Rating:  Summary: E.T. is more scary........ if that tells you anything!! Review: I think it's hilarious how some people describe this pointless, not to mention STUPID, ridiculous waste of time movie as THE MOST SCARY MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN. Give me a break!! Yeah, everyone seemed to hype it up as this scary as he11 movie, so I watched it.. and (LOL), it's just DUMB.
Rating:  Summary: "She doesn't sleep" ... But YOU will!! Review: I REALLY wanted to be scared by this movie. My boyfriend and I even made a point of waiting until sundown to watch. Not only that, but we let the unnerving DVD menu run for about ten minutes while we got dinner ready, which lent a subtle but very creepy soundtrack to our hushed preparations.... But two hours later, and with a full tummy, I'm trying to supress YAWNS, rather than chills. It's not that I didn't enjoy this movie, because I did. It gets in your head and makes you think in a way that most typical "horror flicks" never do. The film is subtle and intense, and it's somewhat akin to "The Blair Witch Project" in that it didn't rely on lots of gory images or effects to creep you out -- it lets the story do it's thing. But that's where things got decidely un-scary. In all truth, the things that will get to you more than anything about "The Ring" are the stark images and music of the DVD menu, and the easter-egg version of the storyline's cursed video. The main attraction of this package is actually the tamest part. Once again, I liked this movie. But I think the reviewers who called it "the scariest movie ever made" were a little off-base. It's psychological, intense, intriguing, and definitely unique. It provides a few shocks and surprises, but the real chills are few and far between. To be honest, I'm not much of a fan of the horror genre. In fact, I'm actually pretty wimpy when it comes to scary movies (case in point, "Blair Witch" actually DID keep me awake at night!) But "The Ring" won't be keeping me from any sweet dreaming. It's a good, solid film with layers of mystery and intrigue. But I'll be renting "Ringu" in hopes of some real, sheer chills.
Rating:  Summary: The Scariest Thing Is The Hype Review: Yeah, I'm also gonna be a party pooper on this one. I'm gonna be a schmuck and tip the scales, earning 100 or so negative votes from die hard Ring fans. Maybe it's been the billions of horror films I've seen throughout the years, but I just don't see what everyone's messing their trousers over. Of course we should all know by now that when a movie is hyped so much as being "so scary"(see Blair Witch and Sixth Sense for more examples of this mass hysteria), it's usually a letdown. The cold sweat inducing, heartstopping horror must have completely slipped past me. I don't think so coz I really watched this film with a completely open mind and gave it 100% of my attention. My opinion is that it wasn't there(the scares). I can understand that this flick would scare the pants off of you if you don't watch many horror films, but to those fluent in them, we can see every "scare" coming a mile away. And the whole "psychic kid" deal is pretty old. Every horror film since The Shining seems to think a psychic kid means big scares. Psychic kids are annoying. So, shelve The Ring with the rest of the PG-13 horrors right in between your copy of The Sixth Sense and The Others.
Rating:  Summary: Not that scary but well done nonetheless. Review: This film is a re-make of a Japanese horror film called "Ringu". Some people think that version is scarier but I think subtitles water down the scares. Anyway, this film is a very effective thriller, it does not use a lot of gore and blood, no twisted Clive Barkerish touches; but it does manage to deliver some good zingers every now and then. Some people say that the story is very hard to follow but I did not have any trouble: its actually quite easy to understand. This is a very good horror film, better than anything that has come out so far this year, except maybe "Dog Soldiers". I say buy it, the DVD is worth the $$.
Rating:  Summary: Good but now worth the hype... Review: The Ring is another horror movie that takes place with a simple plot: you watch a video, 7 days later you die. Simple right? Well actually not, the plot is actually more elaborate than that and the movie goes into great detail at the end to explain that. I did not find this movie to be scary at all, but then again I've seen enough horror movies in my lifetime to be desensitized from anything like this, however there are disturbing images in the movie....watch how white the girls face goes in the first part of the movie when she discovers her friend is dead...and the part where the little girl comes out the TV is a nice touch. But the movie I actually found to be kind of boring until the end, sorry to say, but the ending leaves room for a sequel so I'm hoping that will explain a lot of things that this one did not. The spookiest part of the movie is the images which will stay in your brain for a long time...I saw this movie the week it came out and some of these images are still stuck with me now. The plot attempts to explain itself towards the end, but by that time viewers are bored so all that is left is for more disturbing images to be shown to get you back into the movie. At least its better than Feardotcom, which made absolutely no sense at all. I'm waiting for the sequel, hopefully that one will explain more than this one did. The movie is good for a quick visual scare, but thats it. Do not attempt to figure out the plot either, if you saw the preview for the 2nd one on the DVD, you know it goes way beyond watching a tape and dying 7 days later. A solid effort, worth watching but not worth all the hype that was built up around it...
