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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Glorifies child abuse
Review: The last scene glorifies child abuse. The film is by definition going to be disturbing, but I think that child abuse is too important to be trivialized in this manner.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Seen all 3, still good but my least favorite.
Review: First piece of advice, see Silence of the Lambs, which was great, before you see this movie or else you might be a bit lost at points. I don't want to spoil the plot, but out of all the Hannibal Lecter movies, this was not my favorite. If i had to rank them it would Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, followed by Hannibal. Don't get me wrong, it is still a good movie which is why I gave it four stars, and the ending is very interesting, if not disturbing. Defintely recommend seeing it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Looking For Mr. Goodfella......
Review: This review refers to the Special Edition DVD of "Hannibal"(MGM)...

After the first viewing of this film I had it set in my mind that this was a three star movie.I thought it was pretty good, but it was no "Silence". I watched it again on this outstanding DVD, and viewed it as a seperate story from "Silence of the Lambs".I am glad I did, because it was the second time around that I realized what a great movie it is in it's own right.Under the direction now of Ridley Scott,a terrific screenplay by David Mamet and Steven Zaillian,stunning photography by John Mattheson, the haunting score by Hans Zimmer, and with a brillant cast, "Hannibal" is a thrill ride you won't soon forget.

Based on the novel by Thomas Harris,the story picks up 10 Years after Dr. Lector(Anthony Hopkins) has made his escape. He is living in Italy and seems to be quite restless. After learning that his "beloved" Clarice(Julianne Moore)has been disgraced in a botched drug bust, he comes out of hiding and cleverly draws her into his web once more.The story is a bit more complex than that though.Along the way Clarice must deal with a cunning Agent(Ray Liotta) who is out to humiliate her, and a wealthy man who was a victim of Dr. Lector's, survived quite disfigured and is now out for revenge.Then there's the Italian Detective who has discovered the identity of Lector as well as the huge reward and decides to try his luck as well.Well, we all know by now what happens when you mess with Dr. Lector.You will never think of Ray Liotta as a "goodfella" again after you see what the Doc has planned for him! The story is a roller coaster ride of thrills and chills.Lots of suspenseful and nail biting scenes. This film is definetly not for the sensitive viewer.

There is no one else who could ever be Dr. "Hannibal" Lector other than Sir Anthony Hopkins. He's as terrifying as ever. Julianne Moore does a perfect take on a tougher and more mature Agent Starling.It's a departure for Ray Liotta from his usual style but he is perfect as the despicable nemesis to Clarice.I would also mention Giancarlo Giannini gives a great performance as the pitiful detective. The make up and special effects are so good, that I won't even mention who performs such an excellent job as the angry disfigured millionaire. I did not even realize who it was the first time until the end credits, and don't want to give it away for first time viewers.

Fans of this film will delight in this DVD. First of all the transfer is gorgeous. All the beautiful cinematography of Italy and it's famous historical landmarks are breathtaking, The picture is in the theatrical release widescreen. Choose between DTS or Dolby 5.1 Surround. The sounds are clear and distinctive and the score will take your breath away. Images and colors are excellent as well.This is a two disc set. There's a ton of goodies to watch. You can spend all day with Hannibal or watch a different feature each time you view the film. I especially enjoyed "Breaking the Silence" which runs well over an hour and encompasses every phase of the making of the film(it's broken into segments if you have something particular you are interested in.) The segment with Hans Zimmer was wonderful.For a full list of the featurettes please see the tech. info.It may also be viewed in French or Spanish and has subtitles in those as well as English for those who may need them.Altogether a dynamite package.

Get reaquainted with Dr. Lector,but remember..mind your manners at dinner!....Have fun...Laurie

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Just plain silly
Review: The only good thing about this film is Julianne Moore who always, always, gives everything she's got to any film in which she appears. She does a creditable follow-up as the alienated Clarice Starling in what is otherwise a deeply stupid film.

The screenplay gives only the merest nod to Thomas Harris's signal achievement in actually humanizing Hannibal in the book; in the film, Hopkins gives the same ridiculous, over-the-top performance he offered in Silence of the Lambs. Why he possesses an Academy Award for it will be forever beyond my comprehending. (If you want to see a truly alarming, deeply inhabited Hannibal, check out Manhunter--Michael Mann's ill-advisedly renamed Red Dragon--and see British actor Brian Cox do in only a few minutes what Hopkins cannot do in two full-length films: impart the true horror of evil personified, without bells and whistle but just sheer acting ability.)

For all the moody, European effect, this movie just doesn't happen. It comes alive when Moore is the focus. When it's Hopkins, it's all just gore, more gore and still more gore--pointlessly. Unlike the book, where the reasons are clear, in the film Hannibal is just a killing machine. Liotta also gives an over-the-top performance that lacks any hint of subtlety. The audience doesn't even get to enjoy the final scene as written by Harris; it's turned into an additional bit of meritless gore.

