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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Beautiful Classic
Review: Seeing HANNIBAL at the cinema was great, Part 2, too "Slience of the Lambs" with Ridley Scott Directing. What could have been better!
I did enjoy most of it and gave it a 4 out of 5.

Seeing it on DVD again AMAZED me!
The Scene that stood out most, was when! Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi came to Dr lecter's to pick up the suit cases,
It's classic Scott In the beautiful style of direction and the real, smooth acting played by both Actor's.
Hannibal is puffing on a joint so coool while the inspector is terrified.
It is just brillant.

The Music is grand and seeing Hans Zimmer interviewed on the other disc make's you love it even more, Hans seemslike a wonderful person.

It's a brief review with a brief conclusion.

The film is a wonderful trance and it will engage you if you let it.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: This is a well acted film with marvelous performances by the entire cast. Julianne Moore, reprising Jodie Foster's role as FBI agent, Clarissa Starling, is superlative, and Anthony Hopkins, as Hannibal Lecter, is once again sublime. The supporting cast, which includes Ray Liotta and Giancarlo Giannini, are also terrific. The problem with the movie is not with the cast, but with its penchant for trying to shock the audience with gore and monstrous scenes of anthroprophagy that revolt, rather than merely shock, the viewer.

Ten years after his escape from custody, Hannibal Lecter resurfaces in Florence, Italy, of all places. After him is Mr. Mason, a fabulously wealthy, but disgusting piece of human vermin and former moltester of children, who was horribly disfigured many years ago with a little help from Hannibal who had been his psychiatrist. He is on the hunt for Hannibal as is, of course, Starling. Who will get to Hannibal first or, better yet, who will Hannibal get to first, is the question that begs to be answered. Unfortunately, Liotta, as a greedy Departman of Justice spokesperson and Giannini, as a greedy Italian police officer, get in Hannibal's way by providing assistance to Mr. Mason, much to their detriment, as the viewer will find out.

While given to some excess, this is still an interesting film. Despite his proclivity for human flesh, Anthony Hopkins manages to make Hannibal Lecter everything anyone could ever hope for in a dinner companion: exquisitely mannered, cultured, intelligent, and charming. Just make sure that you are not the main course.

This movie is definitely not for the squeamish.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Movie or not a Movie?
Review: This thriller of a movie gave me the chance to see the eyes of a true killer. I have been working with prisoners since 1975 that was over 35years ago.
The story of DR Hannibal-lector givesme chills down my spine everytime. I reminded me of the time we had a prisoner that did the same horrific crimes against humanity.
The movie was great i really reccommend it for anyone who wants to get a chill down your spine.
This is not a movie for the faint hearted........a true masterpiece into the criminal mind.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Nor better nor worse than the original, just different
Review: Comparisons between the two are inevitable, but "Hannibal" is such a different kind of movie than its predecessor, it forces you into watching it in its own terms. First of all, the dark, dirty look on the original is gone. This is a Ridley Scott movie, so you know that the "look" is going to be something wild and crazy, very exquisite indeed since is set in the beautiful city of Florence. You also have to remember that in the previous movie, the real star was Clarice, while this film is all Hannibal. The good doctor is the absolute star in this, and you can almost find yourself rooting for him when he kills, crossing your fingers so that he never is caught. Definetely one of the most charismatic villains ever.

If you watch this movie hoping to see everything you saw in the first one, then you'll be disapointed. Like I said before, this is a completely different movie, and it can be better apreciated by fans of the Marquis de Sade, or anyone else who's in favor of "good taste" against the gruesome tale than the first one was. Personally, the only thing I don't like about this movie is that Clarice is played by a different actress this time. Not that I consider Julianne Moore a bad choice, is just that I'm a big Jodie Foster fan.

The extras in this edition are great, specially the deleted scenes. By the way, I think that "alternative ending" would have been better. Those of you who have seen this movie know what I'm talking about (the choping scene with the meat cleaver in front of the fridge). Those of you who don't know, well... I'm not going to spoil the fun for you.

Well, if you loved "Silence of the lambs", then maybe you should reconsider if you're going to get this movie, specially if you see it merely as a sequel. On the other hand, if you're a Lecter fan (I know I am), then look no more! This is not "Silence of the lambs 2", my friend, this is "Hannibal".

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I blame this on "Itchy and Scratchy"
Review: How bad is this movie? Well the opening shootout gives us our first glimpse. The "crying" scene by Julianne Moore is so bad you feel embarassed watching it. Hannibal's ability to overtake people is laugable and just too unbelievable. You know all along it's just to advance the script in that direction. And as to the ending, I squirmed initially, but was not grossed out. I did have a good laugh on retrospect after realizing it was straight out of an epsiode of "Itchy and Scratchy."

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Could be better
Review: First, I would like to point out that this movie is very diffrent from the real book. The plot and ending is diffrent. Not that this is a bad thing, The book, over all, was a lot better, but the movie is very good too. Sir Anthony Hopkins was awsome as predicted, and Jodie Foster's replacement (I can't believe she would do this movie!) Julian Moore, was a great actress, playing Starling's part as well as Jodie!
I must say I was delighted with the film's Score, a beautifull piece of artwork that fit perfectly with the moods of the film.
Most people complain about this movie not being a very good sequel to the famous Silence of the Lambs, and its because it's not, this movie is not a sequel, but a second, (third in the book series, and soon to be movie), part in the Lecter/Starling adventers.
This is a great movie with a fabulous scrip and score, as well as fantasic acting by all the acters/actress'.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Anthony Hopkins! Why do you do this to me!?
Review: I love Anthony Hopkins in this movie, so that's why it got 2 stars. I love the way that man talks. And Juliane Moore is a really good actress. But eating a brain? Come on. That's the only reason I went to go see it, sadly. I mean, who didn't go just to see that particular scene? It was a movie made for gore and to bore me to death. The brain thing really wasn't even that gross. Why Anthony Hopkins?! WHY?!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Corrections for fra7299
Review: Hey, just a few minor corrections :). Hannible is part 3. Check out the Thomas Harris novels: Red Dragon (Made once as Manhunter, will be out this fall w/Hopkins as Lector.), The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannible. Only the last two feature Clarice Starling, the first revolves around Will Graham.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hello Clarise...yeah, yeah, yeah
Review: This is the reason that they should leave originals alone. I actually thought this movie was rediculous. Anthony Hopkins again finds a way to escape and inflict more damage on society. I just find it silly how killers find these amazing ways to escape from the law in these kind of movies, kind of like a deranged Houdini on the loose. This time he's in Italy. Then he is in someone's room slicing them up. Then he is eating someone's brain for breakfast. Would you like eggs with that, Hannibal? And enough with the "Hello Clarise...".....haha..very funny. I got it the first time in the original. Please somebody, get this character and lock him up for good so there isn't a Part 3.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Gross and Gory but Really Fun
Review: Anthony Hopkins reprises his role of Hannibal Lecter in the sequel to "Silence of the Lambs." Although "Hannibal" is not as intriguing or intense as "Silence," it still provides a night of good (albeit gross) entertainment. Here we see Hannibal Lecter living a seemingly "normal" life in Italy and Clarice Starling (now portrayed by Julianne Moore) struggling in the FBI. To be honest some scenes in this film are sick and others are so outrageous they can only be called funny. The additional and alternate footage on the DVD is good and better than the original theatrical release, however, my only regret is that the alternate ending did not end like Thomas Harris' novel. For those wanting true perversion, I suggest buying a copy of it as well.

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