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Norah Jones - Live in New Orleans

Norah Jones - Live in New Orleans

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $11.24
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: very good, but i'm not sure about the replay value
Review: This is the sort of DVD that you really only need to listen to in order to enjoy it. This is not a knock on it, but just a comment on the style of music and the presentation of the concert footage. The feature is an hour long performance by Norah at the House of Blues in New Orleans. She has a backing back, but the show is pretty much just Norah at the piano. She does some cover songs as well as stuff from her album "Come Away With Me". She also mentions that some songs are only on her previous EP, which she expects that most people do not have.

If you have listened to her album, you have a pretty good idea what to expect from this DVD. She doesn't talk much between songs, usually only to introduce the next song or to say who she is covering on a song. This may be a good thing if she doesn't have anything interesting to say, it would only detract from the performance. This is a fairly low key performance, but her playing is amazing. Norah Jones is a very gifted musician with a beautiful voice.

The only comment I have in closing is that while I really enjoyed listening (and watching) to this DVD, I don't think it is something that I would watch very often. I'm glad that I rented it, but it isn't worth purchasing (for me).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fetching
Review: I liked Norah Jones' CD okay, though I thought the understated sultriness a bit studied, even at times affected. I found myself wondering what she'd sound like if her producer didn't have so much influence.

I hadn't jumped on the bandwagon, then--but I have considerably more enthusiasm for her after seeing this DVD, for a simple reason: it makes clear that she's about the music, not about being a "star." Her performances seem considerably more robust, to me, filled with a more believable personality, than on the over-produced CD. If you pay attention to the performances, rather than looking for a lot of non-musical "engagement" with the audience, I believe you'll get a very clear sense of this artist, as distinct from her studio technicians.

I don't really understand people complaining about her lack of chit chat or her lack of playing to the crowd. I've never heard Bob Dylan or Isaac Stern do a lot of talky-talk in live performance, and neither gets by on personal charisma. (If I want talky-talk, I'll go see a stand-up comic.) Jones joins that tiny group of popular musicians whose concern is mainly music--and in this, she is extraordinary. Her voice, of course, is quite original and very good--but what sets her apart is her inventive, arresting musicianship. Her piano chord voicings are extremely sophisticated--not showy, but exquisite, more like Bill Evans, say, than your local lounge player with fast fingers. I believe it was Monk who said that the secret is knowing which notes not to play--and Norah Jones has already mastered that subtlety.

As for the DVD versus the CD: Besides the more natural, less produced performances, the Dolby 5.1 adds nice dimension. The Artist comes across more as an extremely talented kid a bit befuddled by her success than as the late-adolescent chanteuse of the CD.

I thought the drummer was uneven in his playing--very good on up-tempo, but inconsistent on some of the more intimate pieces. I agree with an earlier reviewer than the drum kit is badly miked, but I think the problems are other than that. This ensemble plays more like a jazz quartet than a rock group, and it was not clear to me that the drummer wouldn't be more at home in the latter.

The guitarist is quite good, and he and the artist played off each other very well, but he was sometimes sloppy.

The bass player didn't miss a lick, and seemed to me the foundation of the group.

Whether Norah Jones develops into a major presence, or becomes someone who--like Sade, say-- just does the same thing over and over every couple of years remains to be seen. But this debut DVD deserves a wide audience.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Outstanding Concert Experience
Review: Beautiful vocals meet beautiful instrumentals for a night at the House of Blues! What more could you want? Many of the live versions on this DVD are cleaner than the album versions. The sound quality is outstanding and the video is, of course, DVD-crisp. The songs which are not on the album are exceptional. Bessie Smith and Tennesee Waltz (the Encore) are worth the price alone!

P.S. For all the reviewers who are talking about Ms. Jones sweating....it's not sweat! It's sparkly stage makeup. I know this because my sister was a ballet dancer and still wears the stuff....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great companion to the album
Review: If you already have Norah's fantastic debut album, then this DVD should be next on your shopping list. Recorded at the House of Blues, Norah (and her band) gives an excellent and intimate performance. Fans will rejoice with the inclusion of some non-album tracks, including Comes love, Bessie Smith, Something is calling you, What am I to you?, and the concert encore Tennessee waltz. Along with these you get many of her much loved songs including the likes of the superlative Don't know why, Come away with me, One flight down and many more. It's a shame songs like Shoot the moon and Turn me on aren't here, but hey...you can't have everything.

Picture quality is excellent - very crisp, vibrant colors, and full screen. Sound is equally impressive. Unfortunately the DVD is a little low on extras; you get the aforementioned concert encore (though why this is separated away from the main concert is beyond me) and one music video, for "Come away with me". Why didn't they include some of her other videos though?.

Nevertheless, and minor criticisms aside, this is a great first DVD of one of the most promising new artists in years. If you love her debut album then there's no reason why you shouldn't love this as well.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Nice Video Poor Audio
Review: I want to start this with a disclaimer - I am a big Norah Jones fan. I love Come Away With Me and enjoy Feels Like Home, but that's another review. I agree with just about everything positive that's been said about the video portion of this DVD, especially the lingering close ups on the instrumentalists and of course Ms. Jones. As for her performace, well, it's been said before - live performing isn't her strong suit.

I want to make the point, in contrast to others it seems, that the audio on this DVD is terrible. No, it's not like experiencing a good live session either. The mix is very poor on most tracks. Typically the drums are far too loud and the acoustic guitar is nearly lost, although some cuts are better than others.

