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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is GREAT!!!!!!!!
Review: Man this movie is soo cool... better than silence of the Lambs. I truly love this movie and rate this movie a ten star rating!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: What Happened?
Review: What happened to this movie? I hate to say this but the book was so much better. I do agree the scenery was beautiful and Anthony Hopkins plays Hannibal superbly. Bravo! I was very disappointed that Mason Veger's sister's role was completly cut. In the book she and Barney (the nurse) are also daily people in Mason's life. Also cut was Jack Crawford, if he was there I missed him. The movie to me just took bits and pieces out of the book and was just to jumpy at times. All in all the movie wasn't bad but it really could have been better and most disappointing the the ending. The books ending was so much better. Read this great book to see what was cut from the movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I do not know about the States,but in the UK this sequel has taken a lot of flak.I say the critics are wrong.The film is different to the silence and should be viewed differently as well.There are some Brilliant very darkly comic performances on show,from Legend Hopkins and the great Gary Oldman as well.Great oneliners pop up through the film,and it is beautifully shot as well.The setting of Florence is perfect for a character like Hannibal to be at home.His character could be described as a rennaisance man,with his love of fine art,foods wines etc.The DVD is also amazing,brilliant picture and sound and a vast selection of special features add to the fun.Roll on the next Hannibal movie.I offer a toast to Hannibal( a nice Chianti of course)This refers to the British region 2 version.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: it could have been great
Review: its a shame with all the talent making this movie , that it fell apart so fast , there were to many scenes that didnt really seem to connect well , to many subplots going on that didnt seem to come to satisfying conclusions . the ending was all wrong . to bad it could have been great

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Why the (lousy) changed ending???
Review: This film is gorgeously filmed & superbly acted - I think Ridley Scott is a brilliant artist. So why oh why did he have to change the wonderfully humorous, romantic pastiche of the ending in the book. What replaces it is ... - so disappointing -totally ruined what preceded it! SHAME!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A beautiful work of art
Review: Hannibal can probably be called an art horror film. The settings and shots of ITaly and its beautiful art and history are all over this movie. Director Ridley Scott set out to make Hannibal as different as possible from Silence of the Lambs, so a comparison is not fair. Scott succeeds in capturing the atmosphere and environment of Thomas Harris' novel. Hannibal picks up 10 years after SOTL. Clarice Starling now played by Julianne Moore is a tough cop in the middle of a drug sting in Washington DC. The sting goes bad and suddenly Clarice is in bad odor with her superiors. A world away in Florence, Dr Lecter is living the good life: drinking espressos, taking in all the art history, and working as a museum curator called Dr Fell. Dr Lecter's carefree existence is disturbed by Italian detective Rinaldo Pazzi. Pazzi does not want to bring Dr Lecter to justice, instead he wants to collect the bounty placed on Lecter by his only surviving victim the fabulously wealthy child molester Mason Verger(played brilliantly by Gary Oldman). Dr Lecter easily outsmarts and kills Pazzi and escapes a capture attempt. However, Lecter is moved by Starling's troubles and decides to see her in the US. Following him are Mason's kidnappers, who finally capture Lecter and bring him to Mason. Mason decides to feed Lecter to some wild pigs. The acting in this movie is great, in particular Oldman and Anthony Hopkins. Hopkins is having the time of his life here playing his most famous role. He glides through the movie as the sleek and smooth Dr Lecter. But its Scott's direction which puts this movie over the top. The sights and sounds of this movie are a true delight. The music is glorious and unforgettable. Some of the scenes are so beautifully shot that you don't even care about the dialougue you just look and admire the screen. Hannibal is a new breed of horror movie, very sophisticated, lovingly shot, and beautifully acted. Its better not to try to categorize or compare this movie just watch and enjoy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lives up to the hype created by Silence of the Lambs
Review: Whatever was left to your imagination in the original Silence of the Lambs, they bring to full bloody, horrifying gore in this the second movie. Because now that Hannibal has been out on the loose for a decade director Ridley Scott had to have him live up to the hype created in the first movie. The movie Hannibal did offer an interesting plot, although it was quite simple, as a faceless man throughout the movie is hunting Hannibal wanting revenge for making him faceless. This faceless man uses an unknowing Agent Starling (now played by Julianne Moore) as a decoy to lure Hannibal out of hiding. Great stuff, however you may have to close your eyes for several parts of the movie due to the unnecessary gore. Meanwhile, the DVD features include documentaries, outtakes, deleted scenes, and enough movie trailers to think you watched the movie from the trailers.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Think "Phantom of the Opera" not "Silence of the Lambs"...
Review: The people who were disappointed by this movie are largely people who wanted it to be "Silence of the Lambs" again only different. Those folks never understood that this wasn't the story of an investigation, like "Silence" was. This movie was about the love of a talented "monster" for a beautiful and also talented woman. Thus, it bears more in common with "The Phantom of the Opera" than it does "Silence of the Lambs." If the viewing public had kept that in mind, I think there would be generally higher reviews for the movie.
I was disappointed by the movie for a different reason. In the trilogy of novels in which Lecter appears, the theme is always about metamorphosis. In "Red Dragon", Francis Dolarhyde is undergoing metamorphis into the Red Dragon. In "Silence", Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill) is attempting the metamorphosis into a woman, by wearing the skins of his victims. In "Hannibal", Clarice is the character who transforms. She is the only one of the three to successfully transform into her new self. She does this with Lecter's assistance; he was, after all, a brilliant psychiatrist, whatever else he may have been. Thus, at the end of the novel "Hannibal", when Clarice and Lecter eat Krendler's brain and run off to South America together, it is true to what has come before in the two earlier novels. The people who were outraged by that ending were mainly those who think of Clarice Starling and picture Jody Foster. When they read "Hannibal" what they really wanted "Silence of the Lambs" over again only different.
My disappointment with the movie lies in that by changing the ending, they completely discarded the theme on which the story was built. I still enjoyed the film. Moore was every bit as good as Foster ever was in the Starling role. Ray Liotta was hilarious and slimey as Krendler. I enjoyed watching Hoppkins enjoy himself as Lecter. I was also disappointed that some of the lesser characters were discarded and that the essential hatefulness of the Mason Verger character was kind of glossed over. In the end, what could have been a great movie, was only a good movie. If only the film makers had had the courage to go with the original story....

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hopkins shine's. Too bad story doesn't
Review: After watching this movie, all I can say is that Jodie Foster made a excellent decision to avoid this one. This is just a slasher movie dressed up with some big name stars and does not have any of the psychological terror of Silence of the Lambs.

Bottom Line: Avoid this one like the plague.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great movie, terrible special features.
Review: Well, several people don't think Hannibal was as good as Silence, but I disagree. I actually think it was better. I just watched Silence, after watching Hannibal, and the first one just isn't as good. I thought Julianne Moore equaled the performance of Foster, and I don't think the movie was too gory. This movie was not about Buffalo Bill, it was about Hannibal, hence the name. Would you not expect it to be a bit more graphic? He slices, dices and eats people. Why in the world would someone with a weak stomach even think of watching it? The storyline is much more difficult to follow and predict. Excellent suspense. Silence really didn't leave me wondering too much during the movie, but I could not predict what Hannibal was going to throw at me next. It's almost like a well produced Lynch film. Great movie. However, the second disk is an absolute waste of time. I don't even know why they bothered. Hannibal is just an evil man that is impossible to hate.

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