened. M. Night Shyamalan, originally from India brokethrough with this Academy Award nominated film that has become one of the highest grossing films of all time. Wow!