Rating:  Summary: A Japanese Ghost Story with an American Happy face Review: I had been looking forward to seeing this for a long time. Since it was a remake of a very recent Japanese film, I also looked for the original. However it is not available in the U.S. After seeing this film, I understand the true motive of the original's suppression. It could only show how horrible the American remake is.This film has nothing to commend it except great visuals. The director even tampered with Naomi Watt's performance! Which is unforgiveable because she is one of the most interesting actress' appearing in film today. She wanders around the movie as if in Valium haze. Nothing bothers her, not even the impending death of her neglected child. Some of the storyline was ripped off of a much better horror film "The Changeling"(Right up to the mysterious well). I'm not sure if this was a part of the original's intent or misinterpreted by hollywood. The TV horrors which promise so much come off as a remake within a remake of "Videodrome". Admittedly, I was a little spooked when the videotape made it's appearance. But that disappeared quickly when my fellow moviegoers erupted into giggles. After that everything seemed ridiculous. Since the visuals were so lush, I left the theatre feeling like I should have admired the movie more or been more frightened. I only wish that hollywood did not censor the original and try to foist a toothless remake on us.
Rating:  Summary: Scary and Thought Provoking, but Ultimately Disapointing Review: This is one of those psychological horror movies that has the imagery and the IDEA of what's happening actually outweigh the sum of its parts. Is it scary? Yes, absolutely. There is some truly disturbing imagery and the mood that the director sets with gloomy lighting and sets aids tremendously. The fact that we are following relatively unknown actors adds to a "documentary realism" feel similar to what "Blair Witch" achieved. Unfortunately, the film makes the mistake of trying to explain what is happening and turns the story into a murder mystery. Not to say that this mystery isn't interesting, but it takes away from the horrifying, occultish feeling of the prior scenes. In the end, it basically is an intriguing cop-out. I won't give anything away, but it is somewhat disappointing. Still, the film is worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: best horror film in years Review: I have not been so freaked out in a theater in a long time. I love horror films, i scoff at them, laugh, make fun when I'm "suppossed" to be being frightened. But, really, this movie made me jump on several occasions, and I was squeezing my girlfriend's hand so tightly at one point i think i heard some bones snap. The ending is great, especially one effect that you think would be laughable. I won't mention it for those that haven't seen it yet, but OH MY GOD, the audience was in sheer terror. i haven't heard a full house screamlike that since...i don't think i've ever heard a full house scream in unison. I spent the next week reliving scenes in my head and frightening myself at night. I think I avoided my television for a couple days afterward. Only one scene was kind of hokey, it involves a fly on a monitor. Just shut your eyes and skip that one scene because it will make you want to hit the director. But other than that this movie rules.
Rating:  Summary: Just a Great Movie Review: I went to go see this movie with three of my friends, and I loved it. This actually suprised me since I don't watch a lot of scary movies. But this was great. It is psychological, drmamtic, and suspenseful. Without giving too much away, there's also a point where you think it's the end, but the mystery is only half solved. Anyway, see this movie. You won't understand this unless you see the movie, but as I write this, I have six days left. Happy viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Against the fad of Scream-style horror, Ring is a knockout Review: As an avid admirer of daring, bold horror movies, I was very pleased with "The Ring," an unsettling, jolting film. In the age of "Scream"-style self-parodying garbage with the latest, freshest teenie casts, this is a truly refreshing movie. The lead is a drop-dead blonde single mom, whose child is a very bizarre little kid (he calls her by her first name); she is a journalist who begins investigating "the Ring," which has something to do with a videotape she saw. Opening: a dark and rainy night; two teen girls discussing an urban legend story concerning a videotape that will kill you exactly seven days after watching it. With the great tongue-in-cheek start, the movie wastes no time in getting serious and setting the nihilistic tone (helped greatly by the dreary Pacific Northwest weather). As our lead gets deeper into the bizarre world of the tape and its story things get progressively freakier, as the film utilizes that very rare power to captivate and upset throughout (matched by only a few greats: "Texas Chainsaw," "Henry: Portrait," and, more recently, "Session 9"). Of the few complaints, the most notable would be the tendency to over-do the shocks, the "Boo!"s, instead of trusting the great atmosphere of the movie more. Also, you will probably have to watch it a second time to start to understand it, but don't worry, the power is still there- well worth it. Best scenes: Ferry scene and Finale. On that second viewing I noticed at least one instance, right after the ferry scene, where there was an almost-subliminal shot of the glowing ring; I'm sure there are more- this is another neat twist the filmmakers threw in. Very well done.
