Rating:  Summary: 5 stars for sure!! Review: Many people will think this movie is stupid. Many will think it is hilarious, I was one of the people who found it hilarious. It's about alfred packer(trey Parker) who sets out on a journey with some dimwitted friends, but times get tough, so they eat each other lol....I really dig the singing, I thought that was pure genious from parker and stone. Buy this movie now. you will love it. but your girlfriend will think it is real stupid. It's just one of those movies heh..
Rating:  Summary: Cannibal!: The Musical (1995) Review: Rejected by every distribution company on the planet, this is a pre South-Park horror / musical, written and directed by Trey Parker. Who else would release a film so stupid, but Lloyd Kaufman, and Michael Herz, and the offbeat Troma Team Studios. This release is adapted from a University of Colorado stage production, and is ultimately very silly and cheap film camp in the Monty Python comedy vein. The subject is Alferd Paker (Juan Schwartz) who while searching for gold and love in the Colorado Territory, he and his companions lost their way and resorted to ...unthinkable horrors, including toe-tapping songs. Alferd Paker was convicted of cannibalism, and shortly after his arrest he tells his tale. In jail, with musical and gory splatter flashbacks, he re-tells the story to a news reporter of how he came to eat his friends. The local townspeople in a big production number sing 'Hang The Bastard' outside his cell window. While the film is low in entertainment, the songs are very addictive, and will have you singing right along. Troma Team DVD's are very enjoyable endeavors in exploitation barker showmanship, and feature interactive items such as: Troma Intelligence tests, and tours of troma studios.
Rating:  Summary: The Sky is Blue, and All the Leaves are Green! Review: This movie received its fair share of bad reviews, and much of the criticism centered on the quality of the cinematography and sound. Keeping in mind that this was Trey Parker's first picture and had a very limited budget, I must say that I believe those criticisms are for the most part exaggerated. In fact, I think this film is much better than anyone had a right to expect under the circumstances."Cannibal! the Musical" is the story of the ill-fated journey of Alfred Packer and his party from Utah to Breckenridge Colorado when they became stranded and without food resorted to cannibalism, with Packer being the lone survivor. Parker plays the title role and the usual suspects-Matt Stone and Dian Bachar-play members of the ill-fated party. Those who have seen "Orgazmo" may recognize the oriental actor who played "G-Fresh" in that picture in the role of an Indian chief here. The acting is good, but you won't see any Oscar worthy performances here. I found the movie to be quite entertaining although somewhat uneven and not quite as funny as "Orgazmo" or "Baseketball". The musical numbers are all very good and have very clever lyrics (a strong suit of Parker's). You'll be singing them to yourself for days afterward. Overall, I think Parker acquits himself well in "Cannibal! The Musical". Check out the credits at the end of the film and you'll realize that this was Trey's baby from beginning to end. If you're not squeamish or a prude this motion picture is worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: this is not a movie for normal people. Review: I saw this film without having any idea that it was in any way related to South Park. A friend told me it was funny. I doubted. Well, said friend got me to sit down one night and watch it. I laughed so hard I almost puked. Sure the film rambles a little bit but there are some bits that are truely inspired. I will never forget the snowman song or the furry animal song. There are few movies that really go off the deep end but this is one of them.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movies ever Review: There are a few funny parts in this film, but as a whole this movie was the biggest waste of life I ever experienced. The humor seems to build to the point of exploding laughter, but you never quite get there. Instead, you wait for it to get better. But it never does. Please don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Summer Camp Review: This is a movie that works in a very hectic south-parky way. They throw like a million jokes at you, mostly of the typical farts 'n sex 'n 'n goofy songs 'n bad puns variety. And no one is going to like ALL the jokes. But there is a way in which such a bombardment of campy cornball potty humor can be disarming, if not overwhelming. Eventually, I found myself dazed-out with a triangle smile just totally eating it up with a spoon. If you like South Park, Frank Zappa, Ren and Stimpy, or like Rocky and Bullwinkle, you'll dig Cannibal!
