Rating:  Summary: THE RING RULEZ!!! Review: This movie did something that only two other modern horror films did, SCARED ME! This is one of the scariest movies ever made, but it is nothing compared to The Exorcist!!! I'm not going to give away the plot though. Sorry it's Hitchcock's rule! You have to go see the movie. So what are you waiting for, get out there and see one of the scariest films ever!
Rating:  Summary: THE RING!!! Review: This is a truly scary movie! This was actually scary, and some what disturbing. This one will stick with you way after your done watching it. This is one that surprised a die-hard horror fan like me! I'm a horror fan in seek of scares and not gore. This has no gore. It has a drop of blood, but other than that it A+ entertainment! It's pretty easy to understand, although some viewers may not find it so easy to understand, but I understood it. ... While this film is superior to Rosemary's Baby, it doesn't stand a chance against The Exorcist. The Ring is definately one of the scariest movies ever made, but it's not scarier than Halloween, The Shining, or The Exorcist. Go see the Ring, it is very very very scary. This is (so far) THE SCARIEST MOVIE OF 2002!!!
Rating:  Summary: So-So Scare Cinema Review: Imagine you are on a roller coaster ride, trekking agonizingly slow up the first hill. The tension mounts as the rickety carts reach the summit and then plunge quickly to the ground, the wind whipping your hair wildly about. You soar along the track, the speed of the coaster making your heart race with a simultaneous mixture of fear and excitement. Just as you enter a large loop and feel yourself being turned upside down, the coaster stops mid-rotation and leaves everyone suspended in the air, no one knowing what the heck's going on or how to get off the ride. Meanwhile, a throng of thrill seekers who boarded the coaster for guaranteed titillation are now seething with disappointment.This pretty much sums up how some people will feel after watching Gore Verbinski's "The Ring", a remake of a 1998 Japanese horror film of the same name. Although the story has the capacity to build a momentum that keeps inattentive audience members absorbed, its cryptic ending will either mystify or frustrate, falling short of most everyone's expectations. The movie begins with two young girls, Becca (Bella) and Katie (Tamblyn), sitting on a twin bed watching television, bored out of their minds with network programming. To spice up the evening, Katie begins regaling a spooky anecdote to her friend about a bizarre video that she and three other friends watched last weekend at a remote cabin. The tape contains several inexplicable images that seem to have no relation to one another and a young girl whose face is completely masked by her tangled mane of dark hair. As a result of viewing this strange short film, Katie and her friends will die within seven days, a creepy phone call from an unknown entity serving as their warning. Becca dismisses Katie's scary story, the tale told with such urban legend zeal that it has to be bogus. Little does she know, the danger turns out to be very real when her friend dies that very night, a minute to the day after watching the tape exactly one week ago. After Katie's death, her aunt Rachel Keller (Watts) hears of the tape from shell-shocked friends and curiosity overwhelms her, the dogged reporter traveling to the cabin at which her niece stayed and obtaining the unmarked VHS tape from the lodge's minute movie library. Not even a second after her brief viewing, she receives the same eerie phone call, a voice on the other end hissing two words: "Seven days". As Rachel struggles for answers, she seeks counsel from her ex-husband Noah (Henderson), the freelance photographer receiving the same fate after watching the tape. Once bound only by her fascination, she becomes increasingly determined to decipher the tape's images and its origin when her young son Aidan (Dorfman) comes across a copy she has made and watches it, his life now in jeopardy. The entirety of "The Ring" gradually becomes a race against time for everyone involved, the film slowly unraveling as each image that we've been witness to starts to piece together. Although the stylish direction on the part of Verbinski manages to produce a few hearth-thumping thrills, the majority of its frightening elements are focused upon the perverse imaginations of its audience. After all, what could conjure or communicate a fear more intimately than one's own mind? Naomi Watts, who made a name for herself in last year's sleeper hit "Mulholland Drive", was not even the first choice for the role of Rachel Keller. Hell, she wasn't even the second or the third choice. The script went through the hands of three accomplished actresses (Jennifer Connelly, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Beckinsale) before the blonde Australian native (who could easily pass as Nicole Kidman's sister) was even considered, her little known presence in the film industry a nagging setback. Also little known is the director himself, Verbinski the creator of the Budweiser campaign that featured three rotund bullfrogs croaking each syllable of the popular beer. This is a decent first outing for him and only time will tell if he will become a good filmmaker. Awash with plot holes of every kind, "The Ring" will evoke a myriad of questions that will remain unanswered, no matter how many times one watches it (I'm still trying to figure things out a week after seeing it). If you're the type that likes a cut and dry plot, keep your distance. Art direction is a little under par and what with the visual effects that were featured in a teaser ad, I was a little disappointed that they never managed to make the final cut. Nevertheless, the film is vigilantly somber, abandoning even the slightest comic relief to retain its subtle foreboding. Bottom line, "The Ring" is a so-so horror flick, equally flawed and immaculate. For the faint of heart, it is easy to bear. For those who want their skin to crawl when they go to bed at night, look no further than William Friedkin's "The Exorcist".
Rating:  Summary: Awesome :) Review: This movie really was the best scary movie that I've seen in a long time. When my boyfriend and I went to see it, the entire theatre was packed, and people were actually shreiking during the scariest parts. The plot has so many intresting twists and turns, with a suprisingly easy to follow story line. The movie is completely awesome. Every actor/actress did an amazing job "pulling their weight" and scaring the hell out of the people in the auidence. The only upsetting thing about the movie was the fact that it had some weird things happen. Some things were totally out-in-left-feild and others were just completely unbeliveable. Other than that, the movie was wonderful. I couldn't sleep with my TV in my room for the week after I saw it. So if you think your game for a scary movie with scenes that will make you jump out of your seat..go see The Ring. And make sure you sit in the back so you don't throw your popcorn on the person behind you when you jump.
