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Paul McCartney - Paul Is Live in Concert on the New World Tour (Jewel Case)

Paul McCartney - Paul Is Live in Concert on the New World Tour (Jewel Case)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's great...What else can I say?
Review: "Baby you can drive my car..." I wish I could drive your car, Paul!! I love Paul and this video brings out some of the greatest songs ever, like "Hope of Deliverence," "C'Mon People," "Drive My Car," and "Lady Madonna." The cleverly edited version of 3-4 different concerts doesn't bother me; I was impressed that they could edit it that well. What did distract me, however, was the frequent transition from black/white to color. Why would a 1993 concert tour even be filmed in black/white in the first place? Anyway, the music on this tape is wonderful, and remembers well what a great person McCartney really was.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: nice concert, but...
Review: ...the audio is EXTREMELY compressed. Not at all what you expect from DVD technology.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Another subpar video....Indifference or Ignorance... Paul?
Review: DVD concert videos played on high end supersound home theater systems becoming the rage. So why would anyone deliberately shoot 30% or more of a concert DVD in grainy black and white? PAUL MCCARTNEY IS LEAVING A LEGACY OF TERRIBLE CONCERT VIDEOS. His videos are textbook examples of how NOT to produce a concert video. (jumpy camera cuts, cheesy effects, interruptions of the show with interviews etc.) This one is no different. However, if you must own one McCartney dvd, this one might be the best choice because the music is not interrupted with stupid skits and juvenile backstage antics. "Back in the US 2002" is so poorly produced it is unwatchable. The garden hose and the gorilla scene at the zoo was an abomination. Put that garbage in the "extras" section of the DVD. This is really sad, because Paul and the band gave a fantastic performance.

A good concert video has great sound, steady camera work, perhaps a few well timed fades, absolutely no interruptions or black & white and gives the viewer the feeling of "being there". What a joy it would be if Paul would re-release the "Back in the US" properly produced.... It would be the DVD of the decade! But, something tells me that he is uninformed or he just doesn't care. Too Bad.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Dud Editor
Review: For someone who missed this concert tour I was really looking forward to it's video release. The music goes without saying. The artist beyond question. Whoever was responsible for editing this video release should honestly be lined up and shot. They must have a severe case of attention deficit disorder.Or anxiety attacks. As per almost every other review of this AND Paul's Get Back Video/DVD this and the aforementioned release would have to rate as the most poorly produced concert videos of all time. Such a pity, because the performances judging by the sound were great. The producer/editor obviously has no feel whatsoever for video production. The most rudimentary home video enthusiast would have shot a better video. Every few seconds the performers are cut/changed/shot from a different angle. This person/persons must have a very confused mind!! I would love to see these concert videos re-produced again, as they captured a unique period in Paul's career, where he replayed some of his classic Beatles stuff 20 years or so after the event, with a lot of feeling. His band played the notes to a tee. What a tragedy the editors/producers had no idea. Next best would be to bring out Rock Show on DVD. At least the the producers of THAT show knew how to shoot film.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Can some please tell studios how to make a concert film!?
Review: Here's the deal. When we buy a concert video we want to be at the concert. That is, some close ups, some long shots, and awesome surround sound. For the ultimate DVD, let the viewer choose what band member to watch with the "angle" button.

We do not want quick takes, with fast cuts, and for goodness sake, no "artsy" camera work. And while you're at it, why don't you focus on the act on stage, NOT THE AUDIENCE!!

This video suffers from mtv-syndrome. super fast cuts, that prevent you from seeing what's going on, and the oft-mentioned, documentary / archival grainy b&w footage.

Further, whoever directed this video seemed more interested in the audience reactions than what's going on onstage.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Can some please tell studios how to make a concert film!?
Review: Here's the deal. When we buy a concert video we want to be at the concert. That is, some close ups, some long shots, and awesome surround sound. For the ultimate DVD, let the viewer choose what band member to watch with the "angle" button.

We do not want quick takes, with fast cuts, and for goodness sake, no "artsy" camera work. And while you're at it, why don't you focus on the act on stage, NOT THE AUDIENCE!!

This video suffers from mtv-syndrome. super fast cuts, that prevent you from seeing what's going on, and the oft-mentioned, documentary / archival grainy b&w footage.

Further, whoever directed this video seemed more interested in the audience reactions than what's going on onstage.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: paul mccartney - paul is live in concert
Review: I bought this DVD not one but two times - I figured I must
have got a bad disc the first time. Two discs later (and trying both in two DVD players) I discover this is how horrible the DVD sounds!
I would not have believed that a release of this extreme low standard of sound and visual would be marketed. It is difficult to listen to as the audio is up and down throughout.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Paul McCartney - Paul Is Live In Concert - DVD
Review: I don't have any of the audio problems some of the other reviewers describe (but I am only half way through watching it). But what a waste of money the purchase of this DVD was. If the editing was meant to be "artful" then the verdict has to be: Misguided, complete failure. The jumpy cutting, the switching from b&w to color, the insertions of irrelevant images make this DVD unwatchable. If you are a Paul McCartney fan: Stay away from this DVD, save your money!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Good concert but a badly produced video of it.
Review: I remember going to see this eccellent concert in 1993 and unfortunately this very badly produced video does not do it justice.
In the first song "Drive My Car" which lasts only 2 minutes and 16 seconds,the picture jumps from colour to black and white and back 38 times and shows a car on a highway another 8 times.
And that's just the first song!
Somewere in all this mess Paul is singing.
This bad producing goes on all through the twenty two song concert and ruins it for viewers.
The music is good but the video is terrible and producers Stewart J Swartz and James Clark deserve criticism for this video,the worst production job that I have ever seen.
Someone should tell them the old saying "keep it simple stupid".

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Bad video of a great performance
Review: I saw the concert in Charlotte on TV some 10 years ago, and recorded it on VCR. The concert was (I believe) a part of 1993 tour. The performance was absolutely great, and there was not much operator's work - we just saw Paul on stage singing and joking with the audience.

When buyiing this cassette I wanted to get better quality version of that concert, or something similar.

The video proved to be a big disappointment. They show song after song without any chat between. They show videoclip-style kaleidoscope of recordings made at different concert stages during the show. The length of fragments is so short (I think 2 to 3 sec) that you can't even see Paul or his musicians well. So during one song Paul "changes" his clothes 20 times. Weird!

They apparently tried to make the video look like it was produced in 60's or early 70's, so most of the time you see Paul either in poor quality black and white on artificially worn and scratched film, or on the background of bright spotlights. They also show a lot of audience, much more than needed to my personal taste. Worse, you can't tell if this audience was shot on Pauls show or somewhere else because you never see the public and the stage in one shot - they are completely isolated.

Overall, the atmosphere is completely gone.

On the other hand, the songs selection is good, and, as I mentioned, the performance is great. If I were to write a review to the "Paul is live" CD, that I also own, I would give it 5 stars, but for this video - only 3.

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