Rating:  Summary: South Park rules! But this one? Review: I have recently bought this one. I was expecting it to be a masterpiece from Trey and Matt. But what i received was a big disapointment. It surely is similar to Matt and Trey's works burt stupidier and sillier than all of them. If you like South Park but dont like that Terence and Philippe fools day show; i say you gotta keep away from that DVD. I am quite pleased with the movie. It is like a big joke. At the end you say to yourself what the hell did they make this movie for? Who paid for it? You get all the answers to these questions but for a price of 25 bucks! I can say that it is an Andy Kaufmann style movie. If you really want to see it i say rent it dont spend so much money on it. It is not worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Campy Fun Review: While many will be turned off by the film-school budget and cheap video appearance of this film, I must first say that for being an extremely low budget film, it is a marvel. However, if I were to look at it from a Hollywood stance, it is pure schlock. I don't look at things like Hollywood does, so this film still stands tall with me. Cannibal! The Musical is a delightful farce of the horror and musical genre that began as a trailer for a film class and erupted into a full length cheese fest. The acting is atrocious, but everyone knows they suck so it really doesn't matter because they're having such fun. The story centralizes around Alfred Packard, the only man to ever be convicted of cannibalism in the United States. After getting a party lost in the wildnerness while on the way to Colorado, Packard decides to get them even more lost by following the trail of his lost horse, Leann. While this summary is the plot of the story, it really doesn't matter, because when you either purchase or rent a movie named Cannibal! The Musical, it's my guess that you're not looking for twists and plot development. You're looking for stupidity, and that is what you get. The songs are quite well written and funny and can even rival some of the songs written by the terrific Rogers and Hammerstein. Like I have said previously, the acting is horrible, but you expect that. The sets and costumes are even worse (wait until you see the TP's!). Like I have said in the previous paragraphs, this film was not intended to be an award winner at all. It's nothing but good solid fun with a delightful story, funny characters, and a great musical score. If you're looking for great campy fun with a little bit of gore and violence mixed in, then Cannibal! The Musical should fit you nicely.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie sucks like a Dusbuster! Review: While I can understand true Matt Stone and Trey Parker fans drooling and blustering over this silly amateurish movie-musical, I can't see any reason why somebody this side of the Betty Ford Lobotomy Clinic would find it any more than an amateurish albeit remotely entertaining piece of student film exploitation. The point of this exercise is pure capitalism. You have a neat little piece of cheap cinema you put together with your friend and $25,000 after quitting college. Now, after perfecting your style and humor, you've become famous for something completely peripheral (South Park). How can you cash in on your fame even more? Why, tap into your already existing fanbase with that piece of crap you have in your closet from your college years! Fans of the show will eat this up like Marlon Brando at a twinkie factory simply because it has their favorite fart-joke duo at the helm. They will give it exaggerated praise filtered through their idolizing lemming brains, adoring it for the very reasons Parker and Stone lambast in their brilliant "South Park" movie. They will love this movie not because the film was good, but because it was made by the rebels they have come to adore. My point is this. The lavish praise in all of these "reviews" isn't based on anything but a kneejerk reaction to enjoying the work they have already seen of Matt and Trey's. I don't want to pee on anybody's "golden goat", but this movie stunk. Stunk like 3-week old deep-fried hamster testicles dipped in fermelnahide. Stunk like a sweaty jock strap tied covered in cheese whiz and dipped into a septic tank. It was bad. But that's not necessarily bad! It was so bad, it was good. Do you see my point? I don't know if most South Park fans have a even a vague notion of what this concept is, or even the name for it. Well, I'll tell you. it's called "camp". No, not summer "camp" at Lake Humpaneighber. What I'm talking about is "camp" as in "banality, mediocrity, artifice, so extreme as to amuse or have a perversely sophisticated appeal" (Websters dictionary). Another word that might be properly suited for this movie is "kitsch". No, not the tasty pastry with all those yummy fillings. That's "quiche". "Kitsch is art, writing, or in this case a movie "of a pretentious but shallow kind, calculated to have popular appeal." I think much of "Cannibal" is chock full of "camp" and "kitsch". I think Matt and Trey knew this while making it. And that's the problem. Movie making that is overtly self-conscious is simply not good movie making. It's as if throughout the movie, to compensate for a lack of talent, acting ability, directing experience, and even general cinematic know-how, Trey went out of his way