Rating:  Summary: Freaky but not scary Review: I liked this movie. It had some plot and it kept you at the ege of your seat. If you are afried of wierd things this is not for you. This movie will leave a supencefull felling in the air for a while. However if you like those movies then it is for you. I suggest that you watch it in the day time.
Rating:  Summary: This movie scared the pants off my boyfriend and me! Review: We saw The Ring in the theater, and my boyfriend was actually grasping my shirt sleeve throughout the movie--and he's not easily scared. The makeup and special effects were very realistic, and the plot has a pseudo-ending...the kind of ending you expect to see, but then there's a twist to how it really ends. Some people have said this movie was not scary at all, but I totally disagree. The dead people that are throughout the film are very frightening indeed; some people in the theater actually screamed out loud when they saw those scenes. This movie is not for the faint-hearted, and I think it should have gotten an "R" rating rather than "PG-13". I even had to tell my mom explicitly not to allow my 16-year-old niece to see it under any circumstances. So if you like a good scare, and you're not prone to nightmares, see this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Scary i think not Review: What was the big deal of this movie?I saw it in october and i have to say it was confusing and unscary.Look at it this way If you took out the girl coming out of the video scene You would see how stpid this movie realy was.The videotape was ridiculous.The movie made no effort to explain how the videotape was made or even explain anything about the little girl.All the we know is some girl got mad and put a curse on everyone.Omg.Killer videotape scary.And what was the point of that fly coming out of the videotape at the end?the ending was pathetic and moreonic.People in the audience started to boo it.Thats how much people disliked It.The movie has more holes in it than swiss cheese.Only a brain dead more on would like this movie.Leave it to directers to take great horror foreign film like ringu and turn it into some kind of teen horror movie like scream.When will they learn?If i was to go over all of the flaws of this movie my review would be neverending so i'm going to stop right here.Anyways don't waste your time on this piece [film]
Rating:  Summary: A response to various other reviews on this forum. Review: Okay, for starters, quit acting like just because this movie didn't scare you that makes you brave and the rest of us cowards. Real courage involves overcoming fear, not never being scared at all (I believe we call that "stupidity"). Just because nothing in this movie matched your unique perception of what is "scary" does not make you any better than the rest of us, as some of you are essentially claiming. I am not easily frightened myself, but I thought the movie was quite scary. I have several friends (all of whom are intelligent and don't scare easily) who agree. The Ring is a film requiring the viewer to actually pay attention to subtleties, which I daresay many of you never thought to do. To a certain extent, it is also a film that will resonate with the minds of certain people, while others can't see what is special about it. I readily admit that the themes of the movie can seem a little corny, but I find them to be executed in an extremely convincing and eerie manner. Also, since they don't show that much, imagination is an important quality to help a person appreciate this movie. The absence of blood and gore ("classic" horror elements which to me are annoyingly gratuitous and not in the least frightening) only makes it better. For another thing, to say that this movie is not creative or is a ripoff is inaccurate. It is a remake and never claimed to be anything else; the movie it was based on was made in Japan years ago. Fear Dot Com and other such flicks are ripoffs of material from The Ring, not the other way around (as one of you tried to claim). Even the American version of The Ring was released before Fear Dot Com, for crying out loud. And finally, I have heard no end of complaints that this movie is just a copycat of The Sixth Sense; even those who don't think so still make a comparison between them. As much of a revelation as this seems to be, they are nothing alike! The atmospheres are different, and the stories (for those who even bothered to figure out the story of The Ring) are different as well. The only similarity is that they are both basically ghost stories, although in my opinion The Ring stretches the definition of that (if you know what's actually going on). Anyway, I have yet to read a review that finds legitimate fault with this movie, even though a lot of people have tried to use the absence of some details (many of which were left out on purpose) to do so. It is not actually a bad movie; you just happened not to like it, so quit trying to sound as if your opinion is the world's ultimate standard for quality. Disrespect for other people's opinions is common, but that doesn't make it okay, boys and girls.
Rating:  Summary: Good modern ghost story, but don't take it seriously Review: The concept of a video that eventually kills the viewer might have seemed clever in 1990, perhaps, but in the era of DVD and streaming digital video on the web, it's seems rather preposterous. However, if you suspend disbelief and don't take it too seriously, this movie provides decent escapist entertainment. The concept does have some intriguing potential; imagine sending the video to Al-Jazeera labelled as Bin Laden's latest message.
Rating:  Summary: Oh my... Review: It seems that a lot of people--my sister included--didn't understand either this movie or its ending very well. The only explanation that I can come up with for this is that the movie doesn't explicitly make the connections for you and just presents you with the questions and evidence for you to draw conclusions from.For instance with the ending. If you ask yourself why she was sent to that dark place in the first place, the answer as to why things happened the way they did and *in what order* becomes a natural consequence and makes perfect sense (hint: home, attic, mental instiution, well--in that order). I considered this movie horridly frightening, but blood and guts are not what make it so--it has virtually none of either. All of the elements--though confusing when you first encountered them--came together into a gestalt as you put the pieces into the questions it presented and just made the movie more frightening as you went on. Things that appeared completely random were anything but and their place, while rarely explicitly shown, was certainly presented.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Film Review: Warning: this has a few spoilers in it so I would advise you read this after you watch the movie. This was very enjoyable for me because I love movies that you have to watch over and over again to figure out all the little weird things that happen. Like the nose bleeds, that seemed to happen when they discovered something major, even if they couldn't recognize it at first. Like when Rachel took the fly out of the screen, she discovered she had opened another world, the tape was the key and the TV was the door and Samara was the univited guest. And Rachel's ex when he found the pictures Samara created from her mind, Samara didn't need objects to "make" them she just thought them up and they just "were". Which was how the tape came to be, and it looked like "somebody's nightmare". And finally Aidan, when she tells Rachel Samara "never sleeps", which sent a deffinate chill down my spine. This movie only had a few sudden scares but they were done effectively, the rest was eerie suspense heightened by the dark, cold enviroment. A great movie that has become one of my favorites.
