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Classic Albums - Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of Moon

Classic Albums - Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of Moon

List Price: $20.98
Your Price: $15.74
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Good, but not great
Review: I consider myself a dedicated Pink Floyd fan, so when they release new items like remastered CDs and DVDs, I buy them. It almost seems as if they know that fans like myself will buy the DVD solely because it says Pink Floyd in the cover. This DVD was rather bland compared to the others like; The Wall, or even Roger Waters and Dave Gilmour in concert. However, I did enjoy the VH-1 program, but it was rather short. Also, the bonus features are only material that was cut out of the original program...boring. They can do better than this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Shedding New Light on the Dark Side!
Review: This is great; all fans of the Floyd should see this. The band members and the other important contributors, all telling it the way they remember it. I particularly enjoyed the explanation and examples of how the album was mixed, hearing the different tracks isolated and recombined was incredible. And the extensive bonus material just added to the enjoyment!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Great Look at a Great Album
Review: I bought this DVD right it came out, and was not disappointed. This behind the making-of documentary is facinating, with excellent interviews, rare archival footage and Alan Parsons and David Gilmore sitting at the mixing board expaining how this landmark album was put together is a must-have for any Pink Floyd fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GO GET IT !
Review: I'll keep it short.
A must have for any Pink Floyd fan.
Worth every penny!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely amazing, in depth and brilliant
Review: If you're a Floyd fan or just an interested music fan, this documentary is phenominal. Each Floyd member gives their own insight into each track (except one) of the album. Rare live recordings and footage as well as in-depth mixing board sessions with Alan Parsons and David Gilmour round out the mix. It's great to see the band talk so positively about their work. Even long-time fans and collectors will find some new stuff here!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Dark Side Dissected!!!
Review: Pink Floyd's masterpiece "The Dark Side Of The Moon" is one of rock music's all-time greatest albums. Thirty years after its initial release in 1973, the album is still embraced my music fans and continues to find an audience with each passing generation. Without a doubt, "The Dark Side Of The Moon" is simply a modern rock 'classical' piece, one that will probably continue to be listened to for centuries to come.
Recently released is the "Classic Albums" documentary DVD which gives an slightly in-depth look at this historic album. Included are interviews with all four Pink Floyd members sharing their thoughts and inspirations for certain tracks on the album. Also interviewed are recording engineer Alan Parsons, mixing supervisor Chris Thomas, album cover designer Storm Throrgeson and Rolling Stone Magazine editor David Fricke.
Engineer Alan Parsons as well as Floyd guitarist David Gilmour take us into the control room and dissect the pieces "Time", "Money", "Us and Them", "Breathe", "On the Run" and "The Great Gig in The Sky" from their original multitrack tapes. These parts of the documentary are the most revealing and appealling. Also included are acoustic solo performances from David Gilmour performing "Breathe", Roger Waters performing "Money" and "Brain Damage" and Richard Wright performing "Us and Them" and "the Great Gig In the Sky".
While this DVD does not show absolutely everything there is to know about "The Dark Side Of the Moon", it still is a fascinating look at this timeless classic. Some missing information docks this DVD from a five-star rating however, it certainly does not disappoint.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This dvd is truly amazing. It has some footage that was on the Live at pompei tape, plus much much more. New interviews with all 4 members, Gilmour playing the guitar demonstrating the guitar solos. Alternative versions and mixes of all the songs and "behind the scenes" making of DARK SIDE OF THE MOON.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not Enough Stars to Rate This Gem Folks!
Review: What to say? My favorite album of all-time, dissected right before my very eyes. WOW!!!!! From insights into the songs, to mixing/recording technique chat with Alan Parsons, David Gilmour, etc one could not want much more. This is a definite "must-have" for all Floyd fans. Heck, for music fans in general! Do yourselves a favor and RUN don't walk to the store to get this one. Right after I watched it for the 1st time, I played it again. The credits hadn't even began to roll when I started it again!! I plan on watching this gem again tonight. A masterpiece for the ages.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Stuff
Review: If you are a Floyd nut this is a great album for you. If you are just a listener, this isn't for you because it involves all the details of how the record was put togather and RW's phil behind the whole thing. Waters has an interesting version of the Brain Damage song on acoustic guitar. I thought the production of the DVD was pretty bad considering that instead of having the musicians actually complete playing the instrument they are being filmed with, the producers switch to the record version. We have all heard the record version, why not allow the musicians to do their own thing in their own little studios, instead of layering what they are playing with the original version from the album. Most of the "footage" are stills or have been taken from previous video releases. So, other than the guys speaking, there is nothing phenomenal about the DVD excepting that you get to hear a lot of early Roger demos of the thing on spool tape. Interesting things are also Alan Parson's engineering explanation of the songs. Its nostalgic and interesting to see that these guys are all old men now. Gilmour with Glasses! Roger is the only guy ageing gracefully!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: BUM-bum... BUM-bum... BUM-bum...
Review: I remember exactly were I was when I heard DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. It was my freshman year of high school and some upper classmates were doing a project on culture from each decades in the 20th century and one kid was pumping music from the 70s into the hallways. I caught the very end of "Speak To Me" that leads into "Breathe". I wanted to stay right there and listen to the rest of the album but, sadly, had to go to class. About a week later I bought the album and haven't looked back since. Of course I had heard "Time" and "Money" on the radio before but never in the confines of the album.

This DVD is what I have been waiting for. I've read many books about Pink Floyd and love when band members recount the process of recording these songs so this documentary is made for me. Every one of the band members has a great respect for the time in which the album was made. Many of them perform bits of the songs right there and then for the cameras. Fabulous technical information and insight is brought to the album.

I've taken one star off the rating because of one disapointment and one wish-they-did. Although the packaging states "track by track" two of these were not mentioned anywhere: "Speak To Me" (I could understand this one because it's basically effects) and "Any Colour You Like". Also, although the bonus features almost double the documentary, this would have been a great place to put an early (then called ECLIPSE) DARK SIDE OF THE MOON live performance. I know they had the footage, bits and pieces are presented throughout the documentary.

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