Rating:  Summary: God save us from creepy little girls....... Review: All right I know. I know this film makes no sense, I know it's as corny as an Iowa turf. I know. I also know that I was scared stiff, things don't have to make sense if there scary, and this was scary. We had disturbing images of people combing there hair...a chair...oh and lets not forget that glass of water, now there is terror for you. It takes a special film to make a ladder seem horrifying, to make a tree against a red sunset a horror, and most of all...to make a little girl as scary as a thousand chainsaw wielding maniacs. I have this image of Jason Voorhees and Michel Meyer running out of the woods, and behind them is Samara....poor Samara...how many kids do you suppose Hannibal Lecher fathered, at least one that we know of. The silliness about watching a video tape and how they arrive at conclusions is overshadowed by the fact that this is just too darn creepy,and too interesting to take ones eyes off. I have seen it twice....if there were any wells around where I live I would avoid them, and I am so thankful for DVD's, they can't have cursed DVD's can they? I mean Samara is analog right? I hope so. Not since I was a kid, many, many too many years ago, have I been afraid of the dark, or of the white noise on the TV...be afraid, be very afraid lock up your horses and head for the hills !
Rating:  Summary: How awful. Review: Well, having seen the Japanese version the only way I can in the US, downloading it (a case could be made for buying an all-region or region 2 dvd player, but that's ridiculous), I then saw this. What a mistake. This remake ( would be more appropriate considering their choice to hide the fact that it is based on a far superior Japanese film) is terrible; unnecessary and laughable additions were made and much of interest was dropped (like, those character thingies, who are like people. but who needs any sense of real characters anyway?) such as the ability to use REAL suspense and SUBTLETY in favor of cheap shocks that weren't even shocking. Acting was...awful. I expected better of Naomi Watts, and knew nothing of the rest (except for the fact that they were in a relatively successful film now, I wouldn't expect to see much more of them either). The movie is an insult to American audiences --or perhaps American screenwriters. Ambiguity (no, I'm not referring to the pointlessly unanswered questions it DOES have) and subtlety were thrown out the window, as if to suggest American audiences wouldn't understand them (considering recent "horror" in the states, this is a somewhat understandable assumption). That, or the screenwriter was unable to use such techniques. The great and famous (nearly) final scene of Ringu was horribly corrupted and nowhere near as disturbing and frightening as the original, and even ruined in advance (it's far more unexpected in the Japanese version). And by the way, the Japanese version (based on a book, which is even MORE different yet) is unavailable currently in the states, despite being four years old (Which is not "a long time ago" as one other reviewer thought).
Rating:  Summary: Scariest Movie of 2002! Review: Finally a deep psychological horror film that is actually scary. I saw Session 9 and basically fell asleep, but was woken up buy Signs and was put back to sleep with Fear Dot Com. This defiantely woke me up. It is so good, and basically the director forces you to pay attention, when the director accomplishes that you are under his control, and he will be able to scare you with anything then. This is great and is a big breathe of fresh air for horror fans. Maybe there is hope for new horror after all. Everyone in the theatre was scared, and some people actually ran out and left screaming! I loved the atmosphere, and it had authentically scary moments combined with some cheap thrills that really aren't that cheap, and this subtle feeling of dread makes this movie a winner. It has an awesome cast, amazing acting, and a wonderful soundtrack. I haven't talked to one person that didn't think this was one of the scariest movies they have ever seen. Definately go see this, it is worth every penny. The Ring is the SCARIEST MOVIE OF 2002!!!!
Rating:  Summary: 'Before you die, you see THE RING' Review: That's the Tagline that cringes up your spine after seeing THE RING. This movie is a complete Horror, Suspence, Thriller that mixes all of that and more to entice the senses of the Human mind. THE RING is a story about a journalist who's investigating a mysterious video, that after watching it, you die in EXACTLY SEVEN DAYS. Naomi Watts does an Incredible job as the main character, so does Martin Henderson (Noah) and David Dorfman (Aidan). You get to understand that each character feels for one another because of the things that happen all through the movie. With Gore Verbinski, as the director of the film, he kept the creepiness of the original Japanese movie with some minor changes. The score of Hans Zimmer is also Well Done, lots of sudden sounds with mellow moods, adds to the whole unknown feeling of the film. THE RING has tons of disturbing images, along with the mysterious video, which will stay in your head long after you see the movie. The pacing of the film never slows down because it makes the audience become involved, as if they are really living out the film. Also, the way it counts down from the first day all the way the seventh was very clever. If you want a good new fright, THE RING is an instant recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: Scariest of this Year!!! Review: This movie is very scary, and is a wonderfully made film. See before it leaves theatres! Finally an authentically SCARY movie!
Rating:  Summary: Break out the vaseline. Review: One of the most troubling and confusing aspects of "The Ring" is the fact that something so blatantly insulting and unapologetically pandering to its audience could be one of the biggest money-makers of the year. Then again I guess I should learn to accept the fact that, in light of the ever-decreasing collective IQ of the movie-going masses (coupled with the intellectual bankruptcy of studio executives), it was only a matter of time before the horror movie industry finally hit rock bottom. "The Ring" is a movie that has become the new bastion of Bad Horror, an artistic abomination whose financial success will undoubtedly spell the demise of any self-respecting horror fan's hopes for the future of the genre. I've said enough. If you enjoy cheap thrills, scary movies that aren't scary, and movies that just plain stink, then "The Ring" is definitely for you. Stand in line, hand over your hard-earned cash, check your expectations at the door and break out the vaseline. It usually makes getting (CENSORED) a little less painful.