Rating:  Summary: Approval and disapproval all at once Review: Overall..a decent movie..creepy at times, but then there are holes through the plot like swiss cheese.There are parts in the movie that could have either been elaborated more, or have been completely eliminated. The girl commin through the screen...that was kinda freaky..only because she didnt before the mystery was solved...
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Scary Movie Ive Seen In a Long Time Review: If you want to see a great scary movie without all the blood guts and gory effects then this one is it. This was the best scary movie I have seen in a long time. The movie kept you on the edge of your seat the whole time. It even stayed with you after you turned it off. Excellant movie. Have yet to see one better.
Rating:  Summary: "The Ring" Didn't Quite Ring With Me Review: If you ever hear young filmmakers talk about movies you'll almost always hear them say they want to make movies that have "edge". John Waters, for years now has been saying he only likes to make movies with "edge". They say they want to break away from formula Hollywood and make daring, bold, films. Movies that lack convention. I admit, I do enjoy seeing something different. I like movies that try to experiment with new techniques. But, I also noticed that many of these young new filmmaker are forgetting something. They are so worried about "breaking the rules", they are so concerned with creating odd situation after odd situation, just so they can say they're films are different and they are a work of art, that they leave out one of the most fundamental rules of movies. The audience has to care about the characters. When I watch a movie I don't care if the lead character is a man or woman, whether or not they share my same ideas of politics, religion, or whatever. All I ask is that I at least find the character to be interesting enough, where I'm willing to give my emotions to the character. That's what makes a great movie. When the movies is over, we feel we ourslves have went through the same journey as the characters in the film. Once in a while a movie will remember this rule. David Lynch's "Mulholland Dr." was one of those movies. It was one of the most mind-blowing complex movies I've seen in a while. But, Gore Verbinski's "The Ring" is a movie that just didn't move me the way it could have or should have. I see a lot of people enjoy this movie. They find the movie to be scary, and how can I tell someone who thinks something is scary it isn't? That's like telling someone don't laugh at that joke, I didn't find it funny. But, "The Ring" just gets a little too odd for it's own good. Now, don't get me wrong, the movie starts off well. And I do admire Naomi Watts as an actress. I think she is very talented. I even wanted to see this movie when it was released. So, I was going into the movie with high expectations. I wanted to like. But "The Ring" lost my attention in the middle and through the end. The movie just becomes and series of bizarre events where, for me, 1+1 doesn't equal 2. Think of Kafka but without the brains. Is it surreal? Yes. Does it make sense? Not really. Could the movie work? Yes. I haven't seen the original foreign version of this movie. Now, it may be better or it may be worst. But if it's as werid as this movie, I don't want to see it. "The Ring" tells the story of a woman (Naomi Watts) who learns about a video tape that has a collection is meaningless things on it, but, after I think it was 7 days, whoever watches the tape dies. Of course the movie goes into other things, and there is more added to the story, but, I'll let you rent the movie to find out what. I've given you a vague summary of the movie. Believe it or not, but in the beginning of the movie the story works. I didn't find the movie to be scary, but, I did find it to be interesting, and that's all I really ask of any movie. Just be able to hold my interest. And "The Ring" does reach it goal. It's actually enjoyable to watch at first, and than, it gets werid. Now, I know what all of you are thinking. I just said I liked "Mulholland Dr." and that was a werid movie, so what's my problem here? How ever werid "Mulholland Dr." may have got, it always held my interest. I wanted to see how the movie would end because I cared enough about the character to know. I didn't really care enough about the characters in "The Ring" to care how it ended. And that breaks the movie. If they just would of added a bit of logic to the movie. If they would of made the movie more believeable I could of enjoyed it more. Isn't that what makes a movie scary? If what is happening in the movie seems real enough that it could happen in real life? Those are the kinds of movies that scary me. Not this kind of movie. Are there things to be enjoyed while watching this movie. Well, if your a young filmmaker and you say you like to see movies with an "edge", here you go! If you like Naomi Watts, and want to her all her movies again, here you go. Watts does in all fairness do a good job. She does give the character a certain level of heart need to carry our interest, but, it seems like no one else is helping her out. One person can't carry a movie by themself. Especially this type of movie. Bottom-line: Has some good points to it, but, over-all I wasn't scared by the movie. It gets too odd, and the audience can't really connect with anyone or anything. Goes a bit over the top and becomes silly at moments. Watts does though give a nice performance.
Rating:  Summary: A confusing mess of a movie! Review: This is easily one of the dumbest "mainstream" movies released in recent years. The story line is inconsistent, incoherent and illogical. There are some creepy moments, but the minute you start to analyze the movie, it just falls apart. The only thing that keeps it from being a total dud is the production quality ... and the fact that Naomi Watts is quite a looker. As for those people who say it's "the scariest movie ever" I have to wonder what other movies they've seen. Probably not Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, or any of Wes Craven's flicks, to name a few!
Rating:  Summary: Alright Review: I figured The Ring would be scarier, but it wasnt too scary, there were a couple parts that made me jump but thats it. Gore Verbinksi I thought did a wonderful job with visuals and it was a good story but it just needed to be spookier. But anyway I probably shouldve seen it on big screen instead, sounds like it was scarier. One part I didnt understand was when Samara climbed out of the tv screen. Is that possible even for a ghost to do. You should go and see The Ring just for the visuals. Verbinksi tried his hardest. Naomi Watts did a good job as the main character Rachel and I was surprised with the boys acting ability. Decent acting, huh, rare for a horror movie. I would put The Ring in the mystery/suspense category rather than the horror. I was a little dissapointed but it was ok.
