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Fright Night

Fright Night

List Price: $14.94
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: I have been watching this movie for years, and every time I see it, the movie gets better and better each time. The story plot revolves around a teen boy who is just a normal teenage boy, and one of his main interests is in horror movies, invoving one of his favorite movie characters. The boy, named Charlie, has a girlfriend, named Amy, and a good friend named Ed, or "Evil". Charlie lives with his mother in a typical suburban neighborhood, and starts to notice something strange about his new next door neighbor, Jerry, who is very attractive, in a dark and mysterious way. Charlie begins to realize that suspicions he had about his new neighbor, and his live in carpenter, who is equally attractive as Jerry, are now becoming a reality, and that his new neighbor, is a vampire. The movie gives you quite a scare, and yet, is also comical at times. This movie is one of my all time favorite movies, and is a great movie if you are ready to go on a fantasy journey. The movie really has something for everyone, and I will always love this movie. The all star cast is fabulous, and very entertainging. If there was a rating of 10 million stars times a zillion, this movie would get it! I know that sounds corny, however, thats how much I recommend this!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Back! Back! Back, foul demon of the night!
Review: I loved watching this movie. Roddy McDowell was excellent in this fim as Peter Vincent, "Fearless Vampire Killer". Yeah, right. If this is what made him so famous on screen, why was he living in a small, cramped, and cluttered one bedroom apartment with a job hosting horror flicks on a show that scraped the bottom of the barrel in ratings??

As for Chris Sarandon, this is the best I've seen him look in a long time, especially in his vampire make-up. What's so attractive is that he is so suave when he seduces Evil Ed into taking his hand. The way he kidnapped Amy was classic too. Dandridge's 'attraction' to Amy was almost otherworldly, if a somewhat typical throwback to the B-Movies of the 1950's.

I especially liked when Charlie, the typically sex-starved teenager, gets curious and discovers his neighbor, Jerry Dandridge's secret. It's really funny when he tries to convince the policeman of a murder. Even Amy thought he was cracked.

Yes, the plot holes were there as far as the script, but at least no one was dumb enough to stand in the path of the vampire screaming. This is what gave the movie strength, despite the troubles with plot. Peter Vincent did stammer and cower after he visited Charlie's neighbor. It's amazing how he rebounds though.

I've seen the second installment of this movie and prefer this one to that one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Horror Movie
Review: This is a great film and wasn't over done. It is one of those teen 80's vampire flicks, and is very enjoyable no matter how old you are. Buy saying no matter how old you are I don't mean let your kids watch it cause it's not for your kids at all. Chris Sarandon (star of Child's PLay) is great as Charlie. He maked the movie very enjoyable. I was a bit younger when I watched this film. I don't mean like 9 or 10 I was about 23 when this came out and now I'm 42. The special affects are great and the camera tricks are dazzling and great. Lot's of nudity in this vampire flick and this one was way better than it's horrible and depressing sequel. So, just take my word for it, don't go near the sequel. Anyway, the acting in this gets a 5/5 and the plot gets a 5/5. Even by looking at the front cover of this movie you can tell that it is a cool and exicting film. This is the best vampire movie I've seen really, and trust me, I've seen a batch of vampire movies. Let's say this film hits number 1 because of these three reasons,
1. There is tons of gore
2. It isn't fake looking like alot of other vampire movies
3. It has a great and interesting plot
What more do you need to know that this movie is great and well worth your money no matter what the price is. SO go ahead and get this movie, take my word for it, you won't regret it. Not at all.
Rated R for graphic violence, nudity, coarse language, and some gore.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "You're so cooool, Brewster....."
Review: This movie is a lot of fun. It takes a classic horror theme, vampires, and brings it up to date, atleast when it came out in 1985. The use of special effects is done really well, in that they compliement the story, and not try to cover up the fact that the story is weak and full of holes, like in other movies. This movie is about a guy named Charlie who finds out that a vampire has moved in next door to him, and has started killing people. The more he tries to convince others of this, the crazier he appears to look. He tries to enlist the help of a local TV personality, the character played by Roddy McDowall, who hosts his own creep show called 'Fright Night', with little intial success. Eventually some of the other characters see that Charlie is right, and this leads to the climatic finale. I think Chris Sarandon plays his role as the vampire realy well, not over the top but right on the money. He's charming, seductive, and alluring, with a sinister side that only Charlie can see until the vampire exposes himself for what he is....Roddy Mcdowell is great also, playing his role as Peter Vincent, a sort of washed up character actor trying to squeeze as much as he can out of his past celebrity. A fun movie with a lot of charm and appeal. I am amazed that this movie came out like 18 years ago....seems like only yesterday...where does the time go?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Welcome to Fright Night...for real!
Review: It staggers me now that when I first saw this movie in the cinema upon initial release back in 1985 I was actually disappointed! I was 15 then and guess I expected gore and deaths every 5 minutes in place of say a plot, acting, character development, etc... Since then I have seen the film over 20 times, purchased the poster, soundtrack and the film both on VHS and DVD (not many extras on the DVD version, unfortunately) This film has great acting by all leads, but Stephen Geoffreys as "Evil Ed" steals the show - my favourite quote is when William Ragsdale and Amanda Bearse are resigned to defeat by vampires and "Evil Ed" remarks "Then we'd have vampires taking over the whole town (looks out window) - not that it'd be much of a loss..." Great score by Brad Fiedel ("The Terminator") and attention to detail - smash cut camerawork and great flying effects. This is an ideal horror movie to show anyone uninitiated in the genre - couple it with "The Lost Boys". The sequel is also worth watching (once).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Campy Horror Movie of the Best Type
Review: Fright Night is one of the all-time greatest horror movies about vampires. It weaves together a blend of campy humor and truly frightening scenes to create a masterpiece of the horror genre. I know I may seem to be giving this movie high accolades, but I have to say that I'm still blown away by it's originality and wit all these years later. I first saw the movie when I was a young child who snuck out late at night after my parents had gone to be to watch the rented movie.

