Rating:  Summary: Not Eastwoods best,In-need of a much better script Review: Kinda a slow movie just talk talk talk and talk and only a 15 min of action in a 2 hour movie, I like Eastwoods acting alough it will remind you very much of Dirty Hairy. I think it would have been more intresting if the killer would have been more like Dr.Lecter (Hannibal) have some sort of tourture and mystery behind it instead of a guy running in and instantly shotting at someone. But cant dwell on our loss's. Rent it I dont think it will be something you should buy, This story should have just stayed a book not have been made into a movie wihtot adding any action.
Rating:  Summary: This is not the book, so take your pick... Review: You have two options... Read the book, or see the movie, but don't mix the two together. The fact is that Blood work (The book) is a completely different story... This film starts out with a scene that never takes place in the book, and it introduces characters too early. We are following the investigation of the "CODE KILLER" when Terry Mcaleb has a heart attack chasing the killer. Then we go into a long hour that is almost identical to the book (except some bridging of long investigations). The script is taken directly from the book, line by line. If you read the book before watching this movie, you will notice how every line is stolen directly from the pages. ...After that boring hour and a half, we find the story takes a completely different twist then the book, and I could not tell you why. Maybe to keep the people who read the book guessing? Well trust me, you'll just be laughing as the story takes a different ending, giving us a different killer, and instead of his investigation leading him to Mexico like the book, it takes him out into the waters of his own bay where an "Abandoned" ship is the setting for a ridiculous game of cat and mouse that would put a five year old on speed to sleep. You liked the book? Good, now keep it that way, don't see this movie. Not only will it ruin the book for you, it will leave you with burning images of Clint Eastwood half naked kissing a perfect faced 35 year old. But if you haven't read the books, go ahead, but after that you can't read the book. You will be expecting something that doesn't exist in this fine peace of literature. So you will just have to pick which is more important, because you cant put these two together as the same thing, when they are different. They must mean 'Based on the book..." pretty loosely.
Rating:  Summary: The Watcher All over Again Review: I sat and watched this movie only to discover towards the end that it was just The Watcher which stars Keanu Reeves and James Spader. Blood Work's story must have drained the blood from the scriptwriter's head. If you want to watch a better remake of the Watcher watch this movie. But I have to warn you that it's not that much better.
Rating:  Summary: old school type thriller Review: Clint Eastwood is 72-years-old, but he doesn't seem to be showing signs of slowing down. The man is aging, but did he ever actually look young? Still a strong presence on screen, Eastwood has proven an even greater presence behind the camera. His films, for the most part, seem concerned with older men who in their youth had rough-and-tumble lifestyles and careers and find themselves looking not to regain lost glory but to make some sense of it in the autumn of their lives. Unforgiven, of course, highlights this theme. His newest film Blood Work is about a murder investigation, but more importantly, it is about the way in which the detective's perspective, motivation, and determination toward the process change and are heightened by a brush with death and a second chance at life. The actual investigation takes the film down well-worn paths with elements that are as predictable as they are interesting, but it's on the character level that the film rises above its familiar parts
Rating:  Summary: Fine thriller Review: Retired FBI agent and heart donor Terry McCaleb (Clint Eastwood) comes out of retirement to help a woman (Wanda DeJesus) find her sister's killer, who is also responsible for a string of unsolved murders and appears to have a particular fascination with Terry. Director/star Eastwood uses his age to good advantage here, playing a man who is so concerned about his health that he doesn't even want to drive himself around town. Nevertheless, his mind is as sharp as ever. Although the pace of the film is deliberate, I was intrigued by the mystery and surprised by the key observation toward the end of the film that provided the key to finding the killer. A couple relatively minor but still annoying points marred my enjoyment of this fine film. There is some over-the-top gunplay in the middle of the story that seemed to belong in another movie. Also, although the romance between DeJesus and Eastwood was tender and very well acted, its just a little bit creepy to see men in their seventies hooking up with women who are young enough to be their own granddaughters. I'd like to see Eastwood and Woody Allen make a film together in which they go out on a double date.
Rating:  Summary: Dirty Harry retired? Just as good as ever. Review: No, he's not Harry Callahan the gritty detective, but FBI profiler Terry Caleb, heart transplant recipient. BASIC STORY: During a homicide investigation, a famous FBI profiler, who has been getting notes from the killer, shows up at a crime scene, only to suffer a heart attack running down and wounding the suspect. We flash forward to Terry Caleb, now a regular citizen relaxing on his boat in retirement after his heart transplant. Soon however, the heart donor's sister, is hitting up Terry for a solution to her sister's murder. He owes her one and is guilted into at least looking into it. The local cops are stumped, and one detective in particular, is pretty burnt that citizen Caleb, has the nerve to butt into his case. He calls in some favors and at least gets some details. FAR OUT: In typical Dirty Harry fashion, yes he gets the girl. However, in his 70+ years, you question why this 20-30 year old girl would even consider this. Hey, this is Hollywood. Show me a 72-year old woman, getting a 25-year old boyfriend and I'll be converted. Also you can see he is somewhat gingerly nursing his transplant scar of 2 months. I cannot imagine a man of that many years and recent health situation, being up to the challenge just yet. GOOFY PARTNER: Also in Dirty Harry fashion he finds a partner to abuse. This time it is his next door neighbor of Dumb and Dumber fame. He needs a driver until he is all set with his new heart. Air bags and heart transplants aren't a good combination. NICELY INVOLVED STORY Soon after he starts investigating this crime, some things don't quite make sense the way he is expecting and he starts to see a different twist. His work as a citizen and not even a PI, really ticks off some local cops. Apparently too his old serial killer buddy knows he is up and around as well. It gets more and more interesting. I felt it was well paced and an enjoyable movie, just involved and fast enough to be entertaining. But, give it up Clint, you are getting to old for this group of girls.