Rating:  Summary: The worst film I've seen since "Minority Report"... Review: Much like Minority Report, The Ring is replete with plot holes and possesses a gibbering mess of a storyline. It is yet another example of the film industry's decline. M. Night Shyamalen (Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and Signs) seems to be the only director capable of making a first class thriller these days.
Rating:  Summary: The creepiest horror movie I have seen in months Review: There are not many horror movies that make your skin crawl, that make you cringe in your seat, that make your spine shiver. The Ring is one of them. This relatively gore-free film is that special something everyone should own on a DVD or a video. It is a combination of suspense and thriller. The gore is practically non-existent. Yet, the fear factor climbs up high on the scale. Never ever could I imagine being scared of a little girl more than a house full of monsters- up until I saw The Ring. The evil in the little girl is so intense, so radiating that it makes me shudder just thinking about her. In this fantastic masterpiece, there are many "jump" scenes. The music is so eerie it makes you sit in your seat and widen your eyes with shock and with suspense of what the next moment might bring. The Ring is as unpredictable as you can get - you never know what will happen next, you have no clue on how the film will end. The fatal videocasette alone is a masterpiece. With almost no gore, it contains disturbing images playing in your mind afterwards - maggotts crawling out of peoples mouths, dead horses, a woman in a mirror combing her hair, a ladder leading god knows where. I remember the creeps it was giving me when I saw it in the theatres. The acting is excellent. The cast consists of some known actors, however, most of them are relatively unknown. They create an atmosphere so tense you could cut it with a knife. They co-star together so beautifully you can't help but think you are really in the movie with them. Everything about this movie is really good and it is the creepiest movie i have seen in a really long time!
Rating:  Summary: overrated Review: i really dont see what all the hype is about this movie. OK, so it has it's share of frightening parts, but other movies such as FEAR DOT COM, DARKNESS FALLS, and GHOST SHIP did too. sorry, but a girl crawling out of a tv monitor just does not scare me.
Rating:  Summary: Very Well-Done Remake! Review: The creators of this film obviously did their research! This remake not only covers the central plot of the Japanese thriller, Ringu, it also takes into account events of Ringu II and the original content of the novels. This makes The Ring a nice condensed version of the "Ring" story on a whole. The movie itself is very dark. Tints of blue, green, and grey make the entire package very bleak as well. One of the few complaints one my have about the movie is that it tries to hard to be scary. After we get to see the tape, we're taken on a ride of shocks and chills as the days count down and those creepy, seemingly random images come to life. Keep in mind that while a lot of the images are relevant to the plot, many do not appear or have any part in Ringu. A lot was added, mostly for the effect. What's nice, however, is that most of the creepy tidbits and add-ons are fairly (if not very) effective at making people jump. There's a lot of great eye candy in The Ring, which is nice for movie goers who are in it more for the thrill than for subtlty. There's also a lot of symbolism. Just something fun to do, as you watch, try to think about what the "ring" actually is in this movie. In my opinion, there's more than one ring. The story seems simple enough. A reporter, Rachel Keller, through the death of her niece, hears the urban legend of a video tape that kills the viewer. First, you watch it, then you get a phone call in which a creepy voice says, "Seven days." Then you have one week before you die. There's no stopping it. When Rachel is given a reason to believe the tale, she hunts down the video for herself, then finds herself watching it. As the clock starts to count down the time she has left, she consults the help of an old friend, Noah, to help her solve the mystery of the video tape. We are led to an interesting phrase: "Before you die, you see the ring." The cast is pretty good, but not exceptional. Naomi Watts as Rachel does a decent job, but Ringu's Reiko (Matsushima Nanako) seemed to have more natural nervous yet composed air to her, while Rachel was sometimes either too composed or too easily rattled. One of the remake's biggest mistakes was making the part of Aiden so cliche. In Ringu, he served his purpose merely as the quiet and eerie son who is put in danger. In The Ring, he is given some sort of psychic ability that we learn little about. Yet somehow, he is able to predict his cousin's death through pictures and gets messages from a mysterious little girl. In a way, this dehumanizes him a bit, and he's no longer the innocent little boy that the role seemed to call for. The actress for Samara, however, was perfect for the part. Both innocent and creepy, which easily manipulated most of the viewers. The ending sequence is kept in tact as very similar to the one in Ringu. Both versions are quite chilling and disturbing, although I did not like the break they made in the Noah/Samara sequence when we see Rachel rushing to get to Noah's. That didn't seem necessary and made the best part of the movie slightly choppy. Still, the imagery for many of the key scenes is brilliant. So in conclusion, The Ring is a very well-done and thorough remake of Ringu, including many key parts of the story found in the Japanese sequels as well as some extra tidbits made just for this adaption. The story is left in tact, making The Ring and Ringu very comparable, and the cast is strong enough to carry the story where needed. The special effects and symmetry play a key role in this movie, but are used quite effectively. Who says a PG-13 horror flick can't scare the heck out of you anyway? If nothing else, this is sure to creep you out!
Rating:  Summary: A RING to light up the TV! Review: thisa movie is good.What other Horror Flick?better than the sixth sense!