Rating:  Summary: Wow!!! Finally a really scary movie!!! Review: It's extremely rare that I find a movie that scares me. I don't mean the simple shock you get from a startling scene, but instead the actual feeling of being on the edge of your seat, having your eyes glued to the screen while your hand also covers your face in anticipation of something unbearable coming around the corner. The last good horror movie I can say that I saw was the sixth sense, which I found scary mostly because I watched it at home in the dark by myself. It wasn't the scare value that made me love that movie, instead I loved it because it was a very well made and intelligent movie. While we watch a movie we marvel at how easily we can figure it all out, but in the sixth sense the directory takes you just where he wants you to go and then let's you see how easily he has decieved you. In the ring, there is some of this, but it's not quite that smart. It's real strength is in the creepy images and the confusion it creates in your mind. Oh sure, you can figure it out, but you are never really sure if you are right. Even at the end, it leaves you with just enough of an uneasy feeling, a feeling that you aren't really sure your interpritaton is correct. You also can never really anticipate the next scare you will recieve and there are so many and so random that I found myself actually crouching in my seat with my hand in front of my face peering through the cracks left by my slightly separated fingers. I don't know if it was the packed movie theater, filled with half terrorized teenagers (which at first I thought would be nothing but a detraction to my enjoyment of the film) or if it was the overall mood set by the movie, but I left saying Wow!, great movie, great job. Again, the movie does have some holes and does not completely wrap up at the end, but this is easily forgiven because of the great job it does being a horror movie. From the very start the movie throws you off balance, shaking your confidence and making you realize you are not going to easily figure this one out. The reason I say this is that I went in expecting a movie with the quality of the sixth sense and suddenly I found myself feeling more like I was watching a movie with the look and feel of Scream. This left me somewhat confused and then suddenly the feel of the movie changed back to what I had originally expected. This is what I mean when I say you just don't know what to expect next. You feel confused and afraid through it all. I can't wait to go again and see some of the scenes I semi-missed while looking away in fear, but I can tell you this, it won't be alone.
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Review: The ring is scary but i liked it. I would recamed it to anyone that likes scary movies.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome back The Horror Genre. Review: ughhh ohh ahh descibe this picture it's winner, scary show that is'nt filled with useless jokes like the scream & i know what you did films just hope you never get a call from the caller that says 7days go see the show you'll know what i meant by that statement afterwards. freaky yes if you're tender at heart scare easy then i would not go to this picture you might have nightmares for weeks or months, depends on the type of person you are just thought i should warn you . but i highly recommend it for a good scare or thrill.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Finally! Review: Finally! A real 100% true Horror movie! I thought I was the king to seeing horror movies, unscareable. I was wrong. I haven't been scared by a horror movie in about 10 years, not since Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. I was so scared by this movie that my eyes watered. This movie is intense all the way through, eerie, creepy, scary, you name it. The film starts out with 2 girls sitting and talking, and you begin to think...oh boy heres another Scream, GUESS again, the film turns and you find out theres alot more to it! 1. PLOT- A real one! 2. Atomosphere- enough to scare anyone! 3. Mood- Gives you the eerie presence throughout the film! This film is extremely well crafted to a T. Keep them coming! NO MORE GHOST SHIP TYPE MOVIE PLEASE!
Rating:  Summary: Not terrifying. Review: Everyone told me this movie was the most terrifying movie they've ever seen. After watching it, and maybe with expectations too lofty, I have to disagree. There was not one scary scene in the whole movie. I was a bit on edge at one point, and there are a few 'shock value' shots to scare you, but nothing that's truly frightening. Nothing in the film leaves you wondering about its affect on the real world. I supposse I expected The Ring to be a bit scientific, to have some real scare value, but in the end it turned about to be a half-baked paranormal piece of poo. I'm sorry, but ghosts are not scary. Now, a plot of people that can somehow kill you if you view a videotape, now that's frightening. I will say the cinemetography was very well done, and the colors and tone of the movie was nice. The trick ending was a nice touch. Still, there were too many questions left unanswered, too many leads simply abandoned. And, it wasn't scary.