to bring attention to the lack of budget, experience, or any artful means. That added a klunky kind of energy to the campiness of the film, but it didn't compensate for the lack of all the previous. I have seen student films made on a similarly tight budget that were infinitely funnier, and could be considered good films alongside mainstream movies. Because Stone and Parker have a large juvenile following, this obviously juvenile film will get undo attention. Also, while I'm sure the DVD commentary is rightly hilarious (especially if they get drunk), one comment below is telling. A viewer remarked on how this audio commentary had him laughing harder than the movie. This is sad. It means that a bunch of guys sitting around a table drinking beer can be funnier than this film. It means that Stone and Parker were funnier 'on their own' than this movie was in its entirety. I don't care if Trey Parker becomes Sultan of the Sudan. It won't change the fact that this movie would be rotting in obscurity and rightly be considered a piece of radioactive sludge if South Park hadn't taken off. It's not even the South Park style of thinly veiled social satire laced with expletives and fart jokes (which I personally love!). It shows that Trey's ideas were a work in progress, and he needed to move on and hone his humor and song writing skills (which he did with his South Park movie and the considerable help of Marc Shaiman). Fame does interesting things to people's concepts of quality. A painting of a waterfall that a collector would burn if they found in their cheap motel room suddenly is worth 10,000 dollars to him because it was drawn by Paul McCartney. That doesn't make it a quality piece of work. That makes it a piece of crap drawn by a celebrity. We tend to put an extra price tag on anything done by celebrities, whether it's in the past or present. "Awww, Mr. McCartney can draw. Kind of. But not well. But who cares? He's Paul McCartney!" It's like we treat celebrities as little kids. "Aww, little Timmy drew a picture of a Hippo and wiped a booger on it. let's put it on the fridge! Isn't it perty?" I don't want to see the dumb home video of "Lassie: a Tale of Murder" Trey Parker made when he was 12 with his video camera, three gallons of ketchup, and the help of the neighbor's chihuahua 'Skippy'. Why would I want to see an amateur film they made of a bad musical when they were 22? And then fawn all over it like a horny puppy dry humping a Furby? It would be like selling a tape of Rachmaninoff practicing scales on the piano at age 5, and considering it an "early work". Our artists have no chance to develop their craft anymore. Trey's skills were simply not developed when he made this movie, and anyone who isn't blinded by celebrity or their wild obsession with South Park should see that too! Now, after all of that, I want to say, I didn't necessarily "not" like this movie. I liked it in the Ed Wood sense. I enjoyed the camp. The purposefully bad lyrics. The purposefully exaggerated gore. The self consciously atrocious acting. I liked it- but only in the sense that it was "camp". Like Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer Space", it was so bad, it was good! So I laughed. I thought some of it was silly. Anybody who thinks there is anything of lasting quality in this movie has been deep throating the exhaust pipe of a Toyota Tercel with transmission problems. It was kind of entertaining. Trey and Matt admitted they made the movie in a rush, not having a clue how to make a film, with barely a cent to work with. It shows. I'd shave off my eyebrows if with a year of preparation, a reworking of the script, a proper auditioning period to find high quality actors, and the assistance of Marc Shaiman with music, the movie didn't improve ten thousand percent. I'm a fan of some of South Park, especially the movie which satirized fanaticism and Hollywood's hypocrisies perfectly. But that doesn't mean I have to like Trey's work when he was just some obnoxious college kid with an attitude- and a dream. The movie occasionally made me laugh. That doesn't make it a good film. I think Adam Sandler is funny. I also think he's a terrible actor. Just because he makes me laugh in a film, doesn't mean I think he's a quality performer. For some reason, most people who watched this movie used the following equation. Funny = Spectacular acting, music, and direction. Half of what I found funny was due to obviously bad acting, music, and direction. If a movie makes you laugh, that doesn't make it a high quality movie. I can differentiate between laughing at something, and respecting it for its craftsmanship. Can you?
Rating:  Summary: Fun, fun, music and more fun! Review: This movie is just pure fun. It's a low budget, kind of cheesy movie about a guide who is accused of eating his friends while on a journey to Utah... err I mean Colorado. Lots of fun songs, some funny acting, funny dialogs... funny movie! In case you missed the beginning of this review, the key word here is FUN. This movie is pure enjoyment, so great that you'll forget all the mistakes and cheesy parts. If you are into South Park, you'll like this movie. If, like me, you peed in your pants while watching Orgazmo (I'm Sancho), definitly buy this movie NOW. PS: The DVD edition has a hilarious directors track where everyone gets drunk while narrating the movie. It's a must.