Rating:  Summary: Full Length Music Video Review: Xanadu, Why do people criticize you so? All you ever wanted was to make people sing along, throw on a pair of roller skates, and boogie with Olivia Newton-John and ELO!I LOVED this movie as a kid. It brings back alot of memories watching it (we had a roller derby disco in town when I was a kid and I loved going there, I wanted so much to be like Olivia)...and I love it now for all the same reasons I loved it then... It's colorful, vibrant, visually appealing...and the music truly is incredible...all though the film is visually dated (the roller skates and all of the 80's type dress, hair, and makeup) the music remains timeless...the soundtrack album is considered a classic among many fans of Olivia as well as ELO...the songs are infectious and as slickly produced as the musical numbers that contain them. Which brings me to my point...this movie is a full length music video, it is nothing more than a series of musical numbers played out in different vignettes...tied loosely together by a weak storyline...that is all it seemed intended to be...just visually appealing fun (like most everything from the 80's i.e. pac-man and rubik's cube), set to a backdrop of incredible music. High concept, low plot...but what's wrong with that? I just think people get so tied up in "art" they forget to have fun... This movie also succeeded in celebrating two different eras musically...at the time Olivia Newton-John WAS 80's music, and Gene Kelly perfectly symbolized the musical films of yesteryear...I think it was good casting, it made sense for the time. And makes for an interesting collaboration in styles...particularly in the "Dancin'" number, in which the two eras collide into one song...fun and inventive. Yes...the dialogue is stale, and the acting appears stiff (particularly in the lead character played by Michael Beck)...but this film never tried to compete for any Oscars...it was made to entertain, nothing more...and it succeeds in that pursuit. Olivia Newton-John, neon lights, glitter, spandex, leg-warmers, and rollerskates...ahhhhhh, Xanadu...whatever happened to the 80's of my youth? Hopefully, they'll come flooding back to me as soon as I get a chance to buy this DVD! I can't wait...my video is warn out.
Rating:  Summary: "Guilty Pleasure" Review: Another reviewer on this page referred to Xanadu as a guilty pleasure, and it's my opinion that it sums this film up briliantly. There are few scenes that are well-acted. The direction is questionable at best and the script is flat, flat, flat. But Gene Kelly is in it, and he's great. The music is fantastic. And of course, Olivia Newton-John is charming. And it's enough to get the film by. I watched this film over and over as a child, both for the music and my enormous crush on Olivia. Even now, I can watch Xanadu and thoroughly enjoy every cheesy moment. Think of this film as the last of the real musicals, made silly only because it was crafted in a time in which the sentiment expressed is no longer in vogue. If you watch it as though it were filmed in the 50's or 60's, it fares as well as Oklahoma, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, or any number of famous musicals. If you like a musical, pick this one up, you're sure to enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: great movie Review: Next to Greese this is Olivia-Newton-John's best movie I simpliy loved it Gene Kelly teamed with Olivia was great I admit I never saw Gene Kelly's movies but I know he is a great Dancer and actor, I love the combined music from the 40's and the 80's it was great. If you love Olivia than watch this movie and add it to your collection you won't be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Nostalgic Movie of Poor Quality, Except the Music Review: This movie is one of those guilty pleasures. It takes me back to middle school, with all the legwarmers and lip gloss. I love it. Check out The Tubes' appearance in "Dancin'." This was right before they became really popular. Also, I love the song "Whenever You're Away from Me." I'm also a big Gene Kelly fan, so seeing him is a treat. If you like ELO, they did half the soundtrack. My favorite ELO tune in this movie is "I'm Alive." However, the acting is bad, and the story is poor. Basically, either you liked this movie as a kid, and still do, or all you see is a lot of 70's trendy stuff set to music.
Rating:  Summary: is everybody crazy! Review: What is going on with these reviews! I remember how badly I wanted to see this film when it first got to the big screen. The soundtrack was a big hit, and Olivia Newton John was very popular having not too long before starred in Grease. When I finally saw this for the first time about 2 years ago I was absolutely speechless. I would definitely say this is one of the worst films I've seen, done by a big studio. Now, if you can get into the nostalgia of the it some of the music is alright, including the theme song 'Xanadu' which is still a very guilty pleasure for me, sort of like an Abba song without the Swedish accents. But take away the soundtrack and you're left with a film that is not funny, not touching, not moving, interesting, and does not elicit any human feelings whatsoever, except maybe a sense of horror that someone had the bad judgement to waste good film on this effortless effort. Worst of all, this film is not even enjoyable as a "bad film". Don't believe me? See for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Five-Star Music, One-Star Story Review: I've owned the VHS copy for nearly 20 years, and recently bought the DVD. There's no point in trying to defend the story line, but we've really enjoyed the musical portions through the years. Happy to report that the quality of the DVD is excellent. And, unlike some previous reviews, we like the "Roller-Disco" portions. And the segment where the two bands "collide" in a blending of 40's and 70's music is very well done and quite enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Xanadu Review: A movie with magic, wonder, humour, great music and pizzazz. A genuine feel-good movie that proves a dream can be made into a film.
Rating:  Summary: Xanadu - marco de uma época Review: Para todos aquelas pessoas românticas e sonhadoras, o filme e a música de Xanadu são realmente um deleite. Neste tipo de filme, não se procura intelectualidade, arte dramática, mensagens de qualquer tipo, etc.. mas sim uma fonte de diversão que nos embale com diversão, romance e belas músicas. Numa época em que os filmes musicais voltaram a ser produzidos por holywood, após o estrondoso sucesso de SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER, foi e é um grande prazer rever a graça de Olivia Newton John, a leveza e o toque de brilhantismo do saudoso Gene Kelly, e a fantástica trilha sonora produzida por John Farrar e a ELO. Enfim, recomendável para todos aqueles que ainda sonham.
Rating:  Summary: Great music saves this one Review: Despite the pretty colors and the serene presence of Olivia Newton-John, "Xanadu" is a howler right up there with "Robot Monster." Numbingly bad acting (poor Gene Kelly tries really hard, though), horrendous dialogue that even as a 13-year-old had me squirming with embarrassment that I had paid money to see this, special effects that scream late 70's, and horrible choreography. And the storyline . . . if a muse was coming back to inspire someone, I don't think it would be to build a roller disco. So if I think it's so bad, why give it 3 stars? First, the music. Overseen by Olivia's longtime producer John Farrar and ELO frontman Jeff Lynne, the soundtrack does not have one dull moment. I still own the soundtrack! Lastly, like the aforementioned "Robot Monster," "Xanadu" is so bad it's funny. Rent or buy this, and I guarantee you'll be groaning, giggling--and singing along.
Rating:  Summary: Hopelessly Devoted to Olivia! Review: Call me a fanboy, but I proudly say that I saw this movie 3 times in its original theatrical release and I am still so completely in love with Olivia (in that harmless, non-creepy, non-stalker devoted fan kind of way). I love the big musical production numbers, I love the ELO music, I love Gene Kelly (what a talent, still impressive!)but Olivia just makes everything take on that golden glow she had in this movie. Just like Phoebe said on Friends: "OH, OH.... Xanadu! I have owned the soundtrack on 8-Track (I used to sing and dance to it-- and my parents were surprised when I came out?), vinyl, cassette, CD and VHS and Olivia still keeps me suspended in time with her.