Rating:  Summary: no explanation Review: the movie did have a few good scares in it but it wasn't as scary as it's hyped up to be because the don't explain ANYTHING! if you think about it you could figure out parts of it but you don't have enough info to solve the whole mystery. another reveiw said this was an A through H flick and I couldn't say it better myself.
Rating:  Summary: A fair attempt at a 4 in one movie Review: Ah... the American audience that we are. Everything has to make sense. Everything has to be linier. EVERYTHING has to wrap itself up in a little box. First, I would classify this as a Mystery / Suspense, not BOO! Horror. Having a certain time limit before you die may be similar to Fear dot Com but Ringu predates 4 years and I always say in any given time frame at least 2 movies come out that are "similar." Armageddon / Deep Impact for instance. Even these stupid junk e-mails I still recieve had that mentality before 1998 (whether it be death or bad luck, or body parts falling off if it isn't forwarded to at least a million people.) And thats what this movie is. This is a take on an urban legend, changed to a television as the venue, with a stab at that nasty invasive TV we have as a misinformant and a babysitter. Samara, and the mystery behind her, makes the movie, but without the prominent psychic overtones of the original it comes off as incoherent. In the original what tied everything to the cabin was that only there did the phone ring. In our version I'd expect Samara to call my cell phone if I didn't have a land line handy. And why does "Before you die you see the ring" not make any sense? The american writer mis-interpreted the meaning of the title "Ring" which was intended to mean "to call up" and co-incides with the other two books Rasen (Spiral) and Loop. This is an excellent movie on it's own, and I wont get into the schematics of the story as one other has already done so. The movie, like most Americanized films, has it's flaws, yet had been put together with a great deal of care, and while good on it's own it differs greatly from it's Japanese parent. Ah yes... Japan where stories don't have to be fully explained because their creators want you to think for yourself (take the PS Game series Silent Hill which I believe borrows ideals from the Ringu series.) Yes it is a great movie... but what we have here is a collage. In Japan, Ring is a phenomena encompassing 3.5 movies, a Korean Remake, 2 TV Movies, and a television series; the 3.5 moving two different directions (the official book version in one Ring 2 and the adaptation version in the other Ring 2,) the Korean in another direction, and the TV versions? 3 entirely different directions in themselves. Want to overload your brain? Try the third book "Loop" and you'll wind up with an entirely different story when it's all over (and don't forget the Sega Dreamcast Game based on those books.) Unfortunately our writers had to have watched the entire series and take parts from here, parts from there, erase the girls history and start over, change whom killed her, move all psychic refrences to mere hints, and completely take out the actual virus/smalpox/DNA tie in (though there is the vaguest hint in the curse tape.) And more unfortunately key points are missed when this isn't taken into account. Want to know whats up with Becca in the mental hospital? Watch Ringu 2... Um Ringu 2 Version 2 that is. Sadly one must know the entire pre-existing story (make that stories) to truly appreciate it. Kind of reminds me of the "How many can we squeeze into one" mentality of Queen of the Qamned. I for one am happy to see a mystry/suspense/thriller/horror that moves away from the breast-obsessed filmography 5 teens stalked by killer "A" who's known what you did last valentine's the 13th and died in all 6 movies but still catches you even though he was walking but you ran top speed. Give it a shot and taste a thinking man's movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Little Clarification Review: Ok, I've been reading the reviews of this movie and I have to say YOU MUST NOT HAVE PAYED ANY ATTENTION! First of all, the movie WAS NOT based on Fear Dot Com or some classical piece. It was based on a Japanese film called Ringu which I must say was pretty freaky. Fear Dot Com took their idea from this. Anyways, my opinion of this movie, it scared the MESS out of me! I love horror flicks and I'm not easily scared of movies. Most horror movies leave me laughing in the aisle. Jason X for example but that is another review. Back to the review at hand, when I first started watching the girl walking through the house all I thought, hmm sounds like your atypical horror movie. But as soon as I saw her dead in the closet I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. The movie is one of those psychological thrillers. The plot is this. Theres a video tape floating around and if you watch it you will die in seven days. A reporter, her son, and her ex all watch the movie and then try to find out how to stop the seven day prophecy from coming true, all the while suffering from hallucinations and other physical hangups that come with watching the movie. The movie is pretty good until the end. The ending [was bad]! All this scare and then nothing. Its like after the climax the movie is pretty much over, no decreasing action or real resolution. So my suggestion is buy it or don't buy it. But certainly don't go by my review. See it for yourself and figure out if u like it or not!