The plot is quite basic. A teenage boy, Charlie, notices that people start disappearing and turning up dead when a strange new neighbor moves in next door. Charlie is a horror movie buff and lets his imagination get away from him, and begins to believe his neighbor is a vampire. None of his friends believe him, his mother thinks he has dreamt it all up and needs a cup of cocoa to settle him down, and the host of his favorite show "Fright Night" thinks he is insane. Eventually Charlie's friends enlist the help of the recently fired horror host, Peter Vincent, and they take Charlie to his neighbor's house to prove he is not a vampire. I'll leave it at that so as not to spoil the entire movie.

If you haven't ever seen this movie, go out and rent it. Once you do, I'm sure you'll want to buy it. This is a great movie for horror film buffs who can appreciate it's quirks. However, even if you're not a fanatic about scary movies, you will probably still enjoy Fright Night because it is a great movie on it's own merit. Don't be fooled by the premise of vampires who move into a teenage boys neighborhood and start wreaking havoc, because this movie goes beyond the realm of the typical and incorporates so many different elements that it creates an amazing final product. Watch it! Buy it! Love it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Popcorn never tasted so good
Review: Anyone settling in for the night with some snacks and a couple of friends would not fail to enjoy this movie. It is a gruesome, slightly campy horror romp that hardly gets anything wrong. It's a great deal of fun.
Charlie is a normal teen; all he wants out of life is to get some nooky from his girlfriend and maybe pass his trigonometry test, too. But Charlie has a new neighbor who likes to drain the blood out of prostitutes, and he can't just sit by without doing something about it. Yes, he discovers the guy next door is a vampire, and of course no one believes him.
The cast is perfect. The wonderful, underrated Chris Sarandon plays the dapper vampire, whose name (Jerry!) isn't all that scary, but he still manages to serve up plenty of menace. Charlie is capably played by William Ragsdale. Reluctantly assisting Charlie in his crusade are Amanda Bierce ("Married...with Children") as his whiny girlfriend, Stephen Geoffreys as his goofball buddy Ed, and Roddy McDowell as a has-been TV horror flick host who talks the talk but is too cowardly to walk the walk. Geoffreys in particular is priceless. He is easily the most entertaining character in the movie, especially after he encounters Jerry in an alley late one night (in a haunting, surprisingly sympathetic scene). When the "vampire hunters" finally make their stand at Jerry's house, all hell breaks loose.
Gore galore, laughs and scares... All I can say is, have fun!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Monsters and mayhem, done to a turn
Review: FRIGHT NIGHT (USA 1985): Unable to convince anyone that his new neighbor (Chris Sarandon) is a vampire, a desperate teenager (William Ragsdale) summons the help of a reluctant TV 'horror host' (Roddy McDowall) to confront the monsters in their midst...

