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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I have never been so mad at the ending of a movie!
Review: I have never have been so mad at the ending of a movie. Before I go into that let me just say that again Anthony Hopkins as always is great as hannibal lecter and Julianne Moore played Starling just as good as Jodie Foster. And Gary Oldman's uncredited performance as Mason Verger was also well done. That is about all the good things I can say about this movie and those 3 performances are why I gave this movie 3 stars. This movie butchered the book, and the parts that were left out hurt the movie too. In the book you understand why the italian cop tries to catch lecter himself and turn him over to verger in the movie they cut that part out! I won't even go into the characters that are missing. The ending was what really irked me. I guess the ending pushed the envelope a little too far for Ridely Scott or something, but was very weak in my view. The DVD does have some nice extra's but the movie is not that memorable. Of course that is just my opnion, I could be wrong.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hannibal the horrible
Review: The rumour is that Scott originally turned down this project as he heard the title and imagined that it was another historical epic. More's the pity, as this really is the emperor without any clothes, as the director turns in another classy effort, full of his usual cinematographic skill and care, but a film which is ultimately ugly and unnecessary. This is a series in decline: inititially there was the striking Manhunter, featuring an excellent Brian Cox as Lecter; then Jonathan Demme's slightly overrated but still enjoyable Silence of The Lambs. It has been a profitable franchise that just had to continue, and the new film has all the hallmarks of being cobbled together as an excuse to extend a unconvincing course of events even further, while leaving the door open for a fourth installment.

Hannibal falls into three broad sections: first the professional disgrace of Agent Starling; then the discovery and trap set for Lecter in Italy; finally the confrontation in America. Hannibal's presence (as he is now the star of the show) is delayed until quite a few minutes into the picture. Scriptwriter Mamet obviously thought it a good idea and as a way to build up suspense. There's no doubt that there's tension in the air as we await his arrival. It also enables some filling in of Starling's character and motivation. But the opening action scenes are a distraction, the events they portray are never referred to again. By the end of the film it is obvious what they were: narrative padding, deferring the arrival of the main event. Mamet later even has dialogue bathetically undermining the seriousness of what has happened: The Guinness Book of Records congratulates Starling on being the Female FBI agent who has 'shot the most people' - a ludicrous moment.

The problem is that Hannibal's insouciant malevolence is almost entirely static by nature. One thinks of the evil he suggests, regularly in situ in Manhunter's prison cell, or Hopkin's usual calm movements as an actor. Hannibal strolls and discourses, never hurries or panics. He is the civilised chef or lecturer, standing or being wheeled out in front of people, leisurely lighting candles or preparing a ghastly repast; what he is not is dynamic. Hannibal is an action picture constructed around a slow moving centre, and the result is mostly dull. Even the mutilated, fish-faced Mason Verger (an unrecognisable Gary Oldman) is unfortunately bed or wheelchair-ridden - hardly the dynamic opposition required. A chase or two, perhaps more of the manhunt in action for the most wanted Doctor might have leavened the pace a little. Instead, in Verger's watery eyed prosthetics we experience some of the imaginative exhaustion of a series which is feeding upon itself.

By far the most interesting part of the film occurs in Italy, where the avaristic Inspector Pazzi (Giancarlo Gianni, in his most high profile film since the cult Seven Beauties (1976)) discovers Hannibal's identity and plots to secure his capture for the reward himself. But, sadly, Gianni's hangdog charisma as an actor notwithstanding (oh why couldn't he have been cast as Starling's boss, and the wolfish Ray Liotta be the Italian cop?) this is a section fatally drained of tension. It is clear that he will meet his fate at the hands of Lector, who is too smart to fall for this sort of mid-film trap; we even know the likely cause of his murder, so heavily is the emphasis on the grisly death of his ancestor. All Pazzi can do is to listlessly plot and smoke until his game is up - a moment admittedly lightened by Lecter's quizzical 'Entrails in or out?' - while the gore-starved audience is denied more of the suggestion made by the killer that he would eat the wife.

There's a scene in the cult exploitation flick 'Bloodsucking Freaks' (1976), in which a mad doctor gleefully sucks a victim's brains out through a straw. One is irresistably reminded of this at the end of Hannibal, except that the original, Sadean, justification is replaced here by a jokey, gourmet one. For all of Lecter's weird and compulsive romancing of Starling (which by the next installment will no doubt develop into something more reciprocal), the ending, with the cranial work on Krendler (Liotta) is absurd. Liotta, excellently manic in Goodfellas (1990), good in so many other films, looks embarrassed mouthing his goofy remarks, and one is not surprised. Was this kitchen cabinet of horrors really written by Mamet? From lecher to Lecter's leftovers, Krendelr's role is an unthankful one, the actor's usual dynamism restricted to sexist remarks within smart team briefings and enclosed spaces. But Krendler-Liotta still seems more immediately dangerous to Starling than the good doctor ever does, which is one indication of the way that Lecter has been reduced in stature as each installment has progressed downwards. Like Freddy Kruger, Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers before him, familiarity has bred contempt, and Dr Lecter has lost much of the edge as a villain he once had.

