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Diana Krall - Live in Paris

Diana Krall - Live in Paris

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $11.24
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One heck of a pianist
Review: I've been comparing the VHS video and the audio CD. Some tracks are better on one or the other. I so wanted the CD "s'Wonderful" to be on the VHS: her quoting of Marcos Valle's "Samba de Verao" (a/k/a "Summer Samba/So Nice") and Ahmad Jamal's "Poinciana" (and Jeff Hamilton's contribution) just pushed me over the edge. Can someone say if it (the CD version of "s'Wonderful") is on the DVD? "East of the Sun" is great on both; "Do It Again" on VHS is terrific. I love her choice of songs.

Her banter seems awkward and self-conscious but sincere. Her admiration and affection for the musicians is genuine. I hope she doesn't neglect her piano playing in favor of singing. Her playing is so darn good. She is not really a singer, but she enjoys it and it works. As Anita O'Day considered herself a "song stylist," so may Diana.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An amazing performance and a fantastic recording.
Review: I was initially drawn to this DVD for its DTS 5.1 sound, and its 16:9 widescreen format. After experiencing this DVD, I must say that Diana Krall and the band's performance was amazing.

All performing artists should aspire to create live concert DVD's as great as this one. I am so captivated from "Live in Paris," I can't wait to watch it again tonight.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's like being at a concert.
Review: Overall this movie is excellent and a visual treat, like most reviewers say. I have all of Diana Krall's audio recordings (CD's) and thus cannot help comparing her singing and musical backup with her earlier audios. Musically the audio records are in better form and voice than this live concert. They probably should not be compared however; a live concert movie is an event by itself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another winner from Canada.
Review: Diana Krall truly has it all! To say her voice and phrasing, along with a great jazz piano style are outstanding would be the epitome of understatement. This performance of her Paris concert not only is of very high quality, technically, but the tune selection and the musicians that play with her is nothing short of inspiring, to the musician and listener alike.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Naysayers take notice
Review: Those who know Diana Krall primarily as a vocalist because of the emphasis on some of her recent CDs need look no farther than the opening cut, "I Love Being Here With You". Watch the Steinway smoke as her fingers fly and tell me she's not one of the best jazz pianists to come along in a very long time.

And, can a singer own a song they didn't write? Well, when it comes to the sensitive interpretation of a lyric in a cover version, Diana's phrasing on Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You" will remind you of back when Tony Bennett lost his heart in San Francisco, or when Sinatra did it His Way. If a more poignant 6 minute essay on the bitter-sweet ache of love exists, I have never seen it. This track (a solo encore) is worth the price of the DVD by itself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A woman of beauty and charm.
Review: I caught a glimpse of Ms. Krall on one of the movie channels and was immediately enthralled with her. Not only is this young woman a talented and gifted singer/pianist, she is also beautiful. What captured me is her eyes! There is a MIND behind those beautiful eyes. A fully focused, cogent and capable mind! She reminds me of the heroine Dagny Taggert, of Ayn Rand's novel, 'Atlas Shrugged'. Don't take my word for it, buy this DVD and see for yourself. A is A.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: DTS recording is wrong
Review: Why does 50% of the piano sound come out of the rear right speaker? Am i supposed to be sitting on Diana's knee?very dissorientating.I think the sounstage has been put on disc wrong, unless its just my disc.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible!!!
Review: I've always enjoyed Diana Krall's CDs, but I guess I never focused on what a fantastic pianist she is until this DVD. I heard shades of Brubeck, Errol Garner, and Oscar Peterson blended effortlessly in her playing. She is not only incredibly beautiful and sensual, with a wonderful voice... she is one of the finest jazz pianists I've ever heard. The multiple camera angles on this DVD are creative and immensely enjoyable, and the music... WOW! What more could any jazz lover want. This is the perfect DVD... great sound, beautiful and talented vocalist, who also happens to be a beautiful and talented pianist, accompanied by superb jazz musicians and a full orchestra. Best DVD I've ever purchased, bar none!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Diana Krall's Live Concert with Claus Ogerman
Review: Quite by accident while doing another errand, the store I was in today had Diana Krall's DVD Live Concert "Diana Krall Live in Paris" for sale behind the counter. This was one of those "on my list" to get items for several months now, but the item never seemed to make it to the top of that list. I have since severely chastised myself for not making it a priority to buy. Although I have watched DVD movies for several years, this is my first foray into DVD Audio and it's made my mouth water for more.

I have been in love with Diana Krall's "The Look of Love" audio CD since it came out last year - not because of her own voice (though it is growing on me), but because of who she picked to do the arrangements and the conducting on that album, the legendary Claus Ogerman. Claus has been almost an enigma to me since the late 1960s when I used to stare at his black and white photo on the back of the first Sinatra/Jobim album and then later in the 1970s, more black and white photos of him appeared on Jobim's own "Jobim/Matita Pere" album. In between those years, I played his arrangements for Jobim's "Wave" album over and over, as well as the Ogerman-arranged "A Certain Mr. Jobim" album. But I still knew very little about this German. I just knew that he arranged the way I liked and that he was the only person who could make me totally love the string section of an orchestra. And that was saying something.
I've never seen any video of Claus, only those still photos. When I began a discography/expanded website on him some time ago, I came across more black and white photos from his own early 1960s albums and then a friend in Brazil emailed me a full color photo of Claus. Then in the past year came Gene Lees' 8 page jazz newsletter all about Claus. I was beginning to get a better and more complete picture of the man and who he was.

I had heard that Claus appeared in person on this Diana Krall DVD, and I was really anxious to see a live concert that presented the same fantastic bossa nova arrangements I had been enjoying on the audio CD. The DVD begins with Krall's own jazz group playing numbers by themselves, with the string orchestra sitting off to the right side of the stage in semi-darkness. I was amazed and delighted that Diana's own group included recording legends John Pisano on acoustic guitar and Paulinho Da Costa on percussion. It was wonderful to watch them and it was also the first time I had seen either of them play in a live concert. And, I now have a new appreciation for Diana's talents as a musician, especially for her solo jazz piano playing which is showcased well in this concert.

When it came time to do the first bossa nova arrangement from "The Look of Love" album, Diana told the audience who did the arrangement and what a pleasure it was for her to work with Claus Ogerman. But the concert continued and there was still no Claus to be seen anywhere! Diana's own Alan Broadbent conducted the string orchestra for several more numbers. Now we were over 75 minutes into the concert...I was beginning to get the sinking feeling that Claus would not be appearing at all.

Then, it happened. At the intro of the Gershwin-composed and bossa nova-arranged "S'Wonderful", Diana introduced Claus and he came out to conduct this as well as the next number, "Love Letters". Tears ran down my face as I was finally and at long last getting to see this wonderful musician conduct two of his own arrangements. After he and Diana exchanged hugs, he went to the podium. What a thrill this was for me, to watch him so expressively conduct - not with a baton - but with totally outstretched hands which could only put you in mind of the late, great Leopold Stokowski. Claus conducted just as I thought he would; totally contradicting what a few people had told me over the years that he was a cold, brutal German - so difficult to work with that no one wanted him. His arrangements and his musicality always challenged that notion to me. So much feeling and emotion comes through his music that I just knew his conducting would be very warm, and it was.

Watching this concert inspired me to add a brand new section to my Claus Ogerman site. There is now a "Video Stills" section of the site which has many captured still photos of his appearance in this concert. I have also added to and updated the info in the "Live in Paris" DVD listing which was already on Claus' site.

If you like jazz, Diana Krall and/or Claus Ogerman, and standards played (and arranged) right, this is a great concert to both watch and listen. Pioneer did a first-rate job with the mastering; it was photographed beautifully and also has bonus footage of 3 rehearsal numbers (with Claus watching in the wings), and 2 of Diana's music videos. Total playing time of the disc is 130 minutes.

November 2002.
Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible talent!
Review: Whether or not you love jazz, like "some" jazz, or even know what jazz is, you'll probably love this. Singing, swinging, playing--she's very, very good. Many other reviewers have said it better than I can. This young lady can really play!

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