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The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Usual Suspects DVD
Review: The Usual Suspects is an amazing, action-packed psychological drama/thriller type movie that will definately leave you guessing till the end! Amazing direction by Bryan Singer, great script with an OUTSTANDING ensemble cast including the amazingly talented Gabriel Byrne (the sexiest man alive), the brilliant Kevin Spacey and Kevin Pollack, possibly the most hilarious man alive. The DVD offers great features such as a number of cast and crew interviews, featurettes, and a gag roll, and lots of behind the scenes footage and deleted scenes. Not too mention, i find that the visuals of the DVD are FAR better than any VHS, it's a lot brighter and easier to see everything. All in all, this is a great, great cult classic for any movie freak. If you haven't seen this, you aren't a movie fanatic!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An All-Around Incredible Film
Review: Wow!...That was my feeling after the first viewing of "The Usual Suspects". The entire movie is non-stop action. Between all the bomb explosions, interigation scenes, and intense situations lies a great plot. Then comes the end of the movie. The point where this goes from being a four star action film to one of the best movies i have ever seen. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you must see this film. It's definitely not your usual movie.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Keyser Soze is Kevin Spacey's character
Review: The movie is really great. Oh, and sorry for spoiling it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: There is no Keyser Soze!
Review: Put together a group of crooks, a $91 million heist, some twists and turns, and a mysterious crime lord called Keyser Soze, and you've got The Usual Suspects. Yes, the title does come from Casablanca. A customs agent Kujan (Palminteri) tries to get information about a crime from con man "Verbal" Kint (Spacey). There's a burning tanker in the San Pedro harbor, twenty-seven dead bodies, and four other temperamental criminals involved: former cop Keaton (Byrne), explosives expert Hockney (Pollak), and the hot-headed duo McManus (Baldwin) and Fenster (Del Toro).

The Usual Suspects could have gotten by on the storyline itself, but the script is funny and well-written and the acting is terrific all around, especially by Spacey and Del Toro (both in award-winning performances). So what are you waiting for? Add it to your video/DVD library. Now!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Mildly disappointing
Review: As a fan of the film, I purchased this disc (again) because of the extra features. In all fairness, the documentary 'featurettes' are interesting. But beware - the deleted scenes are a joke. A couple are about six seconds long. John Ottman's introductions are good, but the scenes are a letdown. Not to mention the fact that they seem to have come from a vhs tape with poor tracking. The gag reel is not funny, and is cut like a public access music video. Further, the 'remastered' image of the feature doesn't look much better than the previous release. Oh well, for 18 bucks, you get what you get.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant Screenplay, Exceptional Cast
Review: This has to be one of the most intriguing films of the last twenty years. The stellar cast includes Chazz Palmintieri, Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne, Stephen Baldwin, Kevin Pollak, and Benicio Del Toro. The viewer follows the story along with the Detective (Palmintieri) trying to figure out (the now infamous question) "Who is Keyser Soze? (the most fearsome mobster to leave the Eastern block) as the events leading up to a cocaine heist are told by the gimp legged Kint (Spacey). The twists and turns (right up until the end) in the story keep you on your toes as the suspense draws you into the drama. A masterful script, well directed with lots of action, and yet, the most intriguing part is the brilliantly crafted (both in performance and page) characterizations. I found this film riveting and recommend it highly.

Rating: 2 stars
Review: Tripe- what remains when the good stuff is gone. Usual Suspects is Hollywood mannerism at it's worse and naturally most successful. On the heels of the gangster nouveau, it has more twists and turns than Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction put together and characters who are all bad ALL THE TIME -- "real" tough guys. And the only thing they fear is Kaiser Soze.

Yeah right...

Why would anyone be afraid of a guy who killed his own family? Every-time his enemies turn up he kills someone he loves?! Who's gonna work for a moron like that!? The only thing to fear is that you might be related to him!...

All the rest is talk-talk, bang-bang, and not even a kiss-kiss. Light and witless fare at best.

In fact, what we have here is a series of gratuitous plot-twists and contrivances, abunch of Actors that are all pretending to be tough guys, and a writer and director who sold a bill of goods on a trend started by two movies that Hollywood never wanted to make: Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Yeah, you can hear the pitch now: "it's more Reservoir Dogs than Reservoir Dogs is! More twists and turns than Pulp Fiction!"


Except that RD and PF weren't about twists and turns, or tough guys, or Kaiser Snoozy (oh wait, wasn't he in Snow White?). "The Usual Suspects" makes the mistake most Hollywood studio flicks do: they confuse the elements of a successful movie with the movie itself. You might as well say Citizen Kane was about the newspaper business, or 2001 was about spaceships, or The Fountainhead was about architecture, or King Of Kings was about carpentry! Worse, once you get the formulae down it becomes just too ...predictable: here we go, another thrilling plot twist! HEY, SOME OF THESE MAKE MONEY, BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T [LACK CLASS] DOING IT.

Really, did anyone NOT see that last "twist" coming?...


They loved it! How could they not? This is the same academy that ignored Kubrick and booed Orson Welles. But in Hollywood there's a little bit of Kaiser Soze in everyone.

Oh well. You remember that guy from "Seven" -- John Doe? Now that was a man to be feared.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best movies ever made
Review: Bryan Singer's "The Usual Suspects" is a breathtaking crime thriller that exceeded all expectations after its 1995 release and to me represents the zenith of filmmaking. Singer himself creates the story using complicated and beautiful shots and an uncompromising vision. This man knows what he wants. And this is to bring Christopher McQuarrie's script to life. The script itself is a magnificent twister that leaves all ends loose. It is quite simply sheer brilliance. Kevin Spacey's performance, though, is the key to the movie's success. If Kevin could not pull off the subtleties required of a character of such importance the movie would not have worked at all. His performance is simply amazing in its difficulty and aim. Great supporting roles by Gabriel Byrne and Benicio Del Toro (with one of the funniest movie accents of all time). And the ending literally left me with my mouth open. At the end of this movie, I was simply in awe. It had managed to capture me and fascinate me in a manner few others have.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An absolute classic!!
Review: The first time I saw this movie was about 4-5 years ago...I instantly LOVED it!! I am a super-duper action fan and this is such a well made film!! No wonder why this movie was nomiated for an Academy Award!!

If you like action and down & dirty acting, you'll LOVE this film! Everyone must see this movie!!

Rating: 4 stars
Review: Christopher McQuarrie's Academy Award winning, original screenplay, coupled with Bryan Singer's masterful direction of a stellar cast, makes for a complex and absorbing film. Told in flashback, the film recounts how five individuals on the wrong side of the law hook up to steal a multi-million dollar cache of cocaine from a docked vessel.

Led by former Los Angeles detective turned bad guy, Dean Keaton (Gabriel Byrne), Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey), Michael McManus (Stephen Baldwin), Todd Hockey ((Kevin Pollack), and Fred Fenster (Benicio Del Toro), proceed to their rendevous point and begin executing their plan of action. Their foray into this million dollar drug heist turns bad almost immediately. Something or someone is afoot who does not want them to succeed, and who seems to know their every move.

The story is told in flashback by "Verbal" Kint, a club footed, crestfallen, soft spoken, unlikely looking criminal. He recounts the details of the doomed heist to hardnosed Detective, David Kujan (Chazz Palmentieri), building his story around an almost mythic, Hungarian crime lord named Keyser Soze. As "Verbal" details what happened, the viewer is mesmerized by his compelling narrative of how he and his partners in crime were inveigled into attempting this daring heist, which ultimately led to the disastrous events that culminated on the ship. It seems that their heist was probably destined to be doomed from the start, as another agenda may have been paramount to theirs.

Kevin Spacey won a 1995 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his low key, ingratiating portrayal of "Verbal" Kint. Gabriel Byrne also gives a compelling performance as the cop who ended on the wrong side of the law. The rest of the cast also give stellar performances, with the exception of Benicio Del Toro, who gives an odd, marble mouthed performance. Notwithstanding this, the film is really a splendid tour de force that is sure to captivate the viewer. Who is the mythic Keyser Soze? Watch the film and find out.

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