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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Some sick minds thought this one up...don't waste your money
Review: This movie is a classic example of something that is wrong with America. Is there no humanity left? I can't believe someone would fund or support a script like this, we are in a sorry state of affairs. Nobody in their right mind would dream up garbage like this, do yourself a favor and don't waste your time. Bravo to Jodie Foster that she wouldn't touch this...
My copy of this flick is going into the garbage can!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: More like 3 1/2 STARS
Review: While it was thrilling and exciting like the first, it wasn't all that I thought it could have been. Some parts just didn't seem as scary, but it was good enough that I bought it. The DVD also gives an alternate ending.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Sequel
Review: Anthony Hopkins exudes creepyness in this sequel. While not superior to Lambs in the storyline department, it's better directed. Ridley Scott really knows how to direct a flick. Julianne Moore's Clarice is good. The story is good but it's Hopkins show, he moves his character from villan to anti-hero.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Most Discusting Film
Review: I saw Silence of The Lambs and loved it. So...I was looking forward to Hannibal. Big mistake!

Hannibal COULD have been another great film, but for the most discusting, tasteless (pardon the pun), nauseating scenes I've ever witnessed.

What was Hollywood thinking! It appeares to me that every effort was made to shock and abhor the audiences. I could not eat for a long time after witnessing this discusting piece of so-called "entertainment". If this is what Hollywood and the American people consider entertainment, then I would like to resign my membership!

Anthony Hopkins really disappointed me by lowering himself to even consider having anything to do with such a movie! I have always been a big fan of is and will continue to be, but this was shocking and diappointing.

On the other hand I must applaud Jodie Foster for refusing to appear in Hannibal. I imagine her reasons were due to the graphic gore. Jodie has VERY GOOD TASTE! Much better, I'm afraid, than Mr. Hopkins.

This is not a film I would recommend to anyone.

Thank you.
Alice B. Kane

Rating: 5 stars
Review: For a while I was not allowed to see this movie untill my parents finally agreed, they said it was gross and sick. In my opinion this movie is not bad at all. The brain sequence is not really sick it rather funny. This movie is really good. Ridley Scott did a great job directing and gave it a great look. The score, acting,sets, and script is wonderful. It's still not better then the silence of the lambs.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Interesting
Review: Not up to the standard of Silence of the Lambs, but an interesting foree into the genre for Ridley Scott nevertheless. It's always fun to see Anthony Hopkins in his homicidal character. :)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Clarice Flashframes
Review: 1) On the second disc, go to "Breaking The Scilence". Then highlight Music, push the left key on your remote and you will see two highlighted arrows. Select the arrows this will lead you to a musical montage of Clarice Starling.

2) Put disk two in your DVD player and go to the 'DVD Credits'. On the eighth page (hit 'more' seven times). I believe one of the names on the page is 'Wes Sewell', so look for that. On that page there are some odditites in the menu system. Typically the menu options can be triggered both by scrolling to an option and hitting enter as well as hitting the number key that corresponds to it's order in the menu. In this instance hitting four is the same as hitting one (back to the main menu) and five just seems to highlight that option. But if you hit five and then scroll down six times, then to the left six times and down again six times it will open up a picture collage. There are other movements that will activate it, but that one was the first I was able to reproduce successfully. Basically you can just scroll off the option either up or down and then make some repeated movements in several directions and stumble across it. Now does anyone know who the hell the guy in the photo's is??? For all this trouble I assume he's pretty important... maybe an author or screenwriter?

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not what I'd recommend
Review: First of all, don't expect a good sequel. This movie is nothing like "Silence of the Lambs". The original was a very suspenseful psychological thriller, the duration of which you spent on the edge of your seat. This movie is average in the thriller-like category respect. As a matter of fact, everything about it is average, which might have gotten it 4 stars. However, the character of Hannibal is not the same person we met in the first movie. He's different, less interesting and original, more like a common criminal. So, we're down to three stars. However, the ending is Horrible. I can't emphasize it enough. It's sickening and disturbing. It's also gratuitous. I like horror movies, I've watched many films both physically and psychologically disturbing. But this went beyond it and seemed to have no point. Thus, I end up with a 2-point rating. Too bad, "Silence" could have had such a good sequel.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hannibal should eat this movie
Review: But it would probably give him indigestion. The film is just like every other serial killer slasher pic with no innovation and absolutely none of the chilling resonance the first film had. The fact that they changed the ending from the book was just poor judgement. I was not entertained . . .

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best...
Review: I've read all of the books in this series--RED DRAGON, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, and finally HANNIBAL--and while RED DRAGON is by far the best book, this DVD is out of sight. It contains a plethora of features that enhance viewing and understanding of the subject matter; which is vital to the ordinary viewer who stumbles upon this DVD without the knowledge of the previous films--MANHUNTER and SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. Manhunter was made in the 80's and was Hannibal lector's first time on the big screen. I purchase DVDs for more than the movie; I indulge myself with most of the extra features and buy mostly for that reason alone. I loved the ending of the book and would have liked to see it stay the same for the movie; however the ending of this film is quite good, and there are alterante endings. The commentary with Ridley Scott is excellent and gives major insight in the construction and making of the film. For those of you who do not listen to the commentary on DVDs, I would encourage you to do so with this one. Ridley Scott is a very good filmmaker and he polishes his craft whenever possible. He is at his best in this DVD and gives in-depth discussions on why certain scenes are not in the movie, and why some characters that were present in the book could not be incorporated into the movie. This is an excellent DVD with an overabundance of great features that make it worth the money.

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