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The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: charming
Review: the movie is fun. kevin spacey is adorable. i liked it very much. the plot is fascinating.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is the BEST MOVIE EVER!
Review: This movie was a fantastic experiance. The first time I saw it, as soon as it was over, I wanted to sit back down and watch it again! Some people say that they didn't like the ending, but I think that the ending is perfect. It makes wonder if what happened really did. The soundtrack is also excellent and I would like to purchase it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I can't feel my legs...
Review: It's been a long time since a film blew me away like this. This film is utter genius of the movie genre. For those critics who think that the ending cancels out the rest of the film and ruins it...not exactly. Take two more hours and give it another shot. Watch closely at what is happening in the PRESENT time--the fun is discerning what is fantasy, what is real...and then seeing that you might be wrong, and the fantasy might be real after all. Oh what a web it weaves...this is intelligent movie making, a true masterpiece. If you think that most recent movies are aggravating, imbecile, and a waste of time, see this one...its a wonderful exception. This movie is superb, well deserving the Oscar it received. Just one proactive criticism...PLEASE no sequel! So many greats have been tarnished with money-motivated continuations (see the star wars 'prequel', blues bros. 2000, and let's not forget the huge disaster scarlett).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Noir for the 90's
Review: Of all the Tarantino-inspired noir films of the nineties, "The Usual Suspects" is one of the best. The director, Bryan Singer, deftly establishes a tone of foreordained doom and he's assembled the ideal cast to bring off some of his ideas. Gabriel Byrne, as an ex-crooked cop trying to go straight, conveys the right amount of weariness and resignation for a frustrated man. But he's equally matched by Kevin Spacey as the locquaious narrator of the story and Chazz Palmenitari as his arrogant and brutal interrogator.

The film is a particularly perserve depiction of the failure of men to challenge destiny - five men are arrested for a crime they didn't commit and are engineered by a mysterious crime overload - Keyser Soze- into going on a suicide mission to destroy a boatload of cocaine protected by dozens of armed thugs. No matter how they try to take control, or flee, their fates, they cannot and the film is most fascinating when we see the noose tightening around them. The film becomes great when these puppets start noticing their strings - suddenly all their motives and motivation, their braggadacio and their greed, look like pale jokes. They're the fools in their own tragedy and they don't even realize it until it's too late.

Singer's best joke - his coup de resistance - is to play this same game on the audience - to make a mockery of our sense of knowing (and consequently mastering) the events we watch. Some may argue that the ending makes the film redundant but as a demonstration of our modern sense of powerlessness - the sense that our lives and even how we interpret them are shaped and controlled by forces beyond our control - it's one of the most satsifying that I've ever seen. After thinking you've understood everything, how shattering to discover that you haven't learned anything at all. Delicious.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Currently, this is my favorite movie available on DVD.
Review: When THE USUAL SUSPECTS was in the theater in 1995, I saw it 7 times. When I bought the VHS in 1996, I watched it several dozen more times. And now, I have it on DVD. Except for the original version of STAR WARS, the original version of THE EMPIRE STRIKERS back, and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, THE USUAL SUSPECTS is my favorite movie of all time. And given that none of those 3 movies are currently on DVD, THE USUAL SUSPECTS is my favorite DVD. The DVD has a lot of good stuff that is not on the VHS, especially the audio commentary from director Bryan Singer and writer Christopher McQuarrie. Now regarding the movie itself, the writing, directing, acting, camera work, music, and editing, are all perfect.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A well kept secret!
Review: I don't know how this movie escaped me for 4 years but I am glad it wasn't 5! Kevin Spacey does not disappoint! This movie floored me at the end in much the same way that "No Way Out" w/Costner did. If you like a movie with mystery, intrique, and good twist this is a must see!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite movie of all time!
Review: From the moment I heard of The Usual Suspects, I was intrigued... unfortunately it was over a year before I actually sat down and watched it... and it became my all-time favorite. All the performances are just insanely brilliant, and the script... well, let me just say that I wish I had written it. And to top it all off, it has a flawless score written by the film's editor, John Ottman [this is why the music blends so seamlessly with the movie]. I figured out the ending about ten minutes into the film but as it went on I started thinking maybe I was wrong... and actually hoped I was wrong. I was pretty much convinced, too, until those last five minutes. Talk about a shock. So I guessed the ending at the beginning and was STILL surprised. How many movies can do that? I can't say enough good things about The Usual Suspects... I've watched it over 100 times and I enjoy it more every time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unbelieveble Movie
Review: It's a great thriller. The beginning is hard to be understood, but you'll soon get it. The movie is original with its plot, which is very intelligent. At least, wacht it! You won't be regretful.

Rating: 5 stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Some People have no balls
Review: I would be referring to the people who write and give this movie one star, claiming to have figured it out at the start. This is obviously an ego trip, and if it makes you feel better to make us all feel stupid, so be it. The truth is that the movie makes you feel stupid. The fact that you managed to wander over here and review it proves that it got you, or you would have forgotten it. The only thing i've ever felt after seeing a bad movie was a sense of wanting my money back. I certainly didn't get on the internet in hopes of trashing an oscar winning movie. Get a life. The Usual Suspects was da bomb, and it got you too, so deal with it like someone with some balls. Oh, notice how the one star people don't ever leave their e-mail addresses? :)

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