The worst, however, is the recording of Norah's vocals (not the vocal performance itself). Easily the worst job of capturing a vocal I've ever heard. She sounds like she's standing 5 feet away from the mike in an empty, echoing auditorium ill-suited for sound. This is probably not so much the mix as it is miking that seems to be capturing at least as much reflecting sound as direct but I'm just a listener, not an audio engineer. For two very different examples of good quality miking and mix of live performances try James Taylor's Live at the Beacon Theatre or Roy Orbison's Black and White Night.

This must explain why the DVD is so cheap. For Jones fans, in spite of the poor job on the audio portion of this dvd it's probably still worth the purchase.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Want to fall asleep?
Review: Buy this or any Norah Jones CD! Incredibly overrated voice and songs, Norah has been able to sell records because people think she's a breath of fresh air when, in fact, she's as boring as they come. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: good concert DVD - lesser known songs make it a buy !!
Review: This is a good DVD basically of Norah sitting behind her piano / Wurlitzer playing a selection of songs mainly from the album Come Away With Me. (The band consists of guitar, bass and drums)

I disagree with some of the other reviewers that the video production is boring. I personally prefer to watch how the musicians are playing their instruments rather than watch a blinding laser show and a load of strange camera angles and colours. This concert is simply 4 musicians on a small stage and the video production reflects the honesty of the performance.

Some of the performances of songs off Come Away With Me are pretty average in my opinion, but the real gems on this DVD are the songs that some fans who discovered Norah through her last album might not have, in particular her version of Bessie Smith, the bluesy Comes Love and the final song, Tennessee Waltz.

A good buy.

1. Cold, Cold Heart
2. Nightingale
3. One Flight Down
4. Seven Years
5. Feelin the same way

6. Comes Love
7. Something is Calling you
8. Come Away with me
9. What am I to you
10. Painter Song
11. Lonestar
12. I've got to see you again
13. Bessie Smith
14. Don't know why

* Tenessee Waltz (live encore)
* music video of Come Away With Me (pretty poor!)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Music, Good Musicians, good natural sound engineering
Review: I'm going to make this one short. This DVD is very very very intense. It is incredible that Norah and her band are able to execute so agressively at such a low stage volume. It blows me away. The film is okay and it's fun to watch, but I am very captivated by the ability and talent of the group to deliver such intensity at subtle levels. I wish more groups in the popular music arena would be able to deliver such stellar results. The engineering is pretty damn good, and even though the songs are 'quiet' and 'subtle', i recommend that you crank the hell outta this DVD and listen to the subtle nuisiances. The upright bass is captured nicely. The drums are killer as well, I'm a fan of the sound they captured. Good job guys! Not to mention, I enjoy the way Norah has a knack for her slinky timing. I would die to hear more keyboardist have the ability to 'slide' in time the way she does. Kudos Norah! You have won my applause. Your talent makes me sick, but in a good way. I don't want to step out on a limb, but I think the timing and execution of the band as an ensemble is pretty stellar... maybe for Norah it is genetic to have an aptitude for a good internal clock, having a dad who is a sick tabla performer. Her drummer is very expressive as well, he uses some mallets and his brush work is creative and I think the engineering of this DVD does it capturing his style and technique justice... Hell, the whole band is damn good and I am glad i picked this one up. (...). Like I said crank this DVD up and let it roar, you will learn a lot about intensity and how it is possible to play quiet and intense. It would be a great learning tool for younger musicians and if i was still teaching music, I would probably use this as a reference. All I can say is this is one intense group and getting to see them up close and observe them utilize thier instruments is pretty damn cool.

Let me iterate again... Even though this ensemble might not appear to have the testicular fortitiude of a group such as Korn (i know its like comparing apples and oranges he he)... I would argue and suggest that those not usually atune to 'quiter' music take note and realize that this performance is actually more intense than the majority of groups in popular music. Maybe it has something to do with the BlueNote connection... i dunno...
just my two cents, since everyone else has great comments...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Talent from God
Review: What can you say about Norah ? Talent to burn, beauty , and musical wisdom that belies her young age. Anyone who criticizes this performance just doesn't get "it". Norah isn't about vocal histrionics, shock value, or choreography; she's about heartfelt MUSIC that touches your soul to the core ! She has the rare ability to make you feel joy and sadness at the same time and not many have that rare artistic gift.The sound quality of this DVD is superb, contrary to what some have indicated here.I think her live singing is even better than on her recordings ,and that's saying a lot. Buy this DVD and you will be able to watch this timeless talent for years to come with the same heartfelt results.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Delightful show.
Review: Definitely Norah Jones is a first class singer and a very good proof of her talent is this amazing DVD.
This show was captured in New Orleans few months before she won 8 Grammys with her debut album, the Multi-platinum, #1 "Come away with me".
The show starts with "Cold, cold heart" and from there you go through a wonderful experience all the way to "Don't know why", the song that closeses the show.
The atmosphiere in this show is very simple but intense, don't imagine a show like Cher's with lots of lights, change of custumes and all that. This was taken at the House of Blues in New Orleans but it's really amazing. Norah's music if you don't know it very well is soft but delightful, you can listen to her for hours, days, months...all your life and never get tired and if you know her music or have one or both of her cds, this is a must have.
You'll find here almost all her "Come away with me" repertory and some unknown songs. You'll also get the change to see her "Come away with me" video as a special feature and the encored "Tennessee waltz".
I recommend the songs "Cold, cold heart", "Nightingale", "Seven years", "Feelin' the same way", "Come away with me", "Lonestar" and "Don't know why".
You won't be sorry with this DVD.

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