None of Scott's excellent lighting, or Zimmer's outstanding score, can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, any more than Hopkin's restrained acting style can make Krendler's brain much of a delicacy to be relished. Moments of true horror, like the man eating hogs, do stand out amidst the general dullness, but these are too far between to save a film which leaves those who expected better with a bad taste in the mouth.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disturbing is an understatement
Review: The title of my review says it all really, although for the people who are actually reading this write now I am going to say a bit more to strongly adivise you not to watch this movie, in my opinion, if someone can buy this DVD and watch it over and over, they are disturbed, you may laugh but I'm being 100% serious, my cousin is one of the people who watch this movie and get alot of pleasure out of watching it, me...I don't. If people think I'm being to serious about it then ask yourself, have you or someone close to you cried at a movie?, yes, I thought so, well why did they cry at the movie?, it's just a movie isn't it?, no actually, it's based on reality, and so is Hannibal, this movie is so disturbing it's untrue, my Aunt told me she let her daughter (my younger cousin) who is 12 watch the movie and I told her she should be ashamed of herself (which didn't go down to well but I am entitled to my opinion, and I gave it) - I cannot and will not tell those of you who have not seen this movie about the scenes but I can't stress how disturbing and disgusting this movie is. I have no doubt I'll get loads of people saying they didn't find this review helpful, but for those of you who did, good for you.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A so-so sequel
Review: While it lacks the action of the Silence of the Lambs, it is still a good movie in its own right. This movie centers around capturing Hannibal Lecter rather than capturing another murderer. It is not as good as the original, but worth your time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's off the scale. Not enough stars to rate it!
Review: I actually felt that Julianne did a better job witht he Southern dialect than Foster. Sorry Foster fans, but she dropped the ball a couple of times in Silence of the Lambs. Julianne is much more believable in this role and I hope to see her in a sequel.

My publisher at Rambles thinks I am a scarey person because I suggested sending a list of rude people to Hannibal for his menu and because I said this is one of the best love stories of all time. Normally I do not like romance stories or movies, but this one is off the scale. Hannibal might be a cannibal (what man doesn't have a quirk or two), but he is still capable of the deepest love known to mankind. The ending to the movie just breaks my heart! Okay, so it IS supposed to be a horror movie. But who could ever be scared of such a loving, caring man?????

I love everything about this movie and prefer it to Silence of the Lambs, although that was an excellent movie and will always be one of my faves. This DVD is worth its weight in gold!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: The second best since SILENCE OF THE LAMBS has Hannibal Lecter in the film,but he is mostly not a bad killer in the movie he is still into cannibalism.Julianne Moore was the best actress to take over Jodie Foster's role as Clarice.Anthony Hopkins was wonderful as Dr.Hannibal Lecter.the deaths are pretty bloody and the end was sick but cool when Hannibal cuts the man's head and makes him eats his own brains.This movie was the best.skip the 3rd one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Seriously underrated horror film.
Review: Watch this movie back-to-back with Brett Ratner's "Red Dragon" and you'll understand what separates a great director from a pedestrian one. Ridley Scott has crafted a classic horror film. A film that, despite justifiable complaints about the "easy way out" ending, leaves a surprising amount of the novel's surreal mayhem intact.

Dark cinema fans should embrace this one. It's not often you get a true horror film with a dazzling cast (Hopkins, Giancarlo Giannini are incredible, and Julianne Moore doesn't make us forget about Jodie, but makes the best out of a tough situation).

Oldman's portrayal of Mason Verger makes the film, however. Pathetically evil, obsessed with revenge -- it's impossible to take your eyes off him. The opening sequence of the movie (where Verger purchases Hannibal memorabilia) is a delightful intro. Verger's self-mutilation flashback is jarring and surreal.

The Grand Guignol gore style of the movie has been seen by some as laughable. I thought it was quite disturbing, the absurdity adding another dimension of terror to the film. Like all great horror films, as a viewer, you're not sure just how far into nightmare territory this one will go (particularly if you haven't read the book).

If only DeLaurentis had chosen a worthy successor to direct Red Dragon, the Lecter trilogy would've easily been the best horror cinema series ever.

While "Silence" is clearly the biggest crowd pleaser of the bunch, and a very sophisticated thriller, my heart is with Hannibal. It's absolutely beautiful to look at, holds up amazingly well under repeated viewings, and never shies away (until the very end) from the novel's most appalling elements.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Anthony Hopkins 's best film!
Review: I appreciate Hannibal story and movie.
You never get bored but it's sometimes very disgusting!
The actor act well particularly Anthony Hopkins, It surely hard to interpret a cannibal !!I prefer Jodie foster than Julian Moore in the role of Clarice sterling but Moore acts well too.
It's hard to understand why some people eat humans, it's very disgusting.
Even if Hannibal is very mad, he is attaching, you don't think he's mad.
I suggest you to watch it but don't eat before!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: not as good as the book
Review: I would just like to say that I enjoyed this movie, but only until I read the book. Harris is a master and the book was creepy yet compelling but this movie does the book no justice. not to mention the terrible "Hollywood" friendly ending. Yes it's hard not to love watching Anthony Hopkins, as Hannibal the cannibal, and I did enjoy him telling Gary Oldman to cut his face off, but it still wasn't good enough. If you plan only to see the movie then you are missing out. I strongly suggest that you run out and get the book today. You won't regret it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: terrible
Review: I was expecting more from this movie than what i saw. To start with, the original Clarice (Jodi Foster) was not in the movie. Secondly, there wasn't enough suspense in it, it lacked quality. I read the book before i saw the movie and the two are totally different from each other. I suggest that if you want to see Hannibal at its finest, then read the book!

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