Rating:  Summary: Naomi Watts: Best Scream Review: I'm under the impression that we aren't supposed to "bash" other reviewers, and that is not my intention, but some things were said in one previous review here, which, in the matter of fairness, need to be addressed. --- "Well, having seen the Japanese version the only way I can in the US, downloading it (a case could be made for buying an all-region or region 2 dvd player, but that's ridiculous)... And by the way, the Japanese version (based on a book, which is even MORE different yet) is unavailable currently in the states, despite being four years old (Which is not "a long time ago" as one other reviewer thought). First of all, Ringu, the Japanese original is available on DVD (although to be fair, I don't think it was when this review was written). And, to me, downloading an entire feature length film seems more ridiculous than getting yourself a region free DVD player. And I think a "long time ago" is very subjective. If someone last took a shower a "long time ago" then four years does apply. And depending on the way someone sees movies, or is discussing a grouping of films, then four years could be a "long time ago." --- "I then saw this. What a mistake. This remake (would be more appropriate considering their choice to hide the fact that it is based on a far superior Japanese film) is terrible; unnecessary and laughable additions were made and much of interest was dropped (like, those character thingies, who are like people. but who needs any sense of real characters anyway?) such as the ability to use REAL suspense and SUBTLETY in favor of cheap shocks that weren't even shocking." Uhhh, to each his own, here I guess. Except that I'm unaware of the remake trying to hide the fact that it was a remake. I have not seen the original yet -- I should point that out. And there's a good chance that I'll much prefer it to the remake. But just because a film you love is remade into a lesser work, that doesn't really make it awful and terrible, etc. --- "Acting was...awful. I expected better of Naomi Watts, and knew nothing of the rest (except for the fact that they were in a relatively successful film now, I wouldn't expect to see much more of them either)." This was my biggest complaint, most of the acting was fine, the kid was good, and Naomi Watts was outstanding. In this review there seems a tendency to denounce everything about the film, because it was not liked. But Naomi Watts was great here, and once or twice she screams so cinematically wonderful that I really think it's the best scream I've ever seen in a movie. I actually give this film three and one-half stars but had to round up to four. It's similar in style and mood, if not story, to The Others -- and it's obviously influenced by the success of that film. The Ring is also not as good as The Others. I compare it to The Others because they are similar types of films (even though the actual plots are nothing alike). Plus this film stars the amazing actress Naomi Watts, who is famously best friends with Nicole Kidman -- star of The Others. What happens is you watch a videotape. Immediately after you get a phone call -- someone tells you you have 7 days to live. Then, of course, you die. So Naomi hears about this and tries to figure out what's going on (she's a journalist). There are plot holes; but the film has a neat, cold look and atmosphere. Naomi Watts is remarkable. I still think that her performance in Mulholland Drive is, like, one of the greatest film performances of all time. This film isn't as deep, or important, cinematically, and it doesn't quite require the same workout of our star. But she is outstanding here. There are a couple of times when she screams, and I swear, bone-chilling, heart-breaking screams. The film is worth seeing for them alone. You see a little of that in the trailer, but you should see it within the context of the story.
Rating:  Summary: Can anyone say Stir Of Echos Review: Ok, first off, I thought this was a very good movie, even almost scary in parts, but I couldn't help fight the feeling of deva vu I was having. That's when it hit me, I was watching the sequel to Stir Of Echos (luckily though, no Kevin Bacon). I truly believe that the movie was suppose to end happily by them finding the girl and setting her free, but that's when they realized "oh crap, we totally ripped off Stir Of Echos, we should do a SURPRISE (stupid) ending. I know it sounds like I've been ripping on this movie, but the truth is, even if they did borrow a lot from the other movie, I still think this is better than Stir Of Echos. In conclusion if you a scary movie fan, no, scratch that, if you are a movie fan at all you should watch this movie, it is deffinately worth your time.
Rating:  Summary: W-O-W! Review: I really enjoyed this movie and I thought it was alot better than some of the others that have come out (i.e., The Sixth Sense, etc.). I thought it was going to be one of those shallow teen flicks when I first started watching but it kept me interested and really gave me the creeps!
Rating:  Summary: It is scary then the exorcist Review: I do not understand why everyone keeps saying The Exorcist is the scariest movie of all time and that The Ring is 2nd to it. The Ring had kept me up the first time i saw it. Everytime i closed my eyes I kept seeing Samara Morgan coming for me. This movie creeped me out big time. While The Exorcist, I sat with a straight face all through the movie which I personally found quite boring, I wanted something that would scare me when i watched it and having heard everyone go "Oh its so scary, its the scariest movie of all time" I thought it would be. But The Ring, with the way it starts out heavy, then gently slows down, and makes you feel all warm and safe thinking that everything is going to be fine now and then BOOM everything is bad again. It was just a great roller coaster of a movie. And the fact that it doesnt try to explain WHY was ingenious. Things like this cant be figured out, it just is. I hate it when movies try to put some reasoning behind it because lots of people who watch movies allways feel like there should be a motive. Well, the truly scary things have no motive.
Rating:  Summary: good movie Review: When i first looked at this DVD i thought it would be really scary. As the film progressed i found out that it was'nt but it might be for people who are really jumpy. The story line is about when this reporters niece dies of watching this tape, She then finds the tape and watches it, She gets a phone call saying 7 days. Her ex husband then watches the film the day after and then the next day her son watches the tape ( He can speak to the little girl who died, She was thrown down the well ) Anyway the lady decides to make a copy of the video and then they went to the cabin where her nieces friends watched the video. She found the well under the cabin. It was day 7 since she watched the film - Her day to die. The T.V hits her and she falls down the well to find the little girls body. ... It left on a cliff hanger which i thought was very good. 5 stars certainly.