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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Distasteful Garbage!
Review: I am ashamed to have seen such an antipathy of a motion picture. Was this film directed by Ridley Scott even with a try to produce? Aversion! Hannibal Lector (Sir Anthony Hopkins) is hiding in a reclusive location. Sweden? Italy? Don't know. I could care less. The movie moves at an excruciating slow pace and Clarice (played by Julianne Moore this time) seems stiff and moves around like cadaver). Ultra ennui! She has searched for Dr. Lector for many years and she should've has closed the case after "The Silence of the Lambs", a good movie. This movie is truly sickening with its amount of gruesomeness even Jason Voorhees would find lewd! The deformed man that wanted to get revenge on Dr. Lector was just extra malady! By the way, I don't want to get near a pig pen ever! After watching this freak show, I lost my appetite for the rest of the day and ended up not eating for a month. If this is your kind of playground, then by all means dig in! Distasteful, no yummy!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This is nuts
Review: No I take that back it wasn't nuts it was flipping crazy!! Now I love Silence of the Lambs but this was just God-awful WAY too violent and just flat out gross. This movie releyed on Anthoney's canabalism to scare the [heck] out of you. Slience of the Lambs was much more suspenseful from a psychological stanpoint. If you have any respect at all for the first movie aviod this just terrible sequel.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Masterpiece
Review: This film is pure genius, everything about this movie is GREAT. This is Ridley Scott's MASTERPIECE, in my opinion this is one of the greatest film's ever made. The direction is so good and the script is so well writen and so rich with dialogue it's brilliant, the cast and acting is so perfect and the look of the film is breathtaking. The editing on this film is so great that all the scenes blend together perfectly with excellent pacing. The musical score is beautiful and haunting. This film should have won the Oscar for best picture cause it's pure perfection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The prince of darkness is a gentleman
Review: It comes through most strongly in the book, but one gets the impression that Dr Lecter is, if not the Devil, at least one of his frequent dinner companions. Using the background of Dante's Inferno and having him give a lecture on it is brilliant. Who better than Hannibal Lecter to give you a guided tour of Hell? Wonderful! Darkly funny.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A good movie?
Review: Okay, granted the movie did help with scenes that contained gore, but if you really want the effect the story is trying to send people, read the book. The movie completely destroyed the ending. The purpose of Clarice and Hannibal's relationship in Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal is ripped away from you in this movie. How can Ridley Scott just destroy Thomas Harris's vision?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Disturbing Film
Review: I have seen a lot of horror film in my time, but I have never been repulsed the way I was during the final, infamous scene with Ray Liotta. Not for the faint of heart or those with weak stomachs. Incredible screenplay, though. Clarice is back, on the hunt for Hannibal Lecter, and he is on the loose in Florence, Italy. The interesting side-story involves a survivor of a Lecter attack, Gary Oldman in very disturbing make-up, that will make you want to turn away from the screen. But you cant. The way the plot twists and turns will drive you mad. Lecter is so over the top as a villain, it borders on self parody, but I'll say one thing. You want to be on the Doctor's good side. You never want to join him for dinner.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Better Than the Book
Review: The movie better streamlines Thomas Harris' out-of-control Gothic fantasy into at least a semi-palatable film. The story is not very strong, or very believable - Mason Verger, the sole survivor of serial killer Hannibal Lecter's famous reign of terror, is himself a perverse and demented killer, fabulously wealthy, whose obsession is to personally capture Lecter and torture him to death for having crippled and disfigured him years ago - but the production and performances make it work.

Julianne Moore is excellent as the older and wiser Clarice Starling, amazingly looking and sounding more like a ten-year-older Jodie Foster than Jodie Foster. Gary Oldman gets to (yet again) chew the scenery as another criminal grotesque - completely unrecognizable, beneath the disfiguring makeup - the sick and twisted cripple, Mason Verger. Anthony Hopkins reprises his Oscar-winning role as the suavely psychopathic Hannibal Lecter.

The film's - and the book's - greatest problem is that its story is labored and forced. The Silence of the Lambs didn't want a sequel, and if it was going to have one, it probably shouldn't have included the character of Clarice Starling. But the demands of commercialism are far different from those of artistic achievement, and Silence was a phenomenally successful piece both literarily and cinematically, so Hannibal was an unfortunate inevitability. Thankfully, the movie corrects most of the book's many shortcomings, and is a more satisfying piece of drama.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Have another taste...
Review: Best horror film in years. anthony hopkins is amazing as doctor lecter. incredible acting by julianne moore as well. the special effects are brillant. the movie in genius as horror and on the levels of humor of the situations created.excellent film. excellent directing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Twisted
Review: Many people didn't like this movie and thought it didn't live up to the first movie but I'm not one of those people. I think this movie perfectly followed up the first story with the exception of the new Clarice. The story in this movie is extremely good. Hannibal's victim using Clarice to seek revenge on him. Clarice saving the man she fears only to be stuck at a dinner table and watching Hannibal feed a man his own brain? That scene was very sickening and hard to watch but I just couldn't tear my eyes away. The only let down is that this movie doesn't let you get to know Hannibal more. I'd like to know the first time he ate somebody. Maybe there will be a third one but I doubt it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unforgettable scenes, acting, characters, and movie.
Review: Having watched Silence of the Lambs beforehand will give greater understanding and appreciation of Hannibal. This movie IS Hannibal, whereas Hannibal was just one of the characters in the former movie. Here, he is much more developed as a character and he's free from beginning to end, whereas in Silence he was in jail until the ending. He is a brilliant psychiatrist, he has class, he's cultured and he's mysterious. Hannibal's handwriting even characterizes him, such as his unique signature for the title on the cover of the movie and the sheer fright of Clarice when she receives an envelope with her name on it written by him. Hannibal's voice and speech contribute to his uniqueness of character.

