Rating:  Summary: Deduct 1 star for accuracy. Review: I can understand that the original hasn't been wideley available in the States as it has been in Europe and this must have made this load of tripe seem more original than it was. Gore 'Mousehunt' Verbinski should be punished for this insult of a remake!
Rating:  Summary: Intelligent and Petrifying Review: This movie absolutely tramautized me for about a week. Driving home from the theater my friend almost got into a few accidents because he kept thinking he was seeing images from the movie on the road lol. Extremely well done. The "holes" in the plot only serve to make it more intriguing and mysterious. Intelligent audiences will absolutely love "The Ring". This is not a teen slasher flick or a haunted house themed piece of drivel. Pure psychological horror at its best. Never thought i'd say this but - "Scariest movie EVER!".
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Story Review: As I said in the title, this movie has one of the most terrible story lines I have ever seen. The movie just didn't make sense, well for a person who likes a movie that has a plot that is somewhat believeable. I would like it to be explained how this magical tape appears first of all "I know if I was a demon spirit I would go with DVD", and next explain how just watching it will kill you. Then when the little girl calls you is it for real? is it some telemarketer on standby with a pre-recorded voice just waiting for someone to take the bait and watch this stupid tape again? This movie was far from frightening it makes you jump like twice and you a little weiry of your TV for like 5 minutes but if you are older than 12 and have an IQ higher than a cocker spaniel's you won't be scared at all.
Rating:  Summary: sean Review: well this is a great movie. most horror flicks are filled with nothin but large breasted teens be chased by a so called killer. those are not true horror they are just horror apealing to the common american consumer. most people think that horror must involve gruesome sceens and and very limited story line. this movie is for those with an intellectual look towards movie and not for mindless veiwers looking for a good gut marathon.this is an arabesque terror (terror of the mind) making this true and really scary if you say this movie has no plot its because you didnt pay enough attention to the story and got lost thinking that the plot was "wow a movie kills ppl in 7 days" when the story goes much much deeper. i gave this movie 5 stars because this is the first movie that has scared me since "The Shinning." a true horror flick this movie is very much worth the buy
Rating:  Summary: i get scared just thinking about it.... Review: by far the most horrifying movie i've ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, something that will actually scare you! Review: This movie has been panned by critics and film-goers alike, mostly for a plot "full of holes" and cheap scares. To me, this says that people are so jaded by the majority of [stuff] that comes out of Hollywood under the genre title "horror" that they don't know good horror when it comes around. To me, this is the Exorcist of my generation; a movie that truly got under my skin, made it hard for me to sleep at night, and even gave me nightmares. First the downfalls - the plot is admittedly thin at points. A lot of people have problems with such but I don't mind giving a suspension of belief in the cases of movies. Where as the Blair Witch Project made it's reputation by making it quite clear what the movie was about, the Ring instead had trailers that let on little, if anything, about the characters or the plot. If you don't know anything about this movie, as I did when I went in, then you're in for a treat. There are the occasional cheap scares (it's quiet then something flies out or something along those lines) but this movie goes deeper than most horror flicks can ever hope to. The acting is very convincing. Probably not Oscar worthy by any means but it'll take you into the story and not let you go until it's over. Everything from the prop creation to set design is dead on - they could film just the sets alone and they'd be creepy. Having never seen the original, Ringu, I can't compare them but the story has a way of tying itself together, weaving a series of seemingly unrelated things together. This probably hasn't been the best review but if you're a fan of horror movies, or just like to be scared, then do yourself a favor and rent this movie, get a friend over, turn off the lights and get ready for a scary experience. Amazingly, this is PG-13 but I don't think kids should see this all; it's not the gore but the haunting imagery that will stick in your mind for weeks later.
Rating:  Summary: A Nice Ode to Past Horror Movies Review: "The Ring" is different from almost every other horror flick out there today. There's not a lot of gore in it. There's no monster, per se. And there's no big shocks until the very end. Yet it's still one of the best horror movies I've ever seen. Yes, "The Ring" is one of those rare gems that keeps the suspense and intensity going throughout the film. From the very beginning scene where two girls talk about watching the tape to the very end, which has a twist that will have you sleeping with the lights on, there is an uneasy tone to the movie that keeps you on edge, waiting to see what happens next. The acting is good in this movie, although the only person you've probably heard of is Naomi Watts, who plays a newspaper reporter who's niece viewed the tape and died seven days later. She of course views the tape, then gets a chilling phone call that says "seven days". Most of the rest of the film has to do with her trying to find out where the tape came from and how to prevent her from dying. Her ex-boyfriend assists in the endeavor, just slightly lightening the mood at times. As I said the tone is very dark. Unlike a lot of horror movies, which have some comic relief, there is nary a chuckle to be found in this one. Much of this movie is disturbing, especially when they discover the horrible secret of the tape. You sort of create a lot of your own fear here, because you almost always expect something bad to happen every time a character makes a move. That adds to the tension and is one of the reasons why I liked this film so much. You scare yourself more than this movie scares you just by thinking about it. This is definitely a "must-own" DVD if you're a horror movie fan, and the extras look well worth the price. Finding out more about the legend of the tape and getting to see it, uncut, for yourself is a great bonus. And, like me when I saw the movie in theaters, you'll have a nerve-wracking week after you see this, wondering if the legend is really true.
Rating:  Summary: Original Movie Review: This Movie was original and everyone i know loved it so it has t get 4 stars!!
Rating:  Summary: The Ring Review: I am a huge fan of the horror genre, and I just have to say this is by far one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. The whole setting was very eerie and overall creepy. The plot fit together perfectly, and everything was brought to a stunning conclusion. It was the kind of movie that you just got so into, you were sitting in the theater yelling at the screen and going "Oh my God!" at the end. I went to see it with a friend who within the first 20 minutes was begging me to leave because she thought it was so scary. We went out to dinner afterwards and could barely talk we were so freaked out. I really want to buy this DVD but am not sure if I could watch it again on my own. Before The Ring, the scariest movie I have ever seen is The Omen but I think The Ring might be ahead now. It is so much better than those teen slasher flicks, it is smart, very suspenseful, and very creepy. Everyone in it had excellent performances, and the young boy brought in a Sixth Sense element. I have always been freaked out by scary kids. (Not to mention the little girl!!!) I would definitely reccomend seeing it, but make sure you take someone along with you!!
Rating:  Summary: Scary!!! Review: This is the SCARIEST movie I have seen since the Exorcist! This movie gave me the creeps for a couple of weeks after I had seen it. If you are into thrills, then this one is for you!!!