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Pink Floyd: The Wall 25th Anniversary - Deluxe Edition

Pink Floyd: The Wall 25th Anniversary - Deluxe Edition

List Price: $24.98
Your Price: $18.74
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The WALL
Review: - Pink, (Bob Geldof) is the main character in this remarkable movie directed by Alan Parker. Pink is a Rock star who spends most of his time locked in a hotel room watching classic war movies from his TV-set with a lot of [bad] channels...then slowly he starts losing his mind as he reminisces about his past, that brought him to the isolation from the world. The whole story of "The wall" unfolds by the phenomenal, fantastic songs made by Pink Floyd. It is so important to add that Gerald Scarfe,a prominent cartoonist, played a great role on making this movie a huge success.
If you happen to like,Pink Floyd's music,this movie is a must have and a must see.Until I now I've had it only on video tape and I have watched it tens of times and now when I have it on DVD I'll watch it hundreds of times as this movie never gets boring and because this movie everytime you watch it gives you a new understanding of it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: All in all...just another milking of "The Wall"
Review: Don't get me wrong, I love Pink Floyd (and The Wall too) but this constant rehashing of DSOTM and The Wall into "Anniversary, Special Editions...ad nauseum" is just plain ripping off the fans.
How about the long awaited DVD release of Pulse or Delicate Sound of Thunder instead?

Rating: 4 stars
Review: FIRST OF ALL DON'T BUY THIS VERSION, THERE IS A NEW 25th ANNIVERSARY EDITION COMING OUT ON JANUARY 28th 2005. It's cheaper then this version and it also comes in a cool fold/case thing that look like the wall.

Well as everyone has said there is no diologue in this movie thats why it got 4 stars. The album is great and is my favorite of all time but the movie needed diologue. Well the good about this is that there is a commentary and that part deserves a full 5 star rating. Roger Waters really tells us what's going on throughout the movie. There are also 2 documentaries that are really good. I gotta admit I did have to take a break from this movie for 10 minutes because I was getting a little tired near the end. The album/music is really what gives this movie a great rating but it's still a good dvd for your PF collection.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: PLEASE!!
Review: How many more bull#@%$ DVD's do we need to see before you bring out the 2 live DVD's?? Come on already!! Talk about milking it for what it is worth!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superb film, Superb DVD
Review: I am partially biased to this film because I am a huge Pink Floyd fan, but I will put that aside for this review. This is one of the greatest "Rock Opera" movies I have ever seen (if you even consider it a rock opera). It has brilliant cinematography. Great effort was put in to attention to detail. In this film, everything is where it is for a reason. The story is wonderful. I believe that it is something everybody can relate to. Building up an emotional wall to attempt to combat the horrible things that occur in all of our lives, and the trauma that comes with the building of this wall. There is so much more to it than that though. So many references, so much deep symbolism in every scene. Some anti-war, anti-establishment undertones. On top of all of this, the DVD is wonderfully put together. Every menu screen has been put together with a different pink floyd song and scene from the movie. There are many great features, including director commentarys and makings of, interviews, cut footage (the "Hey You" scene that was cut out of the film), original trailers, production stills. It is wonderful. This is a wonderful DVD to own in my opinion. I have had it for a while now, and I still have not finished going through everything that is on the DVD. You won't regret this purchase.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cynicism run amuck...
Review: It seems to me that Roger Waters has us all fooled, that this was actually a parody of the highest order. If you watch the interview with him on the bonus materials on the DVD, you can almost see him smile when he discusses the inspiration for this film. It's a film that we read into it what we will. To a small degree, it is autobiographical (most everyone knows about the incident when he spit on a fan during the Animals tour).

Taking that as a leaping off point, he takes the conclusion of the absurdity of the rock star life to its logical end. And it is brilliant. Pink Floyd was simply not the same after the breakup.

It is visually and viscerally stunning. I used to watch this over and over again and it seemed to tap into what I was feeling at the time and it provided comfort, a sense that someone else could relate to the isolation and loneliness I felt, even in the midst of people. I had to replace my vinyl record several times because I listened to it so much. The movie provides eye candy for the songs.

The plot is quite simple: Pink ('by the way, which one's Pink?') is a rock star whose about had enough of the excess and snaps, journeying into his brain way too far. We see the meltdown unfold and follow the transition to something much more frightening, gaining a vision of just how far human vanity can take us. The songs and the visuals form a cohesive whole.

Sure it's pretentious and takes itself too seriously at times - but isn't that the point? It works.

It's one of the darker takes on this life but it nails it brilliantly. You'll find that many of the scenes are bigger than the context of the film. Many of them could be related to events in the political or social sphere of then and today.

It's a bit dated, perhaps, or I've merely gotten older. But the extras on the DVD make it worthwhile, including the video for 'Hey You' featuring footage that didn't make it into the film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A work of Art
Review: My definition of a true work of art is something you can experience 100 times and get 100 differerent meanings from, Pink Floyd the Wall DVD or CD truely meets this criteria.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hard Hitting Classic Emotional Movie
Review: Okay,

I have read all the different reviews of this movie, and how it is a movie fraught between three different artist (Waters, Parker and Scarfe) who were trying to put forth thier art onto this movie individually (and sometimes together -waters/scarfe). This is a valid point, and you can (after being told to look for these things individually) find that some of the points made by these pundits to be somewhat on the mark.

There should be some note of the obvious... if you hire a person to direct, if you hire a person to write, and you hire an artist to make cartoons... they are, by virture of being artist themselves, portray the art as they see it.

Could be there were too many cooks in the kitchen, I am not sure.

ALL I KNOW is that I have always loved this movie since I first saw it as a teen ager, and I still repurchase it when my copy either gets destroyed/stolen/permanently 'borrowed'. It is a movie that has scenes that are captivating, and emotional and they all are acted out brilliantly.

That to me is what makes a good movie a good movie. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who appriciates good art. (and the music is excellent as well).

Have fun

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very well made musical film.
Review: Pink Floyd The Wall is in my eyes, a very good film. It is about a rock star who goes into a deep depression because of many hardships in his life, which makes him build a psychological "wall" between himself and reality. Based on the troubled lives of some of the band members of Pink Floyd, the rock band who scored and composed the music for this film. It is a uniquely made film using flashbacks to explain the troubled life of Pink (the main character), and some scenes which use very strange images (some animated) to symbolize some of the thoughts of the character. It is not at all a very happy movie, and in my opinion will greatly disturb some of its weaker viewers. But it is still a highly recommended film, especially for those who are fans of the band Pink Floyd, of whom I am very big fan, and for those who want to see a very unique style of film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982) d: Parker, Alan
Review: Pink Floyd's top selling album is brought to life by director Alan Parker in this visually astounding and very impressive epic picture. This musical is the story of a fictitious character named Pink (played by Boomtown Rats frontman, and Live Aid organizer Bob Geldof), a burned out rock star, tired from drugs and too much touring. Locked in a hotel room somewhere in L.A., the film shuffles time and space as we venture into Pink's painful memories, each one a 'brick' in the wall that he has gradually built around himself. He withdraws from the world around him, and creates his own trip. The film has little dialogue, and uses visual images with the accompaniment of Pink Floyd's music. The animation by Gerald Scarfe (who is featured on the commentary track along with Pink Floyd's singer Roger Waters), perfectly complements this film. The film is very dark and nihilistic, being more of a celebration of insanity, than not. If you are a fan of the band, then this jam packed disc is probably one of the best music DVD offerings on the market.

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