Hannibal picks up where Silence left off, with a gap of time where Hannibal has been reclusive. In this movie, he comes back into the public spotlight. He is much more refined here, intelligent, slick, and he's a mad, cannibalistic serial killer. Needless to say, he's intimidating. Hannibal continues to attempt romance with Clarice, the FBI agent who is back on the case to capture him.

Unlike so many movies, this one doesn't turn out to be a good guy vs bad guy theme. Sure Hannibal the Cannibal may sound evil and the FBI you would think would be the "good guy", but that's not how it turns out. Hannibal is the star of the movie and he's not all bad. He only kills people who seek his demise and he hates rudeness. As Mason asked, "Sssoo...does Lecter wanta ... 'er, kill 'er, or eat 'er or what?" Possibly all three they think, they just don't know in what order. But he ends up doing none of those to Clarice. He's very polite to her. So Hannibal isn't "the bad guy." And the FBI isn't the "good guy" because of how as Hannibal put it, Clarice hates the FBI and it hates her. Early in the movie she is suspended from the FBI for a drug bust gone bad that really wasn't her fault. So thankfully, like hundreds of other movies, there isn't the usual "good vs evil" theme.

Francesco DePazzi works with "Dr. Fell" and finds out he's wanted by the FBI under the name of Hannibal Lecter. He tries to have him captured for the reward, but Hannibal is too slick for him. He apparently was on to him all the time, because he gives intimidating looks and gestures to Francesco, only to then appear friendly. Hannibal tells Francesco's wife, "I've enjoyed many good meals there [in the New England states]" in front of him. This must have really scared the hell out him, as Clarice warned him, "he will kill you." Sure enough, Hannibal tapes him up and has him propped on a balcony wearing a noose. He asks him, "Bowels in or out?" Obviously a little scared, and his mouth taped shut, Francesco doesn't elaborate. "Oh, you look confused. Perhaps you'll allow me to decide." Hannibal slices him open with a knife then tosses him out the window and his bowels fall out, hanging to the ground. Hannibal kept his word not to touch his wife if Francesco would give him information.

Mason Virger is Hannibal's only surviving victim. Years back, Mason was a child molester and a patient of Dr. Lecter's. Hannibal had his face torn off and fed to a dog. The ugly deformed Mason Virger is a stark contrast with the beautiful scenes of Florence, Italy. I was wondering why Virger, with all his money, doesn't get plastic surgery for that face of his. The Man-eating hog pit scene was unforgettable. It was scary how Hannibal was unrepentant and unafraid, and really, acting the same way he always does, even as he stood helplessly tied up awaiting a tortuous death. "Your little brother must smell almost as bad as you do now," says Hannibal to the man who is propping him up in the hog pit. Hannibal slit his brother's throat in the library after he killed Francesco. It turns out Clarice saves Hannibal and he then takes her to safety and removes a bullet from her. Only Virger and his men are fed to the hogs.

After Hannibal stitches up Clarice, she wakes up in a bed, wearing the shoes he bought her and a dressed up beautifully in a black dress. He undressed her for the dinner and put her in the dress. I wonder what, if anything he did with her while she was nude and unconscious. She is woozy and flashes of the movie are shown blurry, like we're seeing through her eyes. This part was especially like a dream, or really a nightmare, as is the whole movie. Hannibal is downstairs also dressed up cooking some fine food. Her hated co-worker, whom she was the subordinate of, is also there, apparently drugged up by Hannibal. When this man came home, Hannibal startled him by saying "Good! You brought the wine," then knocked him out. He is then at the table with Hannibal and Clarice, only he is wearing casual clothes. H slices open his head and cooks part of his brain and feeds it to him while he's alive. Clarice calls the police, which Hannibal is quite aware of but he takes him time. While he is kissing Clarice, she snaps on handcuffs so they are joined by the wrist. She doesn't have the key, so Hannibal chops off the cuffs. He asks, "Above or below the wrist?" then says, "This is really going to hurt." Then all we see is the look of pain on her face but she seems uninjured afterward, while Hannibal has his arm in a sling on the plane in which he makes his getaway.

The movie ends with Hannibal getting away to an undisclosed location, leaving the possibility for a sequel to Hannibal.

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