Don't bother with this one. Get Manhunter instead--which is truly the best film of a Harris book.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A stylish gross-out movie
Review: After finally getting around to seeing the well done _The Silence of the Lambs_, I was eager to see what happens next, in _Hannibal_.

Unfortunately, the sequel didn't really continue the story--or tell much of any story at all. Instead, _Hannibal_ is essentially just a series of gross-outs, with little holding them together.

There is a plot, of sorts, involving one of Lecter's surviving victims seeking revenge, but it never really pays off.

It's fun to watch Anthony Hopkins, when he's not going too far over the top and/or disgusting us, and Ridley Scott's direction is impressive when it's not dwelling on gore.

Unfortunately, their efforts aren't enough to save this messy followup to a classic.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Style in balance with substance
Review: Following a decade after the enormously successful and critically acclaimed "Silence of the Lambs," "Hannibal" was a sequel that I (and many others) had questioned the quality of. After all, most sequels that come along this late are usually pointless and can't capture the magic of their predecessor or just flat out stink. "Hannibal," though surely a different film, does not stick to routine sequel formula. This film stands by itself. Anthony Hopkins returns to his role as Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter and Julianne Moore replaces Jodie Foster as FBI Agent Clarice Starling. Both actors do superb jobs, especially Julianne Moore (who I have always liked) who had a lot to live up to. Clarice, having just been accused of botching a drug-bust, is temporarily stripped of her duties as an FBI agent and is put to the task of revisiting an old-case of hers: Hannibal Lecter. She is given the job of tracking him down, and after receiving a letter from "H," she slowly, but surely, pinpoints his location: Florence, Italy. Problems arise as another detective in Florence is on Hannibal Lecter's trail after receiving word of a large award granted by one of Hannibal's victims, who wants nothing more to see "H" suffer and who will pay any price. The movie relies on a lot of gore. Gallons more than "Silence of the Lambs" did. Exposed brains, exposed intestines, exposed skulls, it's all here and it's about as nasty as it's R-rating will allow it to be. But still, the movie maintains it's dignity, despite being an all-out gorefest. The movie is both beautiful and terrifying. Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator) did an excellent job directing. Like the title says, he does a superb job of balancing style with substance. Purists will hate it because it is a lot different from "Silence of the Lambs" and even "Manhunter." But, really, the movie is it's own movie, and if you keep that in mind, you too will enjoy it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Big budget [garbage]
Review: This movie lacks everything that Silence of the Lambs had. Even with the acting talents of Hopkins or Julianne Moore, this movie is completely ham fisted. Not sure if the blame goes to the director ( although I have liked most of Ridley Scott's work) or the screenwriter but this movie is just obscene. A brutal simplistic sequel to a subtle original.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Does not live up to the original
Review: Silence of the Lambs was a critically acclaimed success- a compelling, suspenseful, moving movie. What does the movie studio do? Try to duplicate the success as quickly as possible to strike while the iron is hot, and create a sequel. And like most sequels, this movie doesn't live up to the original.

Even veteran actor Anthony Hopkins cannot save this movie, in spite of his wonderful performance. Julianne Moore replaces Jodi Foster as FBI agent Clarice Starling, who squares off against Dr. Hannibal, who taunts her from across the Atlantic ocean in obscure ways.

I can almost imagine how the script outline took shape. The story seems to be the product of anxious Hollywood pitchmen frantically throwing out ideas to a studio executive, grasping for success. In any event, they have produced a disjointedly contrived story, punctuated with brief scenes of gory violence.

If you must see this movie, rent it.. don't buy it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Garbage
Review: I wish I hadn't seen it. _Silence of the Lambs_ was a great film. Lecter was scary, and even Jodie Foster did a fine job. And I'm no fan of hers. But this--ugh. Lecter is no longer scary--he's just completely, utterly insane. Clarice is now a cipher. The movie is just gross, although it pales in comparison to the pornographic novel upon which it is based. If you want to see someone gutted, and see someone else get his brains eaten while he's alive, then by all means watch this movie. But if you're not interested in such things, then by all means watch something else.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: T. Harris should have spoken to R. Scott about the ending
Review: I would go straight to the point : in the Book, Crawford appears ; in the Book Thomas Harris explains why Lecter became cannibal and it is related to Lecter's childhood and his little sister Misha; what about the Palace of the mind?; in the Book there is Mason Verger's sister who teams with Barney; AND OVERALL IN THE BOOK THE ENDING IS 180 DEGREES OPPOSITE TO BOTH ENDINGS OF THE DVD AND THE THEATRICAL RELEASE : I cannot describe the ending, read the book, it is suprisingly incredible. Why change it totally in the movie, MY GOD !!!.

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