Produced at a time when the American horror film seemed to have lost its way following the glut of low-budget independent shockers which proliferated in the wake of HALLOWEEN and FRIDAY THE 13th, Tom Holland's FRIGHT NIGHT attempts to straddle the gap between 'traditional' horror and the effects-driven blockbusters which had begun to dominate genre movies in the early 1980's. The plot is a little thin, and there's a couple of items which date the narrative squarely within its decade (notably the disco sequence, and a cringe-inducing theme song by the 'J. Geils Band' during the closing credits!), but Holland's script reserves its major fireworks for a dramatic second half, in which the forces of Good and Evil make their final stand against one another, resulting in a barrage of monsters and mayhem, courtesy of Richard Edlund's superb visual effects. Ragsdale and love interest Amanda Bearse are saddled with stock juvenile characters, but Sarandon relishes his role as the vampiric predator, toying with Ragsdale as the boy's accusations of supernatural horror are met with incredulity by all around him. However, McDowall steals the movie as a faded horror star whose old-fashioned values have fallen out of favor in an increasingly cynical age, and who finds himself confronted at the end of his career by very real monsters indeed. Though somewhat underwritten, McDowall portrays the man's cowardice, sadness and ultimate redemption with a deftness and clarity that brightens the entire movie. Some observers have discerned a homoerotic subtext in Ragsdale's obsession with his handsome, vampiric neighbor, and also in Sarandon's pursuit of Ragsdale's high school buddy (Stephen Geoffreys, also known as 'Sam Ritter', star of gay adult movies like VIRTUAL STUD and SEX ON THE BEACH), and while there's some merit in this particular reading, it doesn't get in the way of the slam-bang melodramatics. Geoffreys adopts a range of tics and mannerisms which will infuriate some viewers and endear him to others, but his final sequence - one of the best in the entire movie - is charged with genuine emotion (rendered even moreso by McDowall's extraordinary, wordless performance on the sidelines), and the 'death rattle' which accompanies Geoffreys' departure is one of the creepiest sound effects this reviewer has EVER heard!!...

One of the first DVD's on the market, Columbia TriStar's presentation is exceptional in terms of sound and picture quality, though viewers are urged to ignore the pan-scan/fullscreen version included on the disc, which crops away half the picture and throws many shots into disarray. There are no extras, except for a trailer. At the time of writing, the entertaining sequel FRIGHT NIGHT PART 2 (1988) is available on DVD from Artisan in fullscreen only, cutting the scope image down to a shadow of its former glory. Avoid at all costs.

106m 19s
2.39:1 (Panavision) / Anamorphically enhanced
[Fullscreen 1.33:1 version also included]
Dolby Surround 2.0
Dolby Stereo [theatrical]
Optional English subtitles and closed captions
Region 1

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Meet Jerry Dandridge...
Review: He's sweet, sexy, and he likes to sleep in late. You might think he's th eperfect neighboor. But before inviting Jerry in for a nightcap, there's just one thing you should know,. Jerry Prefers his drinks warm, red-abd straigt from the jugular! It's FRIGHT NIGHT, a horrific howl starring Chris Sarandon as the seductive vampire and William Ragsdale as the frantic teenager struggling to keep Jerry's deadly fangs out of his neck. Only 17-year-old Charley Brewster knows Jerry's bloodcurdling secret. When Charley can't get anybody to believe him, he turns to TV horror host Peter Vincent, who used to be the "Great Vampire Killer" of the movies. Can these mortals save Charley and his sweetheart Amy from the wrathful bloodsucker's toothy embrace? If you love being scared, FRIGHT NIGHT will give you the nightmare of your life!
Rated R For language, nudity, and violence.
Special Features Include:
Interactive Menus
Languages: English 2-channel (Dolby Surround), french, portugues

Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Portugues, Chinese, Korean, Thai.
Theatrical Trailer
Scene Selection
Widescreen and Full Screen Formats.
This Movie Rocks! GET IT! Its both scary and cheesy! one of the better 80's horror movies!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the 5 best horror movies EVER!you're so cool Brewster
Review: Fright Night, Clownhouse, Halloween, Scream, and A nightmare on Elm Street are the five greatest Horror movie ever. Fright Night is a 1986 vampire flick written and directed by Tom Holland(Child's play). Charlie Brewster is a high school kid who lives with his mother and has a girlfriend. He notices that his next door neighbor Jerry Dandridge is carrying a coffin into his bassment for his sleep during the day. He gets Peter Vincent to help him out. This movie is AWESOME. Horror Movies from the 1980's are the best(except Halloween "1979"). Chris Sarandon is great as an intimidating SCARY vampire. i rented this movie and kept it overdue for almost a month because of repeated viewings. Get this classic to add to your scary movie collection, it is probably better than anything that you already have!

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