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In Dreams

In Dreams

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: F as a Failure....
Review: What a stinkeroo! What a waste of time, talent, and energy! But if you crave a good horror movie, see "The Ugly." Then see "In Dreams." Then compare them. Put simply, there's no comparison. "The Ugly" will make you shiver,while "In Dreams" is simply a pretentious mess. Hold on. Maybe I'm being too harsh. After all, there must be something good about the film. Well, there's a nice performance from Toby, Annette Bening's dog, who's more convincing than Robert Downey's villain. Another plus is when the film is over and Roy Orbison sings "In Dreams" over the credits. It's hard to believe this film was directed by Neil Jordan, the same bloke who did the undervalued Bob Hoskins' starrer, "Mona Lisa."

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A hip-hopping rollar coaster
Review: In Dreams was like going on a rollar-coaster and about to fall. Very intense,and scary. The villian played by Robert Downey Jr was totally suckky. But overall the movie is a very intense, frightning rollar-coasater.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I must have seen a different movie
Review: I have one word for this movie. Sad! Disfragmented, plotless, acting that hit many valleys and very few peaks (which is surprising, considereing the accomplished cast), the only near interesting facet of this film was the underwater town, which seems to have been thrown in as visual candy as opposed to being REALLY necessary to the plot. Do not waste your time or your money. Invest in something like Silence of the Lambs if you want to be scared.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved it!
Review: I thought this was definately a great film. Very rarely does a movie give me that "Don't turn around" kind of feeling, but this was one of them. Like others, I don't want to give too much away, but if you like suspense, you will LOVE the ending!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WHOA!
Review: This movie really grabbed me. It was so frightening and intriguing...it made me want to learn more about the characters. My one desire is to find the book the movie was based on in hopes of learning more about the story line. If anyone knows or remembers what it is...please let me know. I saw this one in the theater, and let me tell you, I don't think Robert Downey Jr. could have been any creepier!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Scary, suspenseful and smart
Review: This is not your typical horror/thriller. The cinematography is incredible, especially the dream sequences. The acting is first rate, especially Annette Bening. It is very well-written, it doesn't insult your intelligence. The unique cinematography and sound effects make this a particularly good watch on DVD. The DVD also contains interesting tid bits about the making of the film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best thriller of 1998
Review: Usually films by Dreamworks do very well at the box office, but I remember that this movie was a disaster, which I cannot quite understand. Maybe due to relatively unpopular casts/poor marketing. Anyway, I was completely mesmerized by an intense and ominous atmosphere of this movie. Cinematography is extremely good. If you miss scary movies that do not insult your intelligence, like Dario Argento's movies, or "The Omen", then you will surely like this movie.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Gripping ! It grabs you and NEVER lets go till the ending..
Review: I can't say to much about the plot because I don't want to give anything away - (unlike the bonehead, right under my review, who gives away the fate of the main character). This is a very disturbing film - please be warned. If you are sensitive to 'how much can a human being take' type of movie, be careful. With that said, this film is so intense that I could not take my eyes off the screen. By the time the ending credits started rolling, I found myself with the biggest tension headache for constantly being on the edge during the whole movie. It's done extreamly well, as far as directing and acting. Many scenes fullfill a need of TRUE suspense and shock value (something that is missing from a lot of today's films). The only weak spot is the final 15 minutes, which seems to get a bit 'silly' and WAY to far fetched - But nevertheless, a real suspenseful, haunting, and shocking story. It's too bad it had to be so disturbing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must see!
Review: This has got to knock Steven King off his thrown! No offense, I love King, but it was absolutely spine-chilling. Do not watch it alone. Especially, do not let children watch it, as children are victoms. RENT THIS!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This One Beats All Mind-Twisters
Review: I have seen almost every horror and thriller movie made from 1986 to now. And this one tops all of them mad in the last 2 or 3 years because it doesnt have an ending made to have a sequel. It has an ending that lets YOU decide what happens. The movie also shows that dreams can come true, and some things sound fake but you have to believe in them. I think this movie is a great low-costing film.

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