Rating:  Summary: What can you do with a bad script? Review: Clint Eastwood is retired FBI agent Terry McCaleb whose last still-unsolved case involved the "Code Killer"-- a bold murderer who seems to take delight in leaving vague messages for McCaleb. But McCaleb retires following a heart attack, and a heart transplant seems to ensure that McCaleb's retirement will be a quiet one. However, after the transplant, McCaleb meets Graciella Rivers--the sister of the heart donor. Graciella appeals to McCaleb's conscience when she tells him that he owes it to her deceased sister to track down the murderer. The first half of the film was not too bad at all, but it very quickly disintegrated amd became silly, implausible and predictable. Clint Eastwood plays the role in typical laconic Eastwood fashion--however, instead of snarling at the villains, he spent the better part of the film gripping his chest and looking as though he had heartburn. But it is amazing that he is still playing the male lead in his 70s. There's a lot of talk and sympathy for beautiful female film stars who age and have difficulty getting roles, but not much seems to be said about the male stars who age and are no longer convincing as tough characters. I read professional reviewer comments that this role was unique for Eastwood as it accepted his age and his human frailties. Actually, I thought that the fact that McCaleb had the heart transplant really served as a cover for the issue of age, and merely served as a device to 'allow' aging for Eastwood.
Rating:  Summary: Zzzzzzzzzzz.....The book is better.. Review: If you can't guess who the killer is after the first 30 or so minutes then this movie is for you! I saw this at the theatre, which was filled with a "mature" audience. "Uh-Oh" I said as I sat down; and I was right, this film is very boring. Murder She Wrote + Dirty Harry - Harry's Magnum .44 attitude = Blood Work. That's the movie formula and formulaic is an apt description of this flick. Trust me, the book is much better - get it on tape and forget this film.
Rating:  Summary: Gosh Darn it I Liked It Review: I rented this film kind of expecting it to be junk. Why do I rent things expecting they are junk? 9/10ths of movie rental is the masochistic art of self-inflicted stinkers. But this movie surprised me. Possibly its because I watched it on four separate nights, a little bit at a time, and allowed each segment to settle into my subconscious. I felt I got to know the characters. The movie was slow and easy-going, even though a killer is on the loose and Clint is prone to play fast and loose with buckshot on what seems to be a Culver City street. His fetching black female cop friend gets out her own piece and shoots hell out of the suspected perp's vehicle even though she doesn't even know what's going on. All this and the movie has a subdued, contemplative feel. You gotta like this movie. And then there's Buddy, the self-described Boat Bum who is Clint's next door neighbor down at the marina. I really fell for this character. So minor, so plausible as an ordinary, idle man who knows that he is a loser, preferring to sit life out on the sidelines with a sad little smile and a case of beer. This man is so human, so full of muted pathos. The movie is a strangely meditative cop drama where all these little characters loom larger than life because, without realizing it, our attention dwells on them so long. We think we're watching an action movie. We feel like we're watching an action movie. And yet, subliminally, we are fed a muted, fragile human-interest picture where almost all of the characters are somehow frail.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable, but entertaining enough Review: Blood Work is a somewhat typical cop vs. serial killer type story. The serial killer gets his jollies by leaving some sort of cryptic code at each murder and leaving messages for the policeman who chases him. And so it goes, we've seen it all before. The basic premise of Blood Work is that the cop, Terry McCaleb (Clint Eastwood) ends up being sidelined by heart disease and ends up getting a heart transplant a couple of years later. Two months after his transplant the donor's sister comes around looking for McCaleb to find out who killed her sister. Against the strenuous objections of his cardiologist (Angelica Houston), who worries about the new heart being rejected in McCaleb's still weak state, he takes on the assignment. Jeff Daniels plays Buddy, a boatbum neighbor that McCaleb pays to drive him around. As you've probably guessed, it turns out that the donor was shot by the serial killer that McCaleb was trying to catch two years ago during his heart attack. What's more, the donor was shot with the express purpose of getting McCaleb her heart, so that he could resume the game of trying to catch the serial killer. And who is the serial killer? Well, it's Buddy the boatbum, of course. The movie is basically predictable. After all, isn't the goal of most of these movies to make the guilty party the least likely person right under your nose? It's getting a little old. Worse, during the hunt to find the person who shot the donor, McCaleb becomes 'involved' with her sister. Oh, will someone kindly spare me the unlikely romance bit? Is it absolutely essential that the writers come up with a love story in every one of these films? Still, the acting in this movie is good and there is a polish to the film that is much appreciated. With Eastwood directing, the viewer is treated to a slow paced film that provides a little more brain candy than adreneline. Some viewers, such as myself, will enjoy this quality. Others will wish that they hurry up with it. Overall, a predictable story but entertaining enough movie. Certainly there are worse ways to kill a couple of hours.