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Grover Washington Jr. in Concert

Grover Washington Jr. in Concert

List Price: $24.98
Your Price: $24.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Reed Master At Work
Review: A performance in Mr. Washington's beloved Philly, a bit rough around the edges, especially while performing "Just The Two Of Us". This was a very memorable performance for fans of this wonderful artist. Accompanied by studio greats, Richard Tee, Eric Gale, Steve Gadd, Ralph McDonald, et. al., this performance lived up to all my expectations. The sound was a bit sub-par, but just watching a great reed master at work, was worth the price of admission. Definitely a keeper, as long as one's sound quality and camera work expectations are set lower than today's norm (not up to the sound and video quality of say The Eagles' When Hell Freezes Over, or Steely Dan's Two Against Nature). This performance was captured in 1981 and worth adding to one's musical DVD collection, in spite of its age. To think that Mr. Washington is now playing gigs in a "better place", capturing this performance for us mortals to view over and over again, will let his memory live on for those of us who hold him in high regard.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Reed Master At Work
Review: A performance in Mr. Washington's beloved Philly, a bit rough around the edges, especially while performing "Just The Two Of Us". This was a very memorable performance for fans of this wonderful artist. Accompanied by studio greats, Richard Tee, Eric Gale, Steve Gadd, Ralph McDonald, et. al., this performance lived up to all my expectations. The sound was a bit sub-par, but just watching a great reed master at work, was worth the price of admission. Definitely a keeper, as long as one's sound quality and camera work expectations are set lower than today's norm (not up to the sound and video quality of say The Eagles' When Hell Freezes Over, or Steely Dan's Two Against Nature). This performance was captured in 1981 and worth adding to one's musical DVD collection, in spite of its age. To think that Mr. Washington is now playing gigs in a "better place", capturing this performance for us mortals to view over and over again, will let his memory live on for those of us who hold him in high regard.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic
Review: Eventhough, Grover Washington is no longer with us this dvd will
show why he was such a great Jazz musician, I really enjoyed this dvd and feel that others will also.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT Musician
Review: Grover Washington JR was a Great Artist.This Video Captures that&More.He is Joined By Great Musicians.He Had His Own Style.A Great Fusion Of Styles.Verey Essential.The Man was Very Talented.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Grover at his best w/ audio/ video very disappointing
Review: Have always enjoyed Grover over the years, and was not disappointed at his performance on this dvd.
However the audio/video work was definitely not good quality. I hope someone does a re-make of this work so that one can really appreciate the skillful work put into this album by Grover and friends...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT man, GREAT legend & a wonderful entertainer
Review: He's was always real. That's why he was 5 things 1. A prophet 2. A God-given spirit 3. A musical genius 4. An ambassador and 5. A pioneer of the jazz community. I miss him dearly and wish he was here. Could've seen more from the man but he lives right here on this DVD. This would pay tribute 2 him just b/c he was a wonderful artist and a tru pioneer of jazz-funk.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The engineers should have been hung.
Review: I first saw this video on Laser-Disk about 1983. It was a demo for Celestion (442's) at the time. The most captivating track was "No. 5" or "On the Dark Side". It was smooth as ever. Not having (or affording) that kind of equipment I never saw it since. One of Grover's later albums had another version of the same song but it played at a substantial increase in tempo which destroyd the appeal of the song for me.

Now that I have the means to replay this collection again it left me a bit flat. There are little if no frequencies above 8KHz and nothing below 100Hz. I'm using very sensitive Klipsch KLF-20 (100db/1w/1m) speakers and McIntosh front end units and they were straining to get any type of audio extention in either direction. This could have recorded with better equipment with a lot better engineering.

I agree with the previous regarding the picture being fuzzy and the 'access' to solos being a pain. Now that Grover is no longer with us, someone with a natural appreciation for jazz should have spent a lot more time getting this together. Even from teh beginning. Overall a disappointment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Grover Washington in Concert
Review: I would always go to all of Grovers concerts. I loved the man and his music, now I can see him anytime I want. I plan to buy all, the other DVD's and others as they become available. Grover Washington will be sorely missed. Thank-you

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Grover Washington in Concert
Review: I would always go to all of Grovers concerts. I loved the man and his music, now I can see him anytime I want. I plan to buy all, the other DVD's and others as they become available. Grover Washington will be sorely missed. Thank-you

Rating: 1 stars
Review: It was with great excitement that I ordered this DVD as I am a huge fan of the artist and if anything, an even bigger fan of the backing musicians.I have literally 100's of albums [audio] on which they appear.It was with even greater excitement that I opened the the package when it arrived.I was counting the days till the mailman arrived like a kid before Christmas, as the only other visuals I have of them is the "One Trick Pony" video by Paul Simon.When I put it in my DVD player my first reaction was that I had the bad luck to get a dud copy.I re-read the box with all the positive media reviews about the quality etc.and particularly the reference to digital remastering of picture and sound.This I dont believe at all.It looks and sounds like it was merely 'dumped' i.e. transferred from video to DVD as quickly and cheaply as possible without any additional work at all.I have to turn the volume up to max and it sounds like a small radio/ cassette player.My disbelief was so great that my second reaction was to order another copy and discard this one as I could not believe that this was the same product depicted on the box.Oh, I should mention that I am allowing for the time that it was recorded, technology etc. as in the same package I received Paul Simon's"Concert at the Tower theatre Phil." DVD which was recorded one year BEFORE the Grover Washington in 1980 and it HAS been digitally re-mastered and is obviously much, much better in sound and vision.After going back to the AMAZON customer reviews [which I must have overlooked in my initial haste to order this item] I can see that other people had similar opinions to mine.Slipping into my TV 'Columbo' or 'Monk' detective mode I deduce that the media reviews on the box date from previous releases of this concert on earlier formats eg the 80's laser disc that two other customers have referred to.Also there is that old movie review trick of quoting only the good bits and out of context eg that Grover W had never played better than on this occasion. Im sure that's possible but its a pity they didnt capture this performance better.I will keep this DVD just for the pictures [such as they are] and play it with the TV sound off with my album playing 'Winelight' on the stereo for sound.I tried to find the company website on the box to ask them what happened but either I can't locate them or they're in hiding.Now three post scripts which are 'OFF TOPIC' but I'm sure the Amazon staff will screen and edit PS ONE In researching the Amazon customer reviews I came accross the reviews of Mr. Anthony Accordino.What great musical taste this gentleman has! i.e. most similar to mine! I kept on reading his reviewa till late and he even reviews the other DVDs I own and mentions often Eric GALE /Cornell Dupree/Steve Gadd and the group 'Stuff'who are my faviourite artists. I tried to find an email for this obviously cultured gent but no avail .I just hope he reads or is otherwise told about this fellow great mind so we can further think alike.Feel free to pass on my email to him [however I have submitted my wrong address to you Ive learned {there should be a "1" after my name] I shall try to correct it later without confusing you kind people.Which brings me to my 2nd and 3rd PS's TWO Its really great that you guys AMAZON print even negative reviews of products that you are trying to sell! Too bad all media is not this unbiased.PS 3 This comes under the headings "Confession "or "Backhanded Compliment" or both. If you research you will see that I purchased these DVDs through one of your competitors.Never again. I've only posessed a computer for one month and this is all new to me. I did not notice that you have next to your retail price a second discount price which is far cheaper than any of your competition.I currently have an order with you guys and all my future orders will be through you.Further, I shall inform any other luddites that I come accross of my experience too and